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【财经】奥巴马说中国在操纵汇率 Obama Says China Is Manipulating Its Currency 2011-10-07 | |
President Barack Obama on Thursday said China is manipulating its currency but expressed concerns that a pending Senate bill to penalize the Chinese may not be the most effective U.S. response.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周四说中国在操纵人民币汇率,但同时表示,参议院的惩罚中国法案可能并不是美国最有效的回应方式。 | |
【综合】中国网民悼念乔布斯 Netizens Respond to Steve Jobs's Death 2011-10-06 | |
News of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs's death began to spread on Sina Weibo, China's popular Twitter-like microblogging service, almost immediately after it was confirmed on Apple's website.
苹果公司联合创始人乔布斯去世,这个消息几乎是在得到苹果网站证实的同时,就开始在中国高人气的新浪微博上流传开来。 | |
【综合】奥巴马发表悼词纪念乔布斯 President Obama On Passing Of Steve Jobs 2011-10-06 | |
President Barack Obama said Wednesday evening that he was saddened to hear of the death of Apple Inc.’s Steve Jobs.
美国总统奥巴马当地时间周三晚间就苹果公司创始人乔布斯去世发表悼词声明。 | |
【综合】苹果公司创始人乔布斯去世 Apple's Co-Founder Steve Jobs Is Dead 2011-10-06 | |
Steven P. Jobs, the Apple Inc. (AAPL) chairman and co-founder who pioneered the personal computer industry and changed the way people think about technology, died Wednesday.
苹果公司(Apple Inc.)董事长、公司创始人之一乔布斯(Steven P. Jobs)于周三去世。他是个人电脑行业的先驱,改变了人们对科技的思考方式。 | |
【综合】全球苹果粉丝:我们会怀念你史蒂夫 Jobs Fans React: 'We Will Miss You Steve' 2011-10-06 | |
As news of the death of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs spread, Apple fans began gathering at the company's headquarters and chain of stores world-wide to express their condolences.
当苹果公司联合创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)去世的消息传开后,苹果的粉丝们开始在该公司总部门外以及苹果在世界各地的连锁店前聚集,表达他们的哀悼之情。 | |
【财经】美参院推涉华法案 降低惩罚中国门槛 Bill Targeting Yuan's Value Moves Forward in US Senate 2011-10-04 | |
The U.S. Senate voted Monday to move ahead with a bill that would punish China for keeping the value of its currency low, a measure that lets lawmakers deflect some of the blame for the sour U.S. economy on another country.
美国参议院周一投票同意推进一项法案,该法案将因人为压低人民币汇率而惩罚中国。国会议员们通过此举能将外界对美国经济萧条的部分指责转嫁给另一个国家。 | |
【科技】诺贝尔医学奖授予三位免疫学专家 Nobel For Immunity Research 2011-10-04 | |
Three scientists shared the Nobel Prize in medicine Monday for breakthroughs into how the immune system works, just days after the death of one of the researchers, who had adapted his prize-winning insight to treat his own cancer.
三位科学家因其在免疫系统是如何运作的这一领域取得的突破性研究成果,周一分享了本年度的诺贝尔医学奖,其中一位科学家在获奖消息公布前几天刚刚去世,他生前曾用自己此次获得诺贝尔奖的研究成果来治疗自己的癌症。 | |
【政治】华尔街抗议活动蔓延至全美多个城市 Wall Street Protest Spreads 2011-10-03 | |
The anti-Wall Street protest in Lower Manhattan entered its third week with hundreds of arrests after the group blocked traffic Saturday on the Brooklyn Bridge, and budding copycat movements across the U.S. continued to stage smaller-scale protests, planning them online on social networking sites.
在曼哈顿下城举行的反华尔街抗议活动进入第三周。示威者上周六在布鲁克林大桥上阻断交通之后有数百人被捕。在全美各地涌现的类似运动则在继续组织规模较小的抗议活动,抗议者在社交网站上策划着这些活动。 | |
【财经】中国高铁真是“中国制造”? China Bullet Trains Trip On Technology 2011-10-03 | |
China celebrated its bullet trains as the home-grown pride of a nation: a rail system faster and more advanced than any other, showcasing superior Chinese technology.
中国将其高速铁路赞誉为出自本土的民族骄傲:和其它任何一个国家的高铁相比,中国的高速铁路系统都速度更快、更为先进,它展示了卓越的中国技术。 | |
【医疗】调查:年轻人身体更差 更爱请病假 Younger people twice as likely to call in sick 2011-10-03 | |
Younger people are twice as likely to miss work through illness as their older colleagues, according to a new survey.
