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【财经】中国光明食品收购澳洲同行多数股权  Bright takes 75% stake in Manassen   2011-08-19

【政治】俄罗斯纪念导致苏联解体的91年政变  Russia Marks 1991 'Coup' That Led to USSR Breakup   2011-08-19

【资讯】中国央视揭露百度营销“真相”  China state broadcaster turns on Baidu ahead of search launch   2011-08-18

【财经】中国财政部在港发行200亿人民币债券  China in record renminbi bond sale   2011-08-18

【资讯】中国微博用户挑战“辟谣联盟”  Microblogs challenge China’s ‘rumour buster’ (By Kathrin Hille )   2011-08-18

【军事】为凑经费 英国防部廉价甩卖直升机、航母  Cash-strapped MoD sell off goods at knockdown prices   2011-08-18

【政治】戈尔巴乔夫抨击俄执政党  Gorbachev hits at Putin’s party   2011-08-18

【综合】奥巴马将提议削减赤字超1万5千亿美元  Obama to Propose Deficit Cuts of More Than 1.5 Trillion   2011-08-18

【政治】印度政府打压民众反腐败抗议  India clamps down on anti-graft protests   2011-08-17

【财经】德法誓言支持欧元  Merkel and Sarkozy pledge to back euro   2011-08-17

【财经】中信证券将赴港上市  Citic arm set for HK listing   2011-08-17

【娱乐】欧洲调查:英国人干得最多 休假最少  English are 'hardest working nation in Europe' and take the fewest paid and publ   2011-08-17

【综合】中国评级机构可信度遭质疑  Chinese rating agency’s credibility criticised   2011-08-16

【财经】欧央行动用220亿欧元购买国债  ECB spent €22bn to keep Italian and Spanish bond yields in check   2011-08-16

【资讯】谷歌斥巨资收购摩托罗拉移动  Google in $12.5bn Motorola phone deal   2011-08-16

【娱乐】研究发现富人更自私  Why the rich 'are such a selfish, less empathetic and less altruistic lot'   2011-08-16

【综合】奥巴马中西部巴士之旅推动经济政策  Obama Pushes Economic Policy on Midwest Bus Tour   2011-08-16

【军事】“中国获准接触美军隐形直升机残骸”  Pakistan let Chinese see secret US aircraft   2011-08-15

【财经】中国决定大连PX项目停产搬迁  Protest closes factory in China   2011-08-15

【财经】分析:美国制造业准备“过冬”  Industrials in US prepare for risk of double dip   2011-08-15

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