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【科技】太阳“打蔫儿” 北半球今年或再现“冷冬” Solar dimming can trigger freezing winters: study 2011-10-13 | |
A cyclical drop in the sun's radiation can trigger unusually cold winters in parts of North America and Europe, scientists say, a finding that could improve long-range forecasts and help countries prepare for blizzards.
科学家表示,太阳辐射的周期性减弱可能导致北美洲和欧洲部分地区出现异常“冷冬”。这项科学发现可以改进长期天气预报,帮助各国准备好应对风雪。 | |
【政治】新华社刊文警告美国勿通过“汇率法案” China warns US on currency legislation 2011-10-12 | |
China has warned that the US could plunge the global economy into a 1930s-like depression if it passes a bill that aims to punish Beijing for holding down the value of its currency.
中国警告称,如果美国国会通过旨在惩罚中方压低人民币汇率的法案,就可能将全球经济推入上世纪30年代那种萧条。 | |
【财经】欧洲银行面临严峻资本要求 Europe’s banks face tough rule on capital 2011-10-12 | |
European authorities plan to set a higher-than-expected capital threshold for the region’s banks and give them six to nine months to achieve that level or face government recapitalisations under the auspices of the eurozone’s €440bn rescue fund, senior regulators said.
高层监管官员表示,欧洲当局计划为该地区银行设置高于预期水平的资本要求,并给它们6至9个月的时间,以达到这一资本水平,否则将面临政府的资本重组,重组的资金来源为4400亿欧元的欧元区纾困基金。 | |
【财经】中国经济不再听话 Cracks in Beijing’s financial edifice(By James Kynge ) 2011-10-12 | |
The last time – in late 2008 – that economic peril was stalking the US and Europe, China marshalled the might of its state-directed economy and engineered a muscular rebound that led the subsequent global recovery. This time, though, Beijing is feeling a lot less muscular.
经济危机上次(即2008年底)肆虐美国和欧洲时,中国调动出了其政府主导型经济的力量,推动本国经济有力反弹,带领全球经济随后步入复苏。但这一次,北京方面却感到力不从心。 | |
【综合】中国经济硬着陆风险有多大? Reading the China Risk 2011-10-12 | |
Investors have grown increasingly concerned about the risk of a hard landing in China, as shown by the decline of stock prices and the widening spreads on credit default swaps for its sovereign bonds in recent weeks. This was probably due to the news of declining housing prices in a growing number of cities, the default of many small- and medium-sized enterprises, and financial difficulties experienced by local-government funding platforms.
投资者越来越担忧中国经济硬着陆的风险,最近几周的股票价格下跌和中国主权债务信贷违约掉期息差扩大就体现了这种担忧。这可能是由于越来越多的城市房价下跌、许多中小企业出现违约以及地方政府融资平台经历财务困境等消息。 | |
【医疗】要工作还是要孩子? When And Whether To Have A Family 2011-10-12 | |
It's long been known that high-powered careers can hamper or delay women's plans to have children. But a new study suggests the challenges loom especially large for women of Generation X.
人们早就知道,高端职业会阻碍或推迟女性生小孩的计划。但一项新研究表明,这种挑战对出生于上世纪六七十年代的“X世代”的女性来说尤其大。 | |
【法律】缅甸大赦6000余名囚犯 Burma to free 6,000 prisoners in mass amnesty 2011-10-12 | |
Burma’s state television has announced that the authoritarian government will free more than 6,000 prisoners in an amnesty today, raising hopes for a release of political prisoners that could lead to an easing of economic sanctions on the isolated country.
根据缅甸国家电视台的报道,奉行威权主义的缅甸政府今日将实施大赦,释放6000余名囚犯。这则消息引发了人们对缅甸将释放政治犯的希望。如果缅甸真的这么做,国际社会有可能解除对这个受孤立国家的经济制裁。 | |
【综合】中国政府增持四大银行股份 China to boost stakes in largest banks 2011-10-11 | |
The Chinese government will boost its stakes in the country’s largest banks as it attempts to shore up financial stocks and restore investor confidence.
中国政府将增持国内四大银行的股份,以求提振金融股,恢复投资者信心。 | |
【综合】美国两名经济学家获诺贝尔经济学奖 Macroeconomic research wins Nobel Prize 2011-10-11 | |
Two economists known for their work on integrating expectations more sensibly into models of the economy have won the 2011 economics prize in memory of Alfred Nobel, in a bold decision that will be seen as honouring academics whose work many blame as partly responsible for the financial crisis.
在经济模型中更合理地融入预期、并由此闻名的两名经济学家荣膺2011年诺贝尔经济学奖。这是一个大胆的决定,因为在许多人眼中,它所表彰的学者,其学术成果在一定程度上对金融危机负有责任。 | |
【财经】需求疲软 钢铁业前景堪忧 Softening prices spell hard times for steel industry 2011-10-10 | |
The steel industry faces tough times, with companies braced for falling prices as buyers delay orders because of extreme nervousness over the global economy.
