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【财经】中国地方政府总债务达10.7万亿人民币  Scale of local debts in China laid bare   2011-06-28
【政治】温家宝访英签署14亿英镑贸易协议  China signs £1.4bn in UK trade deals   2011-06-28
【法律】阿富汗央行行长逃亡美国  Governor of Afghan central bank flees   2011-06-28
【娱乐】出轨会遗传?研究发现有其父必有其子  Like father, like son: Men more likely to cheat on wives if their fathers were u   2011-06-28
【综合】俄罗斯年轻人为何离开祖国?  Why Are They Leaving?   2011-06-28
【综合】日本拟彻底重建海啸灾区  Japan to transform areas hit by  tsunami   2011-06-27
【财经】中国叫停空客巨额订单  China blocks billion-dollar Airbus order   2011-06-27
【财经】BIS:全球经济增长必须放缓  Economic growth must slow, warns BIS   2011-06-27
【医疗】研究:城市人压力更大 更易患抑郁症  A rural life is better: Living in a concrete jungle is stressful and make you vu   2011-06-27
【娱乐】好莱坞上演“维基解密”争夺战  Journalists cash in as Hollywood scrambles for WikiLeaks rights   2011-06-27
【娱乐】杰克逊《颤栗》夹克拍卖 成交价180万美元  Michael Jackson Thriller jacket sells for $1.8 million   2011-06-27
【法律】潜逃15年 美国黑老大落网记  Cash In The Walls, Pistols In The Books   2011-06-25
【政治】温家宝称中国成功遏制通胀  Chinese premier Wen hails inflation success   2011-06-24
【财经】香港将推出人民币兑美元每日基准价格  HK to start daily renminbi benchmark   2011-06-24
【资讯】哈利•波特将出版电子书  Harry Potter issues digital challenge to foes   2011-06-24
【财经】西方动用储备致油价大跌  Oil price tumbles by 7%   2011-06-24
【财经】欧盟银行面对压力测试最后期限  Banks face deadline for EU-wide stress tests on risk of bond losses   2011-06-24
【军事】美国情报称卡扎菲可能要逃离的黎波里  US Says Gadhafi Might Flee Tripoli   2011-06-24
【政治】叙难民涌入土耳其,克林顿呼吁叙军后撤  Turkey Says 1,500 Syrians Fled Across Its Border in One Day   2011-06-24
【政治】联合国派员评估也门人权状况  UN to Assess Human Rights in Yemen   2011-06-24

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