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【医疗】联合国:高生育率危及增长  UN warns on impact of high birth rate   2011-10-27
【财经】美国股市涨势强劲  US Stocks Rise Strongly   2011-10-27
【综合】美国防长帕内塔说朝鲜仍是威胁  US Defense Chief says North Korea Still a Threat   2011-10-27
【综合】中国各地普遍提高最低工资标准  Chinese wages up despite slowing economy   2011-10-26
【综合】昂山素季讲述恐惧的力量  CSuu Kyi Tells US Audience of Crippling Power of Fear   2011-10-26
【政治】美朝会谈后朝核外交步伐加快  Nuclear Diplomacy Accelerates After US-North Korea Talks   2011-10-26
【政治】突尼斯首次举行民主选举  Moderate Islamists lead Tunisia poll   2011-10-25
【科技】软件行业组织:中国盗版致销售损失上升  Rising sales lost to China piracy spur criticism   2011-10-25
【财经】亚洲企业融资成本上升  Rising cost of credit hits Asian companies   2011-10-25
【法律】中国两官员因泄露经济数据获刑  Officials  jailed for leaking China data   2011-10-25
【综合】利比亚过渡委:卡扎菲遗体已在秘密坟墓下葬  NTC: Gadhafi Buried in Secret Grave   2011-10-25
【综合】利比亚需要展示宽容  Gaddafi’s fall is a moment for relief and healing, not for euphoria   2011-10-24
【综合】“小悦悦”去世引发中国道德反省  Toddler's Death Stirs Ire in China .   2011-10-24
【财经】中国硬着陆风险致金属价格暴跌  Iron ore and copper reflect China’s wave of selling   2011-10-21
【政治】利比亚人上街庆祝卡扎菲身亡  Libyans in the streets to mark end of Gaddafi and start of new era   2011-10-21
【财经】中国允许四省市自行发债  China to ease ban on local government bonds   2011-10-21
【军事】利比亚过渡委推迟埋葬卡扎菲  Libya's NTC Delays Gadhafi's Burial   2011-10-21
【财经】美联储:美国经济增长放缓  US economy faces slow growth, Fed s   2011-10-20
【综合】利比亚前领导人卡扎菲在苏尔特被打死  Former Libyan Leader Gadhafi Killed in Hometown   2011-10-20
【综合】克林顿试图“极力”推动巴基斯坦打击激进分子  Clinton Intends to Push Pakistan 'Very Hard' on Militants   2011-10-20

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