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【军事】印度军官担忧中印军力差距  India officers fear China ‘gap’   2011-09-06
【财经】欧元波动瑞士央行出面限制其货币升值  Swiss Central Bank Takes Steps to Protect Exporters Interest   2011-09-06
【政治】冰岛总统欢迎中国投资  Iceland’s president welcomes Chinese interest   2011-09-05
【政治】英国与卡扎菲政府联系受到质疑  UK pressed on Gaddafi links   2011-09-05
【财经】希腊财长面临新压力  Greece’s finance minister under fire   2011-09-05
【财经】美银减持建行股份 中资机构成最大买家  Chinese consortium snapped up bulk of CCB stake sold by BofA   2011-09-05
【综合】中国媒体批美国石油公司泄漏事故处理  Chinese State Media Blast US Firm Over Oil Leak   2011-09-05
【军事】亲卡扎菲军车队驶向尼日尔首都  Pro-Gadhafi Convoy Heads Toward Niger Capital   2011-09-05
【财经】中国力求实现经济软着陆  Chinese strive to secure soft landing   2011-09-02
【财经】全球制造业复苏停滞  Hopes for global recovery take a hit   2011-09-02
【财经】卖空者纷纷看空美国股市  Hopes for Short sellers pile on bearish US bets   2011-09-02
【政治】美国八月份就业增长停滞  US Job Growth Stalls   2011-09-02
【财经】美国大银行因出售问题证券面临政府起诉  US Banks Face Lawsuits Over Risky Mortgages   2011-09-02
【综合】9•11事件被劫持飞机残骸在华盛顿展出  New exhibit shows artifacts from the 9/11 terrorist attacks   2011-09-02
【娱乐】好莱坞明星被黑客盯上 私人电话和裸照遭曝光  The hackers now wreaking havoc in Hollywood   2011-09-02
【军事】中印军舰南海正面遭遇  China confronts Indian navy vessel   2011-09-01
【财经】日本强力遏制日元升值  Tokyo spent record sum in effort to stem yen’s advance   2011-09-01
【财经】美银减持手中半数中国建行股份  BofA to raise $8.3bn from CCB deal   2011-08-31
【综合】新浪入股土豆  Sina and Tudou look for strength through co-operation   2011-08-31
【综合】潘基文将出访太平洋四国  UN Chief to Embark on Pacific Region Mission   2011-08-31

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