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【娱乐】魅力指数相近的人会互相吸引  Opposites attract? Apparently not, according to study   2011-07-12
【法律】阿富汗总统同父异母兄弟遇刺  Half-Brother of Afghan President Karzai Assassinated   2011-07-12
【政治】美国说阿萨德“失去合法性”  US Says Syrian President Has “Lost Legitimacy”   2011-07-12
【财经】中国6月贸易数据显示经济放缓  Trade data show China economy slowing   2011-07-11
【财经】欧元区拟让希腊违约部分债券  Strategy on Greek bail-out set to shift   2011-07-11
【娱乐】《鸡排英雄》“登陆”  Film diplomacy: improving China-Taiwan relations one slapstick gag at a time   2011-07-11
【综合】分析:中国通胀压力开始减轻?  China inflation hits three-year high   2011-07-11
【综合】研究:女司机更容易出车祸  Women drivers ARE more dangerous behind the wheel   2011-07-11
【娱乐】维多利亚产女 小贝喜得千金  Victoria Beckham gives birth to girl   2011-07-11
【法律】道琼斯CEO卷入《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻  Focus on ex-lieutenant as Murdoch arrives to take charge of hacking crisis   2011-07-11
【教育】瑞典大臣提议在中小学开设中文课  Sweden eyes Chinese lessons in schools   2011-07-09
【法律】卡梅伦前助理电话窃听丑闻被捕  Former Cameron Aide Arrested in British Hacking Scandal   2011-07-09
【财经】欧洲央行今年第二次加息  ECB raises interest rates to 1.5%   2011-07-08
【财经】各国央行从BIS提取大量黄金  Central banks pull most gold bullion in a decade from BIS   2011-07-08
【资讯】默多克将关闭《世界新闻报》  Phone scandal paper axed   2011-07-08
【科技】恶劣天气影响美国最后一次航天飞机发射  Last Liftoff Set, If Weather Allows   2011-07-08
【政治】谁将成为俄罗斯下一任总统?  Sparring Partners   2011-07-08
【财经】中国粮食需求数据亟待透明化  Can G20 Separate Wheat from Chaff with China Food Data?   2011-07-08
【财经】中国央行再度加息  China  raises  rates  again amid  signs of slowdown   2011-07-07
【法律】美国监管机构希望实地检查中国审计机构  SEC in China audit deal push   2011-07-07

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