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【政治】中国到底想要什么?  Working out what China wants   2011-07-07

【科技】科学家预测人类将能活到1000岁  Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured   2011-07-07

【法律】默多克称旗下媒体涉嫌窃听“令人愤慨”  Murdoch denounces alleged phone-hacking at UK tabloid   2011-07-07
  Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp, denounced the alleged phone hacking at one of his British tabloid newspapers as “deplorable and unacceptable” as investors took fright at the reputational damage being inflicted on the global media group.
  新闻集团(News Corp)董事长鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)表示,集团旗下一家英国小报被指进行的电话窃听是“令人愤慨和不可接受的”。目前投资者对这家全球媒体集团遭受的名誉损害感到不安。

【财经】中国神华获得蒙古煤田部分开采权  Chinese miner wins lion’s share of Mongolian coking coal project   2011-07-06

【财经】世贸组织裁定中国限制原材料出口违规  WTO ruling to hit China’s raw material export restrictions   2011-07-06

【娱乐】强震引发婚姻思考 日本流行“离婚典礼”  Divorce ceremonies pick up in Japan after disaster   2011-07-06

【资讯】英1/3父母担心网络会“改装”大脑  Four in five parents fear their children 'will become Facebook addicts'   2011-07-06

【财经】中国需求令坚果价格急剧上升  China goes nuts for cashews   2011-07-06

【政治】泰国当选总理英拉宣布成立多党联盟  Thai five-party coalition strengthens Yingluck Shinawatra’s grip on power   2011-07-05

【综合】微软与百度达成英文搜索协议  Microsoft strikes search deal with Baidu   2011-07-05

【财经】美国大企业时兴分拆  Rise in spin-offs as groups focus on valuation   2011-07-05

【娱乐】摩纳哥亲王大婚 迎娶南非“美人鱼”  Crowds cheer Monaco's Prince Albert and new bride   2011-07-05

【财经】中国需要更明智地花钱  China’s old bad banks run a whole new set of risks   2011-07-05

【政治】他信妹妹英拉将成为泰国首位女总理  Victory for Thai opposition   2011-07-04

【财经】日本首相热门人选呼吁退出核电  Japan PM contender says ditch nuclear power   2011-07-04

【财经】民调:法国人对卡恩参选总统存在分歧  France  split  over  Strauss-Kahn  return   2011-07-04

【娱乐】甄子丹:行走于电影江湖的大侠  Donnie Yen: The Last Action Hero   2011-07-04

【财经】印度IPO市场降温  Market for Indian IPOs tumbles   2011-07-04

【财经】怎样做空中国  China Bears Have Tools, Need Patience   2011-07-04

【综合】缅甸昂山素季7年来首次离家外出  Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi Travels to Temple City   2011-07-04

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