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【科技】中国计划把航天员送上月球  China plans to put astronaut on the moon   2011-12-30
  China has declared its intention to land an astronaut on the moon, in the first official confirmation of its aim to go where Americans last set foot nearly 40 years ago.

【金融】金价跌至半年新低  Gold price hits lowest point in six months as dollar surges   2011-12-30
  Gold slumped to the lowest point in almost half a year as investors exchanged the metal for more liquid dollars.

【政治】金正日追悼仪式试图传递稳定信号  N Korea seeks to give message of stability   2011-12-30
  North Korea’s army fired artillery salutes while trains and ships blared their horns to conclude Kim Jong-il’s two-day funeral and memorial service.
  朝鲜人民军仪仗队鸣炮志哀,全国火车和轮船鸣响汽笛,为持续两天的金正日(Kim Jong-il)告别仪式及追悼大会画上句号。

【政治】金正日国葬以平壤民众集体默哀告终  Pyongyang Ends Kim Tribute With Massive Crowd   2011-12-30
  North Korea managed one more visual wallop Thursday as it said its last goodbye to dictator Kim Jong Il: a tableau of tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of people standing in the gigantic plaza in Pyongyang, the nation's capital, to hear a trio of speakers recite a final homage.
  周四,在向独裁者金正日(Kim Jong Il)做最后告别时,朝鲜再次出现了壮观的一幕:数万人(也可能是数十万人)站在首都平壤巨型广场上聆听三位发言人向金正日致悼词。

【综合】2012,有关中国经济的三大疑问  China's Year of the Question Mark   2011-12-30
  At the start of 2011, China's growth rate was above 9%. Beijing had scored a triumph only a few months earlier, at the November 2010 Seoul G-20 summit, in rebuffing Washington's pleas for more action on global rebalancing and thereby showing that China was an economic force to be reckoned with. As the U.S. slouched and the euro zone sank further into what now appears to be an interminable crisis, many businesses assumed China would be a good fallback.

【财经】2011年全球经济要闻回顾  Economic News in 2011   2011-12-30
  This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

【社会】近百岁夫妇离婚 成最高龄离婚者  99-year-old divorces wife after he discovered 1940s affair   2011-12-30
  An Italian couple are to become the world's oldest divorcees, after the 99-year-old husband found that his 96-year-old wife had an affair in the 1940s.

【政治】朝鲜为金正日举行国葬  Snow falls on N Korea’s mass mourning   2011-12-29
  Tens of thousands of North Koreans lined snow-covered streets in Pyongyang yesterday as former leader Kim Jong-il’s body was driven through the capital in the opening of a two-day funeral ceremony.
  数万朝鲜人昨日冒雪守候在首都平壤的主要街道两旁,送别前领导人金正日(Kim Jong-il)。为期两天的金正日国葬仪式就此拉开帷幕。

【财经】温州动车事故源于“管理不善”  China rail crash blamed on bad management   2011-12-29
  China has blamed rampant mismanagement in its railway industry for a train collision that killed 40 people and raised doubts about its high-speed rail system.

【政治】阿盟观察员访问叙利亚抗议热点城市  Arab League Monitors Visit Flashpoint Syrian Cities   2011-12-29
  Arab League observers are visiting three flashpoint cities in Syria on Wednesday as the government announced the release of hundreds of prisoners.

【政治】平壤雪中为金正日送葬  Kim Jong Il's Funeral Held in Snowy Pyongyang   2011-12-29
  Tens of thousands of weeping North Koreans bade a final farewell to longtime leader Kim Jong Il Wednesday as a black hearse carried his coffin through the capital Pyongyang.

【娱乐】研究:穷人更有同情心  Poor People May Be Quicker to Be Kind   2011-12-29
  Poor people are quicker than middle-class or rich individuals to recognize the suffering of others and to show compassion, according to a new study.

【财经】美国花生价格飙升至历史高点  US shells out record for peanuts as drought hits   2011-12-29
  Peanuts no longer cost peanuts. The price of the bar snack has leapt to a record high on the back of scorching weather and severe drought in key growing regions.

【综合】中国是否会改变对朝战略?  Falling Out of Love With North Korea   2011-12-29
  The leadership transition now underway in North Korea may appear smoother than the last one, in 1994. The death of Kim Jong Il on Dec. 17 was sudden but not unexpected, since he had been in ill health for several years. The regime also has survived one hereditary transition, which was not yet the case when Kim took over from his father Kim Il Sung in 1994. But one very important factor has changed over the past 17 years: China.

【政治】朝中社:金正恩关爱人民  Kim funeral offers image-making chance   2011-12-28
  North Koreans gathering in the run-up to the funeral of dictator Kim Jong-il on Wednesday will be able to shelter from the biting cold in warm buses whose engines have been left running, despite fuel shortages.
  周三,在独裁者金正日(Kim Jong-il)追悼会之前聚集的朝鲜人,将能够在温暖的大巴内躲避严寒。尽管朝鲜燃料短缺,但这些巴士的发动机将保持运转状态。

【财经】冷静看待中日货币协议  China and Japan pact on currency ‘symbolic’   2011-12-28
  China and Japan will promote the use of their currencies for trade and investment, according to an agreement that analysts say is largely a symbolic move as it is short on details.

【科技】日本公布福岛核事故调查中期报告  Report slams response to nuclear crisis   2011-12-28
  The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and its regulators all failed in their duty to adequately prepare for and respond promptly to a major emergency, contributing to the worst nuclear accident in a quarter century, according to a committee investigating the disaster.
  调查日本核事故的委员会表示,福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)运营商及其监管机构均未能履行自己的职责,没有为重大突发事件做好充足准备并迅速作出回应,从而导致了25年来最严重的核事故。

【军事】日本放宽武器出口禁令  Tokyo eases ban on arms exports   2011-12-28
  Tokyo has relaxed a decades-old ban on arms exports, allowing Japanese companies to participate in the international development and manufacture of advanced weapon systems.

【政治】普京指责反对派既无目标也无领袖  Russia's Putin Accuses Opposition of Lacking Goals, Leaders   2011-12-28
  Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says the opposition lacks goals and leaders, and he has rejected demands for a rerun of Russia's recent parliamentary elections.

【宗教】宗教让病人更有求生欲望  Religion more patients desire to live   2011-12-28
  Religious people seem curiously reluctant to meet their maker

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