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【财经】中国8月出售365亿美元美国国债  China sells US Treasury debt amid strong haven demand   2011-10-19
  China was a heavy seller of US Treasury debt in August after Standard and Poor’s downgraded the country’s triple A credit rating, according to monthly data released on Tuesday by the Treasury.
  根据美国财政部周二发布的月度数据,中国在8月份出售大量美国国债,此前标准普尔(Standard and Poor’s)下调了美国的AAA信用评级。

【财经】中国经济的坏兆头  A workshop on the wane   2011-10-19
  The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou produces more cigarette lighters and spectacles than anywhere on earth, and has long been seen as an economic trend-setter for the entire country. So reports that dozens of factory owners in the city have absconded in recent weeks, leaving workers unpaid and mountains of debt, are seen by some as an ominous sign for the national economy.

【财经】印巴拟实现贸易正常化  Pakistan and India in historic trade push   2011-10-18
  India and Pakistan are preparing for the biggest liberalisation in bilateral trade since partition more than six decades ago, reviving commercial ties that have been strangled ever since the end of British rule in 1947.

【娱乐】她投时尚网站有一手  Think big but start small’   2011-10-18
  At the height of the dotcom bubble in 2000, almost anyone with a cheque book could put money into a hot new technology company. Few got out without losing their shirts.

【资讯】网络安全成为国防行业热点  Defence trains sights on threat to internet   2011-10-18
  Inside the Silicon Valley offices of Narus, an obscure internet traffic analysis business, Greg Oslan is plotting the future for Boeing.
  在名不见经传的互联网数据流动分析企业Narus公司位于硅谷(Silicon Valley)的办公室里,格雷格•奥斯兰(Greg Oslan)正在谋划着波音公司(Boeing)的未来。

【科技】苹果最新版iPhone上市三天销售400万部  iPhone 4S sales hits record 4m on launch   2011-10-18
  Apple has sold a record 4m of its latest incarnation of the iPhone in its first three days on sale in spite of criticism that the new product was a more limited technological leap forward than its predecessors.
  苹果(Apple)的iPhone 4S上市3天即创下400万部的创纪录销量,尽管有人批评最新版本的iPhone与之前的版本相比技术进步有限。

【综合】中国不透明令投资者焦虑  Fulcrum of the axis of anxiety shifts to China   2011-10-17
  The eurozone crisis only gets worse. All eyes turn to Paris last weekend as finance ministers from the Group of 20 club of powerful nations meet to try to thrash out a solution, amid further downgrades of sovereign debt.

【综合】美国无法长期垄断诺奖  Don’t boot out tomorrow’s Nobels   2011-10-17
  With the award of the Nobel for economics to Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims this week, the US once again took the lion’s share of the annual prizes. Its citizens gained seven awards (including the not-strictly-Nobel economics prize) and its grip on the Nobels shows little sign of weakening.
  上周,托马斯•萨金特(Thomas Sargent)和克里斯托弗•西姆斯(Christopher Sims)荣获了诺贝尔经济学奖,美国也由此再次成为年度诺贝尔奖的最大赢家。共有7名美国公民获得了今年的诺贝尔奖,其中包括严格意义上不算诺贝尔奖的诺贝尔经济学奖。美国人对诺贝尔奖的牢牢把持毫无松动的迹象。

【综合】全美最幸运城市排名 圣地亚哥居首  San Diego ranked luckiest town in US   2011-10-17
  San Diego, which has been touted as having one of the best climates in the United States, is also the luckiest, according to a new ranking.

【政治】野田佳彦自比“泥鳅” 成日本最穷首相  Noda: Poorest PM in Japan   2011-10-17
  Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said in his party’s August presidential election speech that after he lost his parliamentary seat in the mid-90s, he could have used the $100-plus monthly grant to families with children brought in by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan to help buy his two sons new pants and shoes.

【综合】希拉里:亚洲是美国经济外交政策新重点 y  Clinton: Asia New Focus of US Economic, Foreign Polic   2011-10-15
  U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says America needs to put economic issues at the heart of its foreign policy, and reach across the Pacific to build stronger ties with Asia.

【财经】20国财长讨论欧债危机解决方案  G20 Ministers Consider Europe Debt Options   2011-10-15
  The finance ministers of the world抯 20 biggest economies are meeting in Paris to try to resolve the European debt crisis that is threatening to push world economies into another recession.

【法律】沃尔玛重庆门店两名经理被捕  Two Walmart managers arrested in China   2011-10-14
  Two junior Walmart store managers in China have been arrested as local authorities investigate allegations that the US retailer mislabelled ordinary pork as organic at its scandal-plagued Chongqing city operation.

【法律】美国对冲基金巨头拉贾那纳姆获刑11年  US court sentences Rajaratnam to 11 years for insider trading   2011-10-14
  Raj Rajaratnam, the billionaire US hedge fund manager, was sentenced to 11 years in prison, one of the longest terms for insider trading on Wall Street in recent times,
  美国对冲基金经理、亿万富翁拉贾•拉贾那纳姆(Raj Rajaratnam)被判入狱11年,这是近年华尔街内幕交易招致的最长刑期之一。

【综合】中国通胀率9月微落至6.1%  China inflation dips to 6.1% in September   2011-10-14
  Inflation in China moderated slightly last month in a sign that government attempts to rein in surging prices are taking effect.

【综合】美国人应学会喜欢人民币  Why Americans should learn to love the renminbi   2011-10-13
  Until recently, few workers in America, Europe or Japan spent much time worrying about why they earned 10, 20 or even 30 times what a Chinese worker did. What was it that allowed, say, someone stacking boxes in a US factory to earn multiples of the wage earned by a Vietnamese or Mexican worker?

【财经】中国贸易增长9月显著放缓  Chinese trade growth slows significantly   2011-10-13
  Growth in Chinese trade slowed significantly last month as the world’s second-largest economy began to feel the effects of the economic turmoil hitting its most important trading partners in Europe and the US.

【综合】希腊工人举行新一轮反紧缩措施示威  Greek Workers Stage New Anti-Austerity Protests   2011-10-13
  New waves of Greek workers walked off their jobs Thursday in a heightened protest of the government's effort to impose austerity measures to satisfy international creditors.

【财经】美中贸易赤字创新高  New Record High For US Trade Deficit With China   2011-10-13
  The U.S. trade deficit with China reached a record high in August. The gap between what China buys from U.S. companies and what the Chinese sell in the American market was $29 billion in August.

【综合】与中国对峙 越南印度态度坚决  Vietnam, India Stand Firm on China Row   2011-10-13
  India and Vietnam, whose leaders meet today in New Delhi, are squaring up for a fight with China over the right of a state-owned Indian oil and gas company to explore in disputed waters near Vietnam.

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