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【政治】中国说美“双肩包”大使骆家辉任重道远  China Warns Backpacker US Ambassador of Heavy Burden Ahead   2011-08-15

【军事】巴允许中国接触美隐形直升机残骸  Reports: Pakistan Let China See Downed US   2011-08-15

【财经】美银减持建行H股受阻  BofA faces difficulty over CCB stake sale   2011-08-13

【财经】外管局在慕尼黑再保险持股逾3%  China’s Safe one of top Munich Re shareholders   2011-08-13

【财经】人民币兑美元升破6.4引关注  Renminbi’s surge raises questions on Beijing stance(By Robert Cookson )   2011-08-12

【综合】中国暂停审批新高铁项目  High-speed rail sees fortunes decline in China(By Simon Rabinovitch )   2011-08-12

【政治】欧洲考虑出台卖空禁令  Europe eyes short-selling ban   2011-08-12

【财经】美国股市周五晨间交易上涨  US Stocks Advance in Early Trading Friday   2011-08-12

【财经】美7月零售销售出现四个月来最大涨幅  US Retail Sales Advance Most in Four Months   2011-08-12

【军事】中国首艘航母出海试航  China’s first aircraft carrier takes to sea(By Kathrin Hille )   2011-08-11

【财经】如何应对经济长期低迷?(作者:约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨)  How to make the best of the long malaise(By Joseph Stiglitz )   2011-08-11

【财经】中国停产部分高速列车  China applies brakes to high-speed rail(By Simon Rabinovitch )   2011-08-11

【政治】卡梅伦:“不排除任何手段”应对骚乱  Cameron praises police fightback   2011-08-11

【军事】朝鲜韩国火炮交火后相互指责  Verbal Sparring Between Koreas Follows Artillery Exchange   2011-08-11

【政治】伦敦骚乱蔓延至英格兰其它城市  Trouble spreads to English cities(By Andrew Bounds )   2011-08-10

【财经】分析:港股暴跌为哪般?  Hong Kong’s Hang Seng: the diver(By Sarah Mishkin )   2011-08-10

【财经】美联储宣布维持超低利率至2013年  Fed stance pares back equities recovery(By Telis Demos )   2011-08-10

【财经】中国7月贸易顺差跃升至315亿美元  China trade surplus jumps to $31.5bn(By Simon Rabinovitch )   2011-08-10

【军事】韩国说朝韩在边境附近互射炮火  South Korea Reports Artillery Exchange With North Near Border Island   2011-08-10

【政治】英国骚乱蔓延  Rioting in Britain Spreads   2011-08-10

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