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【综合】中国:北京近千家房产中介关张  China: Nearly 1,000 Real Estate Outlets Close in Beijing   2011-11-08
  China says nearly 1,000 real estate outlets in the nation's capital have been forced to close this year, as a slew of new government restrictions on property sales continue to cool Beijing's once red-hot property market.
  中国表示 ,随着政府出台一系列限制房产销售的措施以冷却北京一度炙手可热的房市,北京今年已有将近一千家房地产中介被迫关门。

【政治】中美陷入审计监管对峙  China and US in standoff over auditors   2011-11-07
  Chinese audit firms could be barred from vetting the accounts of US-listed companies because of a regulatory standoff that has the potential to cause a significant trade dispute.

【综合】全球第二大对冲基金拟向中国扩张  Man Group recruits top China businesswoman for mainland push   2011-11-07
  Man Group, the world’s second- largest hedge fund manager, is positioning itself for an expansion into mainland China as part of a drive beyond its base in Europe and the Middle East.
  全球第二大对冲基金管理公司英仕曼集团(Man Group)正为扩张进入中国内地而调整自身定位,这是该集团在欧洲及中东等传统地盘以外拓展的努力的一部分。

【军事】情报显示伊朗取得核武器研发进展  Reports Say Intelligence Shows Iran Worked on Nuclear Weapons Technology   2011-11-07
  U.S. media say the U.N. nuclear agency has been provided with intelligence showing Iran has carried out work on developing nuclear weapons technology.

【综合】欧洲央行下调利率  Draghi heralds arrival at ECB with rate cut   2011-11-04
  Mario Draghi launched his presidency of the European Central Bank in bold fashion by cutting interest rates, but warned eurozone governments that they could not rely on the bank to backstop their finances.
  欧洲央行(ECB)新任行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)上任伊始就展现出大胆的风格,下调了利率。但他同时也警告称,欧元区各国政府别指望欧洲央行会为它们的财政提供最后支撑。

【科技】中国实现首次太空对接  China milestone as spacecraft dock in orbit   2011-11-04
  Two unmanned Chinese spacecraft have docked in orbit for the first time, in what the government hailed as a “historic breakthrough” in its space ­programme.

【财经】中国货币政策出现放松迹象  China eases monetary straitjacket   2011-11-03
  China’s money market rates have fallen sharply amid signs that the government is beginning to ease its tight monetary policy around the edges to keep growth on track.

【政治】古巴开始允许买卖私有财产  Cuba Legalizes Private Property Sales   2011-11-03
  Cuba says it will allow people to buy and sell homes for the first time in more than 50 years.

【综合】日本重启核反应堆引发关注  Japan to restart nuclear reactor   2011-11-02
  Japan was due to restart its first nuclear reactor since the Fukushima disaster in March, a symbolically important first step before dozens of idle reactors can be brought back online.

【财经】就业并未回流西方  Stop thinking of ‘reshoring’ jobs from China. It just won’t happen   2011-11-01
  Reshoring is the economic idea of the moment. The idea is simple. The costs saved by manufacturing goods in China will disappear as Chinese wages rise, leading manufacturing jobs to “reshore” themselves back home to the west. A rise in the renminbi would accelerate this process.

【综合】资本主义的大问题  The big questions raised by anti-capitalist protests   2011-11-01
  Why did it take so long? It is over four years since the financial crisis began. Yet only now are anti-capitalist protests emerging, including at St Paul's Cathedral. So is this the beginning of a resurgent leftwing politics? I doubt it. Are the protesters raising some big questions? Yes, they are.

【综合】中国调整金融监管机构负责人  Beijing signals ‘musical chairs’ for country’s top posts   2011-10-31
  China has fired the starting gun for sweeping changes over the next two years that will include the retirement of top political leaders and replacing its top banking, securities and insurance regulators.

【财经】Lex专栏:中国不良贷款率的数字游戏  Lex_China’s NPLs: numbers game   2011-10-31
  Three little letters seemed to transform investor sentiment. Last week’s reports of falling ratios of non-performing loans at Chinese banks sent shares soaring. ICBC, the sector granddaddy, was up by more than a fifth.

【综合】世界人口突破70亿大关  World Population Breaks 7 Billion Mark   2011-10-31
  The United Nations says the world's population has reached the 7 billion mark.

【财经】中国可能有条件援助欧洲  China set to aid Europe bail-out   2011-10-28
  China is very likely to contribute to the eurozone’s bail-out fund but the scope of its involvement will depend on European leaders satisfying key conditions, two senior advisers to the Chinese government have told the Financial Times.

【娱乐】近半英国人对伴侣不忠 出轨对象是名人或被原谅  Portrait of unfaithful Britain: Almost half the population has admitted to cheat   2011-10-28
  When it comes to love, the world is now our oyster - we can choose who to date, live with, marry or divorce.

【综合】大批市民逃离曼谷躲避洪水  Mass Exodus From Bangkok Ahead of Floodwaters   2011-10-28
  Tens of thousands of people are pouring out of Bangkok, attempting to escape floodwaters that are slowly swallowing the city.

【军事】巴基斯坦测试自行研制的导弹  Pakistan Tests Nuclear-Capable Missile   2011-10-28
  Pakistan says it has tested an indigenously developed missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.

【财经】中国冶金企业警告信贷过紧  Chinese metals groups warn Beijing over slowdown   2011-10-27
  Chinese metals companies, linchpins in the global economy, are warning that Beijing’s monetary tightening has gone too far, causing domestic customers to delay orders and raising the risk of payment default.

【科技】诺基亚发布Windows系统手机  Nokia unveils Windows phone   2011-10-27
  Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone group, has launched its first range of Windows handsets aimed at clawing back market share in the battle for smartphone sales.

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