钢铁行业正面临艰难时期。出于对全球经济形势的极度不安,买家纷纷推迟订单,钢铁公司准备应对价格下跌的局面。 | |
【政治】美高官访华,将面临台湾军售和货币议案“拷问” China Prepares 'Hot Seat' for US Envoy on Taiwan, Currency 2011-10-10 | |
China says it will express its displeasure over the latest U.S. arms sales to Taiwan during talks in Beijing Tuesday with U.S.
中国表示,星期二,在与美国助理国务卿坎贝尔在北京举行会谈之际,将向他表达中国对美国最新向台湾出售武器的不满。 | |
【科技】中国国产手机操作系统难以挑战谷歌 Chinese operating systems ‘no threat’ to Google 2011-10-09 | |
The success of Google’s Android operating system in China is not under threat from a host of mobile operating systems being unleashed on the mainland as they will be “niche” products, according to a senior industry executive.
一位资深业内高管表示,谷歌(Google) Android操作系统在中国取得的好成绩,不会受到近期中国大陆陆续面世的一批移动操作系统的威胁,因为后者都是“利基”产品。 | |
【政治】奥巴马迎合民意抨击华尔街 White House feeds off anger 2011-10-09 | |
Weeks after taking to the streets in Manhattan, Occupy Wall St demonstrators are camped a block from the White House. Many of them are wondering: do they have a friend inside?
“占领华尔街”运动(Occupy Wall Street)的示威者们走上曼哈顿街头抗议数周以后,如今已在距白宫(White House)一个街区的地方安营扎寨。他们当中的许多人都在自问,白宫里的主政者是否站在自己这一边? | |
【综合】中美争锋 亚洲两难 China or the US? Make your choice 2011-10-09 | |
The defining geopolitical drama of the next century will be the battle for power and influence between China and America. That emerging struggle is already posing awkward choices for Asian countries, caught between the two global giants.
中美争夺权力和势力范围之战,将是决定未来一个世纪全球地缘政治面貌的一场大戏。这场争夺战虽然初露苗头,却已经让夹在两个全球巨头之间的亚洲各国面临尴尬抉择。 | |
【综合】中国“灰市”手机盛衰 Challenge to China’s grey market in handsets 2011-10-09 | |
For years, Huaqiang North Road market in Shenzhen, just across the border from Hong Kong, has been known as the place to go for fake iPhones and cheap handsets in southern China.
在毗连香港的深圳,有个华强北市场,多年来,该市场一直以华南地区仿冒iPhone和廉价手机的集散地而闻名于世。 | |
【综合】美国庆祝哥伦布日 United States Celebrates Columbus Day 2011-10-09 | |
Americans are celebrating Columbus Day Monday.
美国人星期一庆祝哥伦布日。 | |
【综合】三位女性活动家获诺贝尔和平奖 Nobel Peace Prize honours women activists 2011-10-08 | |
The Liberian president, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberian activist Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen have won the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.
利比里亚总统埃伦•约翰逊-瑟利夫(Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf)、该国活动家莱伊曼•古博薇(Leymah Gbowee)和也门女权活动家塔瓦库勒•卡曼(Tawakkul Karman)三人,分享了2011年度诺贝尔和平奖。 | |
【综合】美中如何避免两败俱伤 America and China both lose in a trade war 2011-10-08 | |
Charles Schumer is stirring up tensions between the US and China again. It is the fourth time the Democratic senator from New York has proposed legislation aimed at imposing high tariffs on “currency manipulators”, a pseudonym for China. But this bill is unlikely to fare any better than the previous incarnations because it shoots America in the foot.
查尔斯•舒默(Charles Schumer)又在美中之间制造紧张了。这名来自纽约州的民主党参议员第四次提交立法提案,旨在对“汇率操纵国”(代指中国)征收高额关税。但此次提案的结果不太可能比以往的版本好到哪儿去,因为它将砸在美国的脚上。 | |
【医疗】如何应对节后综合症 The Post-Labor Day Letdown 2011-10-08 | |
Labor Day stirs up a unique range of emotions. While some people love the prospect of crisp, cool air, football and fall fashions, others experience a stab of dread this time of year as vacations end, school starts up and pressures mount at the office.
长假容易引发别样情绪。就在一些人为即将到来的凉爽空气、新橄榄球赛季和秋季时装而欢欣鼓舞时,另外一些人却在每年这个时候,随着假期结束、学校开学及办公室压力的加大而被忽然而至的恐惧感笼罩。 | |
【资讯】比尔•盖茨:我会非常想念史蒂夫 Gates: 'I Will Miss Steve Immensely' 2011-10-07 | |
In a statement, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates expressed his condolences on the death of Steve Jobs, saying that it had 'been an insanely great honor' to work with his long-time rival and Apple Inc. co-founder.
微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)联合创始人盖茨(Bill Gates)在一份声明中对乔布斯(Steve Jobs)去世表达了悼念之情,他说与这位长期的对手、苹果公司联合创始人工作一直是“无比巨大的荣耀”。 | |
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