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【政治】缅甸为囚犯减刑,活动人士表示失望  Burma Begins Clemency, as Activists Express   2012-01-04
【政治】奥巴马发表新年贺词 力挺中产阶级  Obama: 2012 ‘Make or Break’ Year For Middle Class   2012-01-04
【医疗】美国处方药滥用成灾  In US, an Epidemic of Prescription Drug Abuse   2012-01-04
【综合】叙利亚平民死亡影响阿盟观察行动  Syrian Civilian Deaths Undermine Arab League Mission   2012-01-03
【社会】Facebook成婚姻“第三者”  The Facebook divorces: Social network site is cited in 'a THIRD of splits'   2012-01-03
【政治】中国迎来领导人换届年  China's New Leaders Get In Line   2012-01-03
【农业】自己在菜园子里种生菜  In the Garden: Growing Your Own Lettuce   2012-01-03
【综合】年终回顾:盘点2011年国内外焦点事件  Year-end review: inventory of domestic and international focus of the event in 2   2012-01-02
【科技】消费者网上请愿向商家施压  Consumers' Online Petitions Put Pressure on Businesses   2012-01-02
【综合】新年特别节目:买本日历正当时  Happy New Year, Choosing the Right Calendar Takes Time   2012-01-01
【艺术】凯特王妃获评2011年英国女孩偶像  Kate Middleton beats Pippa to be named 2011's top beauty icon   2012-01-01
【财经】2011年全球股市缩水近6.3万亿美元  $6.3tn wiped off markets in 2011   2011-12-31
【政治】朝鲜:不要期望任何政策变化  N Korea tells ‘foolish politicians’ not to expect changes   2011-12-31
【政治】叙利亚各地爆发多起抗议  Syria protesters head for the squares, emboldened by international monitors   2011-12-31
【财经】中国制造业活动跌势趋缓  Decline in Chinese output begins to abate   2011-12-31
【政治】叙利亚骚乱蔓延14人死亡  Mass protests erupted in Syria Friday   2011-12-31
【军事】伊朗周末军演将试射远程导弹  Iran says it will fire long-range missiles on Saturday   2011-12-31
【政治】苏联解体20年后,俄罗斯政治改革呼声再起  20 Years After the Soviet Union, Renewed Calls for Political Reform   2011-12-31
【综合】2011年全球五大事件  Our age of mounting indignation   2011-12-31
【历史】2011:文物回家年  Lost treasures   2011-12-31

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