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【政治】2012年:全球领袖的缺位  The calls for global leadership will be unanswered   2011-12-27
  This coming year may well be a significant one - the year that world leaders fell asleep just as the world cried out for more leadership.

【政治】印度改革不能止步  India must not let slip its shining moment for reform   2011-12-27
  The Indian economy is in the doldrums: industrial output has stalled, inflation remains high, the rupee has plunged to an all-time low and foreign investors are retreating en masse. Is this a temporary rough patch or is the shine coming off?

【综合】2011年奇闻轶事回顾  Review of 2011: stories that made us smile   2011-12-27
  From dancing geckos to the ‘Thriller’ cat – 2011 has brought plenty of smiles to readers.

【医疗】健康护齿从儿童做起  Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children   2011-12-27
  This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

【综合】2012关键:中国软着陆  Global growth in 2012 will hinge on China’s soft landing   2011-12-26
  While the financial and business world continue to hang on every twist and turn in eurozone politics, I think the biggest issue for the world in 2012 will be whether China can successfully manage a soft landing.

【艺术】职场竞争中外貌和头脑一样重要  Looks are as important as brains to career success, says new study   2011-12-26
  Good-looking people worried about higher education shouldn't worry. Beauty is every bit as good as a BA when it comes to getting on, a new study says.

【农业】高粮价的影响及未来  High Food Prices, Revolutions, and the Future   2011-12-26
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【科技】电子产品继续位居今年最受欢迎礼物名单首位  Electronics Among Most Popular Gifts This Year   2011-12-25
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【财经】外资开始流出亚洲  Capital starts to flow out of Asia   2011-12-23
  Economists are fretting that Asia will suffer as European banks try to shrink their balance sheets while supporting clients at home.

【财经】全球并购遭遇“寒冬”  Collapse in M&A amid debt turbulence   2011-12-22
  Mergers and acquisitions activity collapsed in the fourth quarter as the sovereign debt crisis and market volatility put the brakes on dealmaking and equity sales, pushing European investment banking fees to their lowest level in more than a ­decade.

【政治】朝鲜着手宣传金正恩  North Korea propagandists begin to spin leader’s story   2011-12-22
  North Korea’s most important civil servants – the propagandists – are beginning their biggest assignment in years.

【军事】中国军力今非昔比  Belligerent language masks limited capability   2011-12-22
  This month, military enthusiasts in Chinese online chat rooms were jubilant: The J-20, the stealth fighter that the country’s military is developing, had just performed its first loop in a test flight. “I’m so proud!!!” wrote one internet user under the nickname of Zongjiezhe.

【政治】朝鲜变局考验中美关系  China tension with US poised to trigger wider power play   2011-12-20
  The death of Kim Jong-il was always likely to be an unusually dangerous moment for what Kevin Rudd, the Australian foreign minister, described yesterday as “the single largest militarily armed zone in the world”. But it has also happened at a moment when the US and China are perilously far apart on how to deal with the isolated Stalinist nation.
  对于“世界上最大的单个军事武装区”(澳大利亚外长陆克文(Kevin Rudd)昨天如此称呼朝鲜)而言,金正日(Kim Jong-il)之死,无论何时都可能代表一个异乎寻常的危险时刻。不过,金正日去世之时,也正是美国和中国就如何应对这个与世隔绝、实行斯大林式统治的国家出现危险的巨大分歧之时。

【政治】分析:金正恩继位之后  Kim Jong-eun takes power in N Korea   2011-12-20
  The death of Kim Jong-il threw the Korean peninsula into fresh uncertainty on Monday as the North Korean regime named the dictator’s youngest son as the “Great Successor”, rattling financial markets in the south.
  金正日(Kim Jong-il)之死周一导致朝鲜半岛陷入新的不确定性,韩国金融市场为恐慌情绪笼罩。与此同时,朝鲜政权将这位独裁者的小儿子称作“伟大的接班人”。

【医疗】治疗毒蛇咬伤取得新进展  Progress in Fighting Snakebite Deaths   2011-12-20
  This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

【政治】谜团一样的朝鲜继承人金正恩  North Korean Heir Apparent an Enigma   2011-12-19
  Kim Jong Il's heir apparent -- his third son Kim Jong Un -- has risen to power swiftly in North Korea since being made a four-star general one year ago. But he is even more of an enigma than his late father.

【农业】圣诞老人两只驯鹿在德州逃跑  Two of Santa's Reindeer Flee in Texas Really   2011-12-19
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【教育】青少年中的性短信和“网络诱猎”  Teens, Sexting and 'Cyberbaiting'   2011-12-18
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【财经】中国货币供应量增速降至10年最低水平  China money growth slows to lowest in more than a decade   2011-12-16
  Chinese money growth slowed to its lowest in more than a decade last month, keeping the pressure on the government to loosen monetary policy and prevent the economy from slowing too sharply.

【政治】普京否认国家杜马选举存在舞弊  Putin on defensive over vote rigging protests   2011-12-16
  Vladimir Putin has gone on the defensive as he confronted for the first time the recent outburst of public discontent levelled at his 12-year rule. The prime minister dismissed critics’ calls for a rerun of Russia’s parliamentary elections.
  首次遭遇公众针对其12年统治爆发不满的俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)转入守势,但他没有理会批评者要求重新举行国家杜马选举的呼声。

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