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【财经】中国需要一场信贷紧缩  China Needs a Credit Crunch   2011-07-02

【法律】台湾检方对李登辉提起公诉  Taiwan ex-president indicted for graft   2011-07-01

【法律】奚国华出任中国移动集团党组书记  China Mobile changes party guard   2011-07-01

【财经】玉米期货价格创15年最大跌幅  US corn futures  hit by bumper planting   2011-07-01

【政治】美国财长盖特纳考虑辞职  Geithner Weighs Leaving Treasury Post   2011-07-01

【社会】大阪夜生活:平易近人的欢愉体验  After Hours in Osaka: A Taste of Hospitality   2011-07-01
  Osaka has a style and charisma unlike anywhere else in Japan. The country's third-largest city can't compete with Tokyo for scale; it doesn't have the capital's vast range of bars, clubs and restaurants. And nearby Kyoto, with its famously quaint temples, gardens and tea houses, beats it for classic Japanese charm.

【财经】华润2.4亿美元收购内蒙古水泥企业  Deal of the day: Goldman sells $242m Inner Mongolia cement company stake   2011-07-01

【政治】希腊紧缩方案获议会第二轮投票通过  Papandreou wins second crucial vote   2011-07-01

【娱乐】中年女性度假时买衣服花费最多  Women spend more on holiday outfits than trip   2011-07-01

【政治】金正日突然取消访俄行程  Russian Paper Cites Security Concerns For Canceled Kim Summit   2011-07-01

【法律】美中情局拘押人员死亡受调查  US Justice Department to Investigate Deaths of CIA   2011-07-01

【财经】斯里兰卡批准人民币跨境银行交易  Sri Lanka backs renminbi bank deals   2011-06-30

【财经】奥巴马敦促国会提高债务上限  Obama warns of ‘headwinds’ if Congress fails to lift debt ceiling   2011-06-30

【政治】希腊议会通过财政紧缩计划  Greece steps back from  brink of default   2011-06-30

【财经】中国允许地方政府发债支持保障房建设  Bonds to plug gap in Chinese affordable housing   2011-06-29

【科技】挑战Facebook:谷歌推出新社交网络服务  Google takes on Facebook with new social networking service   2011-06-29

【政治】温家宝访德期间中德达成多项协议  Sino-German green push launched   2011-06-29

【财经】中国招标开发页岩气区块  China joins shale gas quest   2011-06-29

【政治】缅甸勒令昂山素季的党停止政治活动  Burma Orders Aung San Suu Kyi's Party to Halt Political Activity   2011-06-29

【政治】美国务卿:美俄希望发展持久双边关系  Clinton: US, Russia Want to Develop Lasting Relationship   2011-06-29

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