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【政治】2012年:全球领袖的缺位  The calls for global leadership will be unanswered   2011-12-27
【政治】印度改革不能止步  India must not let slip its shining moment for reform   2011-12-27
【综合】2011年奇闻轶事回顾  Review of 2011: stories that made us smile   2011-12-27
【医疗】健康护齿从儿童做起  Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children   2011-12-27
【综合】2012关键:中国软着陆  Global growth in 2012 will hinge on China’s soft landing   2011-12-26
【艺术】职场竞争中外貌和头脑一样重要  Looks are as important as brains to career success, says new study   2011-12-26
【农业】高粮价的影响及未来  High Food Prices, Revolutions, and the Future   2011-12-26
【科技】电子产品继续位居今年最受欢迎礼物名单首位  Electronics Among Most Popular Gifts This Year   2011-12-25
【财经】外资开始流出亚洲  Capital starts to flow out of Asia   2011-12-23
【财经】全球并购遭遇“寒冬”  Collapse in M&A amid debt turbulence   2011-12-22
【政治】朝鲜着手宣传金正恩  North Korea propagandists begin to spin leader’s story   2011-12-22
【军事】中国军力今非昔比  Belligerent language masks limited capability   2011-12-22
【政治】朝鲜变局考验中美关系  China tension with US poised to trigger wider power play   2011-12-20
【政治】分析:金正恩继位之后  Kim Jong-eun takes power in N Korea   2011-12-20
【医疗】治疗毒蛇咬伤取得新进展  Progress in Fighting Snakebite Deaths   2011-12-20
【政治】谜团一样的朝鲜继承人金正恩  North Korean Heir Apparent an Enigma   2011-12-19
【农业】圣诞老人两只驯鹿在德州逃跑  Two of Santa's Reindeer Flee in Texas Really   2011-12-19
【教育】青少年中的性短信和“网络诱猎”  Teens, Sexting and 'Cyberbaiting'   2011-12-18
【财经】中国货币供应量增速降至10年最低水平  China money growth slows to lowest in more than a decade   2011-12-16
【政治】普京否认国家杜马选举存在舞弊  Putin on defensive over vote rigging protests   2011-12-16

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