最新调查显示,年轻人请病假的几率是年长同事的两倍。 | |
【科技】未来汽车之路 Mapping Out the Future of Cars 2011-10-01 | |
Anyone who grew up in the 1980s on a diet of Back to the Future and Knight Rider will, by now, be very disappointed in how the car of the early 21st Century has turned out. Cars cannot yet drive themselves, they don't help fearless cops solve villainous crimes and they certainly can't transport the driver to another era.
成长在上个世纪八十年代、看着电影《回到未来》(Back to the Future)及《霹雳游侠》(Knight Rider)长大的人,如今一定会为汽车在二十一世纪初的发展结果感到失望。汽车还不能自主驾驶,也不能帮助英勇无畏的警察除暴安良,当然更不能带领开车人穿越到另一个时代。 | |
【财经】中国股票市盈率跌至创纪录低位 Shanghai cheap versus earnings 2011-09-30 | |
Shanghai equities are the cheapest they have ever been relative to forecast company earnings, highlighting the extent to which Chinese investors have lost their appetite for stocks.
沪市股票相对于预期企业盈利是有史以来最便宜的,表明中国投资者对股市已明显失去兴趣。 | |
【财经】中国楼市繁荣走向低迷? Chinese property boom starts to wobble 2011-09-30 | |
Chinese bonds and equities are flashing warning signs that suggest the booming mainland property sector is heading for a bust – the effects of which could ripple across financial markets worldwide.
中国债券和股票正在亮起警报信号,似乎表明近年来一派繁荣的中国房产行业正走向低迷,其影响可能在全球金融市场产生涟漪效应。 | |
【科技】世界最快电梯:日本造、中国用 World's Fastest Elevator: In China, but Made in Japan 2011-09-30 | |
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. is one step closer to having its name etched into the world's fastest elevator when the Shanghai Tower is completed, reclaiming the title it lost seven years ago.
当上海中心大厦(Shanghai Tower)建成时,三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)距离把自己的名字刻在全球最快的电梯上会又近一步,届时它将夺回七年前丢掉的桂冠。 | |
【军事】美国陆军上将马丁·登普西就任参谋长联席会议主席 Veteran US Army General to Become New Joint Chiefs Chairman 2011-09-30 | |
U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey will be sworn as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Friday.
美国总统奥巴马将出席登普西接任美国最高军职的就职仪式。 | |
【综合】第二届孔子和平奖被叫停 China: Confucius confusion 2011-09-30 | |
The award of the second annual “Confucius Peace Prize” – a Chinese alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize that was inaugurated last year – has been cancelled in a cloud of acrimony this year, no doubt leaving nominees such as Vladimir Putin and Bill Gates bitterly disappointed.
第二届年度“孔子和平奖”颁奖活动今年在一片激烈的争议声中被叫停。毫无疑问,这会让弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)和比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)等该奖项候选人感到非常失望。孔子和平奖是中国针对诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel Peace Prize)于去年创立的对应奖项。 | |
【军事】中国警告邻国勿借美国军力“为所欲为” China warns against curbing its rise 2011-09-29 | |
China has warned Asian countries against provoking it under the cover of US military power, highlighting Beijing’s concern over moves from its neighbours and the US to contain its rise.
中国已警告亚洲国家,不要在美国军事实力的掩护下向中国挑衅,这突显出北京方面担忧一些邻国和美国正采取行动遏制中国的崛起。 | |
【科技】亚马逊推出低价平板电脑叫板iPad Amazon launches challenge to iPad with low-price Kindle Fire tablet 2011-09-29 | |
Amazon has launched a head-on challenge to the dominance of Apple’s iPad with a low-price tablet computer, in a move set to intensify competition over the way people consume digital books, music and video.
亚马逊(Amazon)将推出一款低价平板电脑,向苹果(Apple) iPad的统治地位发起正面挑战,此举将加剧围绕电子书、音乐和视频消费方式的竞争。 | |
【财经】美国会拟立法惩罚中国操纵汇率 US Senate to vote on China tariffs 2011-09-29 | |
The US Senate is set to vote next week on legislation to punish China for manipulating its currency, as the renewed threat of global recession raises tension over exchange rates.
美国参议院(Senate)下周将就惩罚中国操纵汇率的法案举行投票。全球经济衰退威胁重现,加剧了汇率问题上的紧张情绪。 | |
【科技】中国发射“天宫一号”,瞄准空间站 China Launches Spacecraft, Eyes Space Station 2011-09-29 | |
China has launched an unmanned spacecraft, in what is described as Beijing's first step toward building its own space station.
中国发射了一架无人飞船,这被称为北京建造自己空间站的第一步。 | |
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