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【财经】奥巴马说中国在操纵汇率  Obama Says China Is Manipulating Its Currency   2011-10-07
【综合】中国网民悼念乔布斯  Netizens Respond to Steve Jobs's Death   2011-10-06
【综合】奥巴马发表悼词纪念乔布斯  President Obama On Passing Of Steve Jobs   2011-10-06
【综合】苹果公司创始人乔布斯去世  Apple's Co-Founder Steve Jobs Is Dead   2011-10-06
【综合】全球苹果粉丝:我们会怀念你史蒂夫  Jobs Fans React: 'We Will Miss You Steve'   2011-10-06
【财经】美参院推涉华法案 降低惩罚中国门槛  Bill Targeting Yuan's Value Moves Forward in US Senate   2011-10-04
【科技】诺贝尔医学奖授予三位免疫学专家  Nobel For Immunity Research   2011-10-04
【政治】华尔街抗议活动蔓延至全美多个城市  Wall Street Protest Spreads   2011-10-03
【财经】中国高铁真是“中国制造”?  China Bullet Trains Trip On Technology   2011-10-03
【医疗】调查:年轻人身体更差 更爱请病假  Younger people twice as likely to call in sick   2011-10-03
【科技】未来汽车之路  Mapping Out the Future of Cars   2011-10-01
【财经】中国股票市盈率跌至创纪录低位  Shanghai cheap versus earnings   2011-09-30
【财经】中国楼市繁荣走向低迷?  Chinese property boom starts to wobble   2011-09-30
【科技】世界最快电梯:日本造、中国用  World's Fastest Elevator: In China, but Made in Japan   2011-09-30
【军事】美国陆军上将马丁·登普西就任参谋长联席会议主席  Veteran US Army General to Become New Joint Chiefs Chairman   2011-09-30
【综合】第二届孔子和平奖被叫停  China: Confucius confusion   2011-09-30
【军事】中国警告邻国勿借美国军力“为所欲为”  China warns against curbing its rise   2011-09-29
【科技】亚马逊推出低价平板电脑叫板iPad  Amazon launches challenge to iPad with low-price Kindle Fire tablet   2011-09-29
【财经】美国会拟立法惩罚中国操纵汇率  US Senate to vote on China tariffs   2011-09-29
【科技】中国发射“天宫一号”,瞄准空间站  China Launches Spacecraft, Eyes Space Station   2011-09-29

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