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【财经】美国仍未就提高债务上限达成协议  Markets warning over debt   2011-07-25

【财经】中俄对西伯利亚天然气价格仍存分歧  Russia and China haggle over price of gas   2011-07-25

【军事】美国与印尼宣布加快军事合作  US, Indonesia Announce Stepped Up Military Cooperation   2011-07-25

【财经】诺基亚痛失全球智能手机老大地位  Apple overtakes Nokia in smartphone stakes   2011-07-23

【综合】今年十月底全球人口将达70亿  Population to hit 7bn by the end of October with five babies born every second   2011-07-23

【娱乐】半数女性讨厌看自己的照片  Camera shy: Half of women 'hate' looking at themselves in photographs   2011-07-23

【法律】挪威遭遇双重恐怖袭击  Twin terror attacks kill 91 in Norway   2011-07-23

【财经】中国制造业滑向收缩边缘  Chinese manufacturing set to contract   2011-07-22

【财经】国际能源署决定不再释放战略石油储备  IEA decides against fresh oil release   2011-07-22

【财经】欧洲领导人就进一步纾困希腊达成协议  EU leaders agree new Greek bail-out   2011-07-22

【综合】朝韩举行核问题直接会谈  North, South Korea Hold Direct Nuclear Talks   2011-07-22

【综合】中国巴士起火41人死亡41  Dead in China Bus Fire   2011-07-22

【政治】中国呼吁美国“尊重和维护投资者利益”  China calls on US to ‘protect investors’   2011-07-21
  China has called on Washington to bolster international faith in its economic policies amid signs that Beijing has cut its purchases of US government debt.

【法律】“窃听门”牵累伦敦警察厅总监  Police chief testifies on PR office staffing   2011-07-21
  The Metropolitan Police commissioner who resigned at the weekend over Scotland Yard’s links with News of the World has told a committee of MPs that almost a quarter of the Met’s public affairs office is staffed by journalists who had previously worked at the tabloid’s parent company.
  上周末辞职的伦敦警察厅(Metropolitan Police)总监保罗•斯蒂芬森爵士(Sir Paul Stephenson)在议会委员会上作证时表示,伦敦警察厅公共事务部门近四分之一的员工都是过去曾在《世界新闻报》(News of the World)母公司——新闻国际(News International)工作过的记者。保罗爵士因伦敦警察厅与该英国小报的关联而辞职。

【财经】欧盟将要求银行业筹资4600亿欧元  Brussels wants banks to raise €460bn capital   2011-07-21
  European Union rules designed to make the financial system safer would require banks operating in Europe to raise an estimated €460bn ($654bn) in capital by 2019 or reduce their risk and balance sheets substantially.
  旨在提高金融体系安全性的欧盟(EU)规定,将要求在欧洲设有业务的银行在2019年之前总共筹资约4600亿欧元 (合6540亿美元)或大幅降低其风险和缩减资产负债表。

【财经】中海油21亿美元收购加拿大破产油砂企业  Cnooc to acquire Opti Canada for $2.1bn   2011-07-21
  China’s state-owned Cnooc has agreed to acquire Opti Canada, a bankrupt Calgary-based oil sands producer, for $2.1bn, including debt, underscoring the growing role of Chinese companies in the Alberta industry.
  中国国有企业中海油(Cnooc)已同意以21亿美元(包括债务),收购总部位于卡尔加里的破产油砂生产商Opti Canada,这突显出中国企业在加拿大阿尔伯塔省石油行业的角色越来越重要。

【娱乐】20世纪福克斯将把电影推上Android系统  20th Century Fox set to launch its movies on Android platform   2011-07-21

【财经】IMF:人民币升值影响有限  Renminbi appreciation benefits limited, IMF says   2011-07-21

【综合】亚特兰蒂斯号完成航天飞机最后着陆  Atlantis Completes Final Landing of Shuttle Era   2011-07-21

【军事】美国参议员警告中国勿在南海冒险  US senators warn Beijing on S China Sea   2011-07-20
  Two senior US senators have warned China that recent clashes with its neighbours in the South China Sea could jeopardise US “national interests” in the region, in comments likely to rankle Beijing.

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