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【法律】美国各大网站关站抗议SOPA法案  Websites Cut Service to Protest US Antipiracy Bills   2012-01-20
【书评】日本记者新书披露金正男对朝鲜的观点  Kim Jong Eun's Brother: Succession 'Can't Be Done'(By Yoree Koh)   2012-01-20
【法律】FBI关闭海外文件共享网站 加剧反盗版争论  US Shuts Offshore File-Share 'Locker'   2012-01-20
【财经】城市化进程导致中国经济失衡?(作者:黄育川)  The Poor Man's Consumption Fix for China   2012-01-20
【政治】中国改革不能止步  The long march ahead to a truly capitalist China   2012-01-20
【教育】荷兰性教育的启示  Why American teens should go Dutch   2012-01-20
【财经】全球石油需求2009年来首次下降  First fall in oil demand since 2009 crisis after mild winter   2012-01-19
【教育】帮助缅甸难民学习英语的一个群体  A Community Helps Burmese Refugees Learn English   2012-01-19
【社会】妻子和丈夫朋友太熟会影响性生活  Male sex life suffers if partner is 'too close to his friends'   2012-01-19
【政治】人权组织批评埃塞俄比亚移民安置计划  Rights Group Criticizes Ethiopian Resettlement Program   2012-01-18
【财经】中国经济有望软着陆?  Sombre signs for China growth   2012-01-18
【社会】调查:1/10的人曾收到“分手短信”  One in ten of us are dumped by a text, survey reveals   2012-01-18
【科技】维基百科、谷歌将联手示威  Online protests to take sites offline   2012-01-18
【医疗】想减肥?试试控制卡路里摄入量  Want to Lose Weight? Try Counting Calories   2012-01-18
【政治】美联社在朝鲜设立分社  Associated Press Opens News Bureau in North Korea   2012-01-17
【农业】抗干旱作物和'Designer'水稻  Steps Toward Drought-Resistant Crops, 'Designer' Rice   2012-01-17
【社会】雾都伦敦给北京的启示  Beijing & London: smog in two cities   2012-01-17
【科技】一款保护女性安全的手机应用程序  A Mobile App in Delhi Aims to Protect Women   2012-01-16
【财经】2012年大预测  Forecasts for a future imperfect   2012-01-16
【军事】美国确认视频中虐待塔利班成员遗体的美海军陆战队员  US Identifies Marines in Urination Video   2012-01-14

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