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【综合】中国金融体系的真正风险  The real risks to China’s financial system   2011-11-25
  The recent assessment of China’s financial stability by the International Monetary Fund highlights increasing vulnerabilities stemming from the government’s role in the lending process, and an inflexible interest rate policy. Those who regard weaknesses in the banking sector as a likely trigger for a financial collapse have railed against China’s negative real interest rates and the speculative activity this has spawned. They see the heavy reliance on credit expansion to stimulate the economy during the global financial crises as eventually leading to a surge in non-performing loans. All this is viewed as part of a strategy of financial repression that postpones the day when China’s big four state banks can operate as real commercial banks.

【财经】中国出口下降导致劳资纠纷增多  Chinese workers strike as lower export orders force wage cuts   2011-11-24
  China is facing its worst wave of labour unrest since a series of wildcat strikes at Japanese-owned car plants last year, as declining export orders force factories to reduce worker pay.

【财经】德国国债拍卖遭到冷遇  Shunned Bund sale fuels debt crisis fears   2011-11-24
  The worst-received German bond sale since the euro’s launch fuelled fears that the continent’s debt crisis was now affecting Berlin, the region’s biggest economy and key to the survival of the single currency.

【综合】中国宏观政策可能转向全面宽松  China Manufacturing Gauge Falls Sharply   2011-11-24
  A key measure of Chinese manufacturing activity posted its biggest monthly decline since March 2009, raising fears of a hard landing in the world's second-largest economy and increasing the chances that Beijing will be forced to turn to stimulus faster and more extensively than expected.

【政治】中日准备建立机制防未来东海纠纷  China, Japan to Pursue Mechanism to Avert Future Maritime Disputes   2011-11-24
  China and Japan say they have agreed to work toward developing a crisis management mechanism to head off future maritime disputes in the East China Sea.

【综合】柬埔寨红色高棉乔森潘否认参与暴行  Ex-Khmer Rouge President: Prosecutors Head-Hunting   2011-11-23
  The former president of Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime, currently on trial for crimes against humanity, denies taking part in any atrocities.

【财经】中国大城市上月房产交易量同比下降39%  Chinese property dip sparks bank fears   2011-11-22
  Property transactions in China’s largest cities have fallen to dangerously low levels, according to regulatory documents obtained by the Financial Times.

【娱乐】美国单身女性自购订婚戒指防“感恩节逼婚”  Single women from the United States buy an engagement ring, Anti "Thanksgiving f   2011-11-22
  There are roughly 55 million single women in the US, many of them with-it, smokin' and smart, with their finger on the pulse of life.

【政治】东亚峰会突显美中分歧  Obama-Wen talks overshadowed by disputes   2011-11-21
  Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, held talks with Barack Obama, US president, on Saturday on the sidelines of a regional summit which raised disputes in the South China Sea and contentious plans for a US military base in Australia.
  中国总理温家宝与美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周六在东亚领导人峰会间隙举行了会谈。此次峰会讨论了南中国海纠纷以及有争议的美军进驻澳大利亚基地的计划。

【财经】“中国需深化金融改革”  China sees long-term global recession   2011-11-21
  China’s vice-premier and head of finance has predicted that the global economy will slip into long-term recession and warned that China will need to deepen its financial reforms to cope with the fallout.

【政治】中国援欧的两难选择  Cautious Beijing keen to avoid domestic unrest   2011-11-21
  Ask anyone standing around in the crowded corridors of Beijing’s Affiliated Children’s Hospital whether they think China should contribute to a bail-out for debt-ridden European countries and they will respond with scornful disbelief.

【综合】红色高棉屠杀审判在柬埔寨开庭  Khmer Rouge Genocide Trial Opens in Cambodia   2011-11-21
  Prosecutors in the U.N.-backed trial of three top Khmer Rouge leaders in Cambodia accused the men of masterminding one of the worst horrors of the 20th Century.

【政治】奥巴马:亚太区是“美国的首要之务”  Asia ‘top priority’ for Obama   2011-11-18
  President Barack Obama has pledged that planned cuts in defence spending will not affect America’s military presence in east Asia, as the US seeks to play a larger role in shaping the region’s future.
  美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)承诺,国防支出削减计划不会影响美国在东亚的军事存在。美国正寻求扮演更大角色,参与塑造该地区未来。

【综合】太平洋世纪属于谁?  How America should adjust to the Pacific century   2011-11-18
  How many ways are there to say you’re back? In 2010, Hillary Clinton grabbed Beijing’s lapels when she declared the South China Sea, claimed in its entirety by China, was also a vital American interest.
  宣告回归有多少种方式?2010年,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)宣布,中国宣称拥有全部主权的南海,也是美国的关键利益所在,此举无异于一把抓住中国政府的衣领当面挑衅。

【政治】美国务卿克林顿将于下月访问缅甸  Hillary Clinton to Visit Burma Next Month   2011-11-18
  In a major new diplomatic initiative, U.S. President Barack Obama says he will send Hillary Clinton to Burma next month, for the first visit to the isolated country by a U.S. secretary of state in more than 50 years.

【政治】澳大利亚陷入中美夹缝?  Working with Washington is threat to cosy ties with China   2011-11-18
  In 1942, the Japanese air force dropped more bombs over Darwin than they had used at Pearl Harbor and in the process turned Australia into a rock-solid ally of the US. On Thursday, Barack Obama visited the same northern Australian town and re-cast the alliance for a new era.
  1942年,日本空军在达尔文投下了比在珍珠港还多的炸弹,从而导致澳大利亚转变为美国的坚定盟友。本周四,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)访问了这个位于澳大利亚北部的城市,重塑了新时代下的美澳联盟。

【财经】人民币将威胁美元地位?  China review commission   2011-11-17
  China’s renminbi could pose a threat to the international dominance of the US dollar within a decade, according to an independent commission set up by the US Congress.

【军事】美国宣布将在澳大利亚驻军  US bases troops in Australia to counter China   2011-11-17
  The US will base troops in Australia in the latest effort to boost its presence in the Asia-Pacific region and counter an ascendant China.

【财经】“中国应放松金融管制”  IMF warns on Chinese financial system   2011-11-16
  The Chinese financial system faces “a steady build-up in vulnerabilities” that require the government to relax its grip on banks, the exchange rate and interest rates, the International Monetary Fund said in its inaugural evaluation of China’s financial sector.

【财经】上海率先发行地方债券  China in landmark bond sale   2011-11-16
  Shanghai became the first local government in China to issue bonds directly in almost two decades, a reform that lies at the heart of attempts to clean up the troubled finances of its cities and provinces.

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