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【法律】马来西亚法庭判安瓦尔鸡奸罪不成立  Malaysian Court Acquits Anwar of Sodomy   2012-01-10
【军事】中国媒体抨击美国新军事战略  China media attack US defence shift   2012-01-09
【政治】美共和党总统候选人选战加剧  Republican opponents round on Romney   2012-01-09
【科技】水、漂白剂和塑料瓶构成的水灯泡  Bright Idea: Light Bulbs From Plastic Bottles, Water and Bleach   2012-01-09
【艺术】股神巴菲特将上中国网络春晚献唱  Warren Buffett to perform for China over Chinese New Year   2012-01-09
【语言】词汇掌故:坦诚交流  Words and Their Stories: Heart to Heart   2012-01-08
【政治】奥巴马制定国防新战略  Obama Sets Plan for 'Leaner' Military   2012-01-07
【财经】中国将采取措施刺激消费  China to take steps to boost consumption   2012-01-06
【军事】奥巴马公布美军“瘦身”战略  Obama unveils a leaner US military   2012-01-06
【社会】英国王妃凯特将成童子军活动志愿者  Britain's Duchess of Cambridge becomes a Scout   2012-01-06
【财经】中国土地销售放缓加剧  China land sales decelerate   2012-01-06
【财经】奥巴马任命消费者金融保护局局长  President Appoints Consumer Agency Chief   2012-01-06
【财经】奥巴马公布美军“瘦身”战略  Obama unveils a leaner US military   2012-01-06
【社会】调查:1月4日成英国“出轨日”  January 4th is the WORST day for infidelity   2012-01-05
【社会】经济衰退引发冬日婚潮  Surge in winter weddings as couples attempt to save money amid economic gloom   2012-01-05
【政治】美国高级特使在金正日死后访华  Senior US Envoy Visits China Following Kim Jong Il's Death   2012-01-05
【政治】奥巴马将在首次竞选之旅中为经济辩护  Obama To Defend Economy On First Campaign Trip of 2012   2012-01-05
【教育】2012年决心:学好英语  A Goal for 2012: Learning English   2012-01-05
【综合】共同促进世界和平与发展(胡锦涛主席新年贺词)  Jointly Improve World Peace and Development   2012-01-05
【军事】美国无视伊朗警告,誓言航母将继续驻扎波斯湾  Despite Iran Warning, US Vows to Keep Ships in Persian Gulf   2012-01-04

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