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【财经】中国8月CPI同比上涨6.2%  Chinese inflation falls in August to 6.2%   2011-09-09

【军事】卡扎菲政权被曝卖黄金筹军费  Gaddafi regime sold $1bn of gold, central bank says   2011-09-09

【综合】恐怖袭击警报再临纽约  US receives credible threat warning on 9/11 anniversary   2011-09-09

【军事】国际刑警对卡扎菲发出通缉令  Interpol Issues Arrest Warrant For Gadhafi   2011-09-09

【财经】奥巴马提4500亿美元就业计划  President Obama Outlines 450 Billion Jobs Plan   2011-09-09

【资讯】中国更新谷歌中国网站牌照  China renews Google’s website licence   2011-09-08

【财经】预期中国将支持英国开展人民币交易  China set to back UK renminbi trading   2011-09-08

【财经】中国总理要求彻查蓬莱漏油事故  China calls for new probe on oil spill   2011-09-08

【综合】潘基文警告阿萨德尽快政改否则来不及  UN Chief: Syria Ignores Repeated Calls to End Violence   2011-09-08

【娱乐】越南夫妇结婚82载有望破吉尼斯纪录  Vietnamese Couple Bids For Record Book with 82-Year Marriage   2011-09-08

【财经】香港楼市继续呈现降温迹象  HK residential land auction disappoints   2011-09-07

【财经】意大利上调增值税率加大紧缩力度  Italy raises VAT to bolster austerity budget   2011-09-07

【资讯】雅虎解除巴茨CEO职务  Bartz ousted as Yahoo chief executive   2011-09-07

【综合】奥巴马将与国会博弈促就业计划  Obama’s biggest test is to strike deal on jobs plan   2011-09-07

【财经】俄罗斯首次绕过乌克兰向西欧供气  Pipeline helps Russia tighten grip on Europe’s lucrative gas markets   2011-09-07

【综合】最新全球竞争力排行美国降至第五  US Falls, China Gains in Competitive Economies List   2011-09-07

【财经】中国责令康菲石油漏油油田停产  China orders ConocoPhillips field shutdown   2011-09-06

【军事】卡扎菲政权曾派人来华接洽军售  China confirms Libya arms sale talks   2011-09-06

【财经】利比亚石油产量恢复至战前水平须待明年  Libya’s new oil chief says output will not recover until late next year   2011-09-06

【科技】警告!太空垃圾数量已达“临界点”  Space junk reaching 'tipping point,' report warns   2011-09-06

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