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【娱乐】拜登吃面:汇率角力新攻略? Biden’s noodles: the latest salvo in the currency wars? 2011-08-24 | |
When Joe Biden went for a quick bite to eat at a local Beijing noodle joint last week, it looked like textbook diplomatic PR. Joe and ambassador Gary Locke just wanted to show how ordinary government officials can be.
美国副总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)上周在北京当地一家面馆随意品尝了些东西,这看上去就像教科书式的外交公关活动。拜登和美国驻华大使骆家辉(Gary Locke)只是想展示一下,政府官员可以是多么普通的人。 | |
【军事】反对派占领卡扎菲住所 Rebels Overrun Gadhafi Compound 2011-08-24 | |
Libyans poured into streets around Moammar Gadhafi's fortress-like compound in Tripoli on Tuesday, after rebels captured it following fierce street battles against forces loyal to the longtime ruler.
周二,在的黎波里卡扎菲(Moammar Gadhafi)固若堡垒的住所周围,利比亚民众涌上街头,此前反对派在与效忠卡扎菲的武装势力展开激烈巷战后占领了卡扎菲的住所。 | |
【科技】虚拟空间让人更友善? Learning to Be Nicer Online 2011-08-24 | |
In the flurry of messages college students post on one another's Facebook pages, social scientists see something larger at work: Time spent online may be helping people learn to be more empathetic and make more friends in real life.
从大学生们在彼此的Facebook网页上发表的海量帖子中,社会学家们看到了一种重要现象:网上花费的时间可以帮助人们学会在现实生活中更懂得换位思考,交更多的朋友。 | |
【政治】拜登感谢美国军人参加日本震后救援 Biden Thanks US Forces for Their Japanese Relief Efforts 2011-08-24 | |
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【财经】中国建行拟在香港完成大部分融资 CCB eyes Hong Kong for bulk of $12.5bn fundraising move 2011-08-23 | |
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【财经】中远“租船费率调整”引发市场关切 Cosco’s market processes lead to concerns 2011-08-23 | |
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【财经】利比亚战局推动油价下跌 Oil prices fall 2011-08-23 | |
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【政治】利比亚进入“历史性时刻” Rebels fight to control Tripoli 2011-08-23 | |
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【政治】联合国人权理事会下令调查叙利亚暴力 UN Rights Council Orders Probe of Syrian Violence 2011-08-23 | |
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【军事】菲律宾把新购军舰部署在南中国海 Philippines Takes Delivery of Ex-US Warship 2011-08-23 | |
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【政治】卡扎菲政权土崩瓦解 Gaddafi regime collapsing 2011-08-22 | |
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【综合】洪博培批评其他共和党总统候选人 President hopeful says rivals have ‘zero substance’ 2011-08-22 | |
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【科技】杨元庆:联想看重平板电脑市场 Lenovo to throw down iPad gauntlet 2011-08-22 | |
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【政治】奥巴马呼吁卡扎菲彻底放弃政权 Obama: Time for Gadhafi to Relinquish Power 2011-08-22 | |
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【综合】西方国家联合呼吁阿萨德下台 West unites in calls for Assad to step down as US imposes sanctions on Syria’s 2011-08-20 | |
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【财经】查韦斯下令将黄金储备“运回家” Chávez orders return of 211 tonnes of gold 2011-08-20 | |
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【财经】苹果在华销售额首超联想 Apple surpasses Lenovo in China 2011-08-20 | |
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【财经】经济走软忧虑加重 全球股市再度下跌 Global Stocks Drop Again on Economy Fears 2011-08-20 | |
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【政治】美国副总统拜登访华强调经济合作 Biden visit aims to assure China on US economy 2011-08-19 | |
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【财经】土豆网在美上市次日股价大跌 Tudou declines sharply again on second day of trading 2011-08-19 | |
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