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【医疗】联合国:高生育率危及增长  UN warns on impact of high birth rate   2011-10-27
  High fertility in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia is impeding economic development and perpetuating poverty, the UN Population Fund has warned.
  联合国人口基金(UN Population Fund)警告称,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和南亚的高生育率,正对经济增长和消除贫困构成阻碍。

【财经】美国股市涨势强劲  US Stocks Rise Strongly   2011-10-27
  News that European leaders made a deal to expand a bailout fund in the region's debt crisis encouraged investors, and stocks soared around the world Thursday.

【综合】美国防长帕内塔说朝鲜仍是威胁  US Defense Chief says North Korea Still a Threat   2011-10-27
  U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says he is "skeptical" about the outcome of the latest round of direct U.S. talks with North Korea aimed at resuming stalled nuclear disarmament negotiations.

【综合】中国各地普遍提高最低工资标准  Chinese wages up despite slowing economy   2011-10-26
  Chinese labour costs have soared this year despite a slowdown in the broader economy, according to official data that showed an average 22 per cent rise in minimum wages.

【综合】昂山素季讲述恐惧的力量  CSuu Kyi Tells US Audience of Crippling Power of Fear   2011-10-26
  Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has told an American audience that freedom from fear is the key that opens to door to other liberties.

【政治】美朝会谈后朝核外交步伐加快  Nuclear Diplomacy Accelerates After US-North Korea Talks   2011-10-26
  The pace of Asian nuclear diplomacy accelerated Wednesday, a day after what were described as "positive" talks in Geneva between U.S. and North Korean negotiators.

【政治】突尼斯首次举行民主选举  Moderate Islamists lead Tunisia poll   2011-10-25
  A moderate Islamist party is on track to be the largest political force in Tunisia’s new assembly after a historic election in the country that sparked the Arab spring.

【科技】软件行业组织:中国盗版致销售损失上升  Rising sales lost to China piracy spur criticism   2011-10-25
  The world’s leading software industry body warned on Monday of a jump in revenues lost to software piracy in China as the country’s government is failing to rein in rampant copyright infringement.

【财经】亚洲企业融资成本上升  Rising cost of credit hits Asian companies   2011-10-25
  Asian companies are being hit with rising costs for raising money in the region – even those with strong credit ratings.

【法律】中国两官员因泄露经济数据获刑  Officials  jailed for leaking China data   2011-10-25
  China has jailed two government officials for leaking data to securities brokerages in a case that some fear may threaten economic transparency and debate.

【综合】利比亚过渡委:卡扎菲遗体已在秘密坟墓下葬  NTC: Gadhafi Buried in Secret Grave   2011-10-25
  Libyan provisional authority officials say the body of late ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi has been buried in an unmarked grave in a secret location.The officials said Gadhafi, his slain son Mutassim and former defense minister Abu Bakr Younis were buried early Tuesday during the same ceremony.

【综合】利比亚需要展示宽容  Gaddafi’s fall is a moment for relief and healing, not for euphoria   2011-10-24
  The humiliating death of Muammer Gaddafi, gunned down and apparently dragged through the streets of his home town, Sirte, would seem at first sight to be a final punctuation point in the tumultuous change of power in Libya. Another dictator, like Saddam Hussein before him, found cowering in a bolt hole. Finally, Libyans can breathe easier knowing this monstrous and unpredictable figure is gone from their lives.
  乍看之下,穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)的屈辱之死似乎给利比亚动荡的政权更迭划上了句号。在他的家乡苏尔特,卡扎菲被枪杀后,尸体被拖着游街示众。与萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)一样,这位独裁者也被发现蜷缩在一个地洞里。这位性情残暴、难以捉摸的人物终于从人民的生活中消失了,利比亚人可以更加自在地呼吸了。

【综合】“小悦悦”去世引发中国道德反省  Toddler's Death Stirs Ire in China .   2011-10-24
  A toddler hit by two vehicles in a southern Chinese city and left unassisted by more than a dozen passersby died Friday, adding new fire to an anguished debate over the state of empathy in China's fast-changing society.

【财经】中国硬着陆风险致金属价格暴跌  Iron ore and copper reflect China’s wave of selling   2011-10-21
  Iron ore fell to its lowest level of the year and copper plunged more than 6 per cent as Chinese investors led a wave of selling across industrial commodities markets amid concerns of a global economic slowdown.

【政治】利比亚人上街庆祝卡扎菲身亡  Libyans in the streets to mark end of Gaddafi and start of new era   2011-10-21
  Libyans poured into the streets of Tripoli to celebrate the death of Muammer Gaddafi and mark the start of a new era after more than eight months of bloodshed in the third Arab country to rid itself of a dictator this year.
  利比亚人纷纷涌上的黎波里街头,欢呼穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)之死和一个新时代的到来——在8个多月的流血冲突之后,利比亚成为今年第三个推翻独裁者的阿拉伯国家。

【财经】中国允许四省市自行发债  China to ease ban on local government bonds   2011-10-21
  China will allow local governments to issue bonds directly for the first time in 17 years as Beijing acts to prevent potential defaults by provincial and city-level administrations that could wreak havoc in the country’s financial sector.

【军事】利比亚过渡委推迟埋葬卡扎菲  Libya's NTC Delays Gadhafi's Burial   2011-10-21
  Libyan provisional government officials have delayed plans to bury former leader Moammar Gadhafi on Friday, a day after he was killed as fighters stormed his hometown of Sirte.

【财经】美联储:美国经济增长放缓  US economy faces slow growth, Fed s   2011-10-20
  The US economy is growing slowly but there is little sign of a slide into recession, according to the latest reports from the Federal Reserve’s business contacts around the country.

【综合】利比亚前领导人卡扎菲在苏尔特被打死  Former Libyan Leader Gadhafi Killed in Hometown   2011-10-20
  Former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is dead.

【综合】克林顿试图“极力”推动巴基斯坦打击激进分子  Clinton Intends to Push Pakistan 'Very Hard' on Militants   2011-10-20
  U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she intends to push the Pakistanis "very hard" to help remove suspected Taliban safehavens on their side of the border.

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