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【财经】达沃斯热议贫富分化  Income disparity tops list of concerns   2012-01-26
  As the world’s leading business people, bankers and politicians entered the concrete Congress Centre of the World Economic Forum in Davos, they were assailed by a cacophony of clanging tin pots. Some local Swiss were protesting, with signs saying: “Wir sind die 99%!”

【财经】奥巴马在国情咨文中展示经济蓝图  Obama Unveils Economic   2012-01-26
  U.S. President Barack Obama used his third State of the Union address Tuesday to outline a new economic blueprint that he says will work for everyone, not just the wealthy.

【财经】共和党批评奥巴马分裂策略,呼吁促进增长的政策  Republicans Accuse Obama of Divisive Tactics, Call for   2012-01-26
  A two-time Republican governor says U.S. President Barack Obama has resorted to "extremism" with what he called anti-growth policies and a plan to divide Americans rather than unite them.

【体育】体育锻炼能够提高学习成绩吗?  Does Physical Activity Lead to Higher Grades?   2012-01-26
  This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

【政治】中国高层缺席达沃斯  China breaks 30-year tradition with Davos   2012-01-25
  China will break with a 30-year tradition by not sending high-level officials to the World Economic Forum at Davos, which falls this year in the middle of Chinese New Year festivities.

【综合】2012达沃斯:聚焦欧元区  Actions need to speak louder than words   2012-01-25
  Davos is a study in contradictions. For a few days at the end of January each year, this tiny Swiss ski resort nestled several hours from any large airport plays host to world leaders, top bankers and a posse of stars from the realms of science and entertainment.

【地理】2012的热门旅游地  Top destinations 2012   2012-01-25

【综合】罗姆尼公布一直被追讨的缴税记录  Mitt Romney Releases Long Sought-After Tax Returns   2012-01-25
  U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has released his federal tax records, showing he earned more than $42 million during the last two years and paid an estimated $6.2 million in taxes. The records for Romney and his wife Ann, released by his campaign early Tuesday, put their tax rate at 13.9 percent in 2010, with an expected rate of 15.4 percent in 2011. Romney's tax rate is far below that of other high-income earners because his most of his income comes from investments.

【医疗】大规模集会时的健康风险  Health Risks in a Crowd: Not What You May Think   2012-01-25
  This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

【政治】欧盟同意对伊朗施行石油禁运  EU Agrees to Iranian Oil Embargo   2012-01-24
  European Union nations have agreed to place an oil embargo against Iranian oil exports.

【政治】奥巴马总统国情咨文,经济目标将成重点  President Obama to Highlight Economic Goals in State of the Union   2012-01-24
  U.S. President Barack Obama will present his vision for the nation's economy when he delivers his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night before a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

【综合】奥巴马发表贺词 祝贺农历龙年新年  Obama offers best wishes for Lunar New Year   2012-01-22
  US President Barack Obama on Thursday offered his best wishes to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, calling it "a time for celebration and hope."

【语言】词汇掌故:和cold相关的短语  Words and Their Stories: The Cold, Hard Truth   2012-01-22
  Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

【综合】歌诗达-协和号邮轮触礁  Captain Blamed for Italy's Costa Concordia Disaster   2012-01-21
  This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

【法律】美国调查联邦调查局和司法部网站遭袭  U.S. Investigating Online Attacks on FBI, Justice Dept.   2012-01-21
  The FBI says it is investigating why the websites for the FBI, the Department of Justice, and several entertainment industry sites all went down Thursday after the government shut down one of the world's largest file-sharing sites.

【政治】朝鲜释放两名被关押的日本工人  North Korea Releases 2 Detained Japanese Workers   2012-01-21
  North Korea has released two Japanese workers who had been detained for almost a year on suspicion of criminal activity.

【法律】美中轮胎案 美国未能得偿所愿  Get-Tough Policy On Chinese Tires Falls Flat   2012-01-21
  John Everett slaps a tire in his vast warehouse and delivers a troubling verdict on Washington's big battle with China over tire imports.
  埃弗里特(John Everett)在自己的大仓库里一边拍打一只轮胎,一边对华盛顿与中国就轮胎进口问题展开的贸易战发表着令人不安的见解。

【教育】苹果出击数字教科书市场  Apple opens new era in digital learning   2012-01-20
  Apple has announced its long-awaited move into the digital textbook market, unveiling a new bookstore for its iPad tablets, a free publishing tool to help authors create interactive instructional materials and a new application for its “iTunes U” service for sharing university courses.
  苹果(Apple)宣布了外界期待已久的一个计划:将进军数字教科书市场。苹果此次针对iPad平板电脑推出了一个新书店,一款帮助作者创建互动教学材料的免费出版工具;还发布了一款用于“iTunes U”服务的新应用程序,可以共享大学课程。

【政治】中国:美国对伊朗的制裁“无效”  China Says US Sanctions on Iran 'Ineffective'   2012-01-20
  China expressed concern Thursday over rising tensions in the Persian Gulf, saying the situation could pose problems for resolving Iran's nuclear issues.

【政治】美国:如果伊朗认真,美愿意重启核谈判  US Open to Resuming Nuclear Talks with 'Serious' Iran   2012-01-20
  The United States says it is open to resuming negotiations with Iran about its controversial nuclear program if Tehran is "serious" about discussing it openly.

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