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【财经】西方减债之路依然漫长  US debt reduction offers hope but has a long way to go   2012-02-01
  A couple of years ago, the words “American consumer” cast a shadow over global markets. No wonder. Back in the days of the credit bubble, American consumer borrowing helped to create a crazy debt binge.

【教育】分析:全球商学院排名新趋势  A winning performance   2012-02-01
  Stanford Graduate School of Business tops the 2012 FT Global MBA ranking this year for the first time. Its breakthrough sees the California school become only the fourth institution to top the ranking, after 13 consecutive years in the global top 10.
  美国斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)今年首次荣登2012年英国《金融时报》全球商学院排行榜榜首。凭借这一突破,这家加州商学院成为该排行榜第4家冠军院校。此前该学院曾连续13年跻身榜单10强 (点击这里查看完整英文排名)。

【政治】乌坎村选举的意义  Beijing watches on as village experiments with democracy   2012-02-01
  When the residents of the small southern Chinese fishing village of Wukan vote in a local election on Wednesday, the person with most at stake will not be one of the 25 candidates.

【财经】默克尔访华争取中国投资  Merkel to court Chinese investors   2012-02-01
  Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, flies to China on Wednesday to explain Europe’s crisis management in the eurozone, and woo Beijing and Chinese financial institutions to invest in Germany and the wider common currency area.
  德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)周三将飞抵中国,解释欧洲方面在欧元区进行的危机管理,并吸引中国官方和中国金融机构在德国乃至整个欧元区开展投资。

【财经】北京调整超大船舶靠泊中国港口管理方式  Beijing ruling threatens Vale ships   2012-02-01
  The world shipping industry yesterday was struggling to digest the implications of an unexpected Chinese government ruling that restricts ports’ right to accept many large bulk carriers and tankers, writes Leslie Hook and Robert Wright.

【军事】印度选定法国阵风战斗机  India picks Dassault fighter   2012-02-01
  France’s Dassault has been awarded frontrunner status in the hotly contested $20bn race to supply 126 fighter jets to India, providing a much-needed boost for French economic and industrial prestige.

【财经】美国国会:终止减税将使经济增长放缓  Tax cuts expiry to ‘slow’ US growth   2012-02-01
  US economic growth will slow dramatically if tax rises and spending cuts come into effect as planned in 2013, according to new figures from the Congressional Budget Office.

【财经】RBS前掌门人将被剥夺爵士头衔  Ex-Royal Bank of Scotland chief to be stripped of his knighthood   2012-02-01
  Sir Fred Goodwin, the former boss of Royal Bank of Scotland, is to be stripped of his knighthood in the latest political concession to public anger in Britain over the perceived arrogance of some senior bankers.
  苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)前掌门人弗雷德•古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)将被剥夺其爵士头衔,这是在英国公众对一些资深银行家的傲慢感到愤怒的情况下,政界做出的最新妥协。

【军事】美国担心遭伊朗袭击  US fears increased terror threat from Iran   2012-02-01
  Iran is more willing to launch terrorist attacks inside the US in response to perceived threats to the regime in Tehran, America’s top intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday.

【财经】Lex专栏:德国如何报答欧元区?  Lex_Eurozone compact   2012-02-01
  This must be what they mean by Disziplin. Germany’s reading of the debt crisis is that it is the fault of profligate governments. Monday’s “fiscal compact”, with its coercive imposition of budgetary orthodoxy, debt sustainability and economic convergence, is meant to bring them to heel. That should provide Angela Merkel, the chancellor, with the political cover she needs to increase Berlin’s commitment to addressing the crisis. The question now is whether Germany is ready to repay the favour to the eurozone.
  这一定就是他们所说的“纪律”(Disziplin,德语)。德国对债务危机的解读是:它是由挥霍无度的政府造成的。周一的“财政协定”旨在让各国政府恢复节制,协定将强制实施正统的预算管理,确保债务可持续性和经济趋同。这将为德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)提供所需的政治掩护,以加大柏林方面在解决危机上的承诺。眼下的问题是,德国是否已准备好回报欧元区的这一馈赠。

【财经】Lex专栏:上汽如何再接再厉?  Lex_SAIC Motor   2012-02-01
  The biggest automaker in the world’s biggest car market looks to be on a tear. Yesterday, SAIC Motor, which holds a fifth of the Chinese auto market, said that net income for 2011 will have jumped more than 40 per cent to almost Rmb20bn. Unit sales picked up by almost a sixth last year, against a 5 per cent rise in the wider Chinese market. Not bad in a country where car sales were 14m in 2011. Yet investors were not impressed. Its stock price fell 3 per cent, admittedly after a 9 per cent gain in January.
  世界最大汽车市场上的最大汽车制造商——上汽集团(SAIC Motor)似乎正在取得接连不断的成功。昨日,占有中国汽车市场五分之一份额的上汽表示,预计2011年公司净利润增长了40%以上,达到约200亿元人民币,整车销量增长了约六分之一(整个中国市场的整车销量只增长了5%)。在一个2011年汽车总销量为1400万辆的国家,能取得这样的业绩已经很不错了。但投资者们却并不满意。昨日,上汽股价下跌了3%——尽管它在今年1月截至财报发布前一天的日子里累计上涨了9%。

【医疗】抗药性肺结核病蔓延  What Happens When TB Becomes Untreatable?   2012-02-01
  This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

【财经】龙年投资风水  Feng shui investing: year of the dragon   2012-01-31
  With the year of the rabbit drawing to a close, thoughts turn to the prospects for the year of the dragon. Dragons are said to be highly auspicious, provided their natural ferocity can be kept in check.

【政治】资本主义绝非历史终点  Capitalism is only ever the beginning of history   2012-01-31
  Isn’t it strange? When the Berlin Wall fell and the Iron Curtain was raised, a historic competition appeared to have come to an end. Observers saw capitalism triumphing over communism, free markets over central planning, democracy over dictatorship, Hayek over Marx. Francis Fukuyama even proclaimed the end of history – mankind had supposedly reached an optimum state, with no feasible alternative.
  这难道不奇怪吗?当柏林墙倒塌、“铁幕”被拉开之际,一场历史竞赛似乎画上了句号。观察家们见证了资本主义战胜共产主义,自由市场战胜中央计划体制,民主战胜独裁,哈耶克(Hayek)战胜马克思(Marx),弗朗西斯•福山(Francis Fukuyama)甚至宣称,历史到达了终点站——人类想来已经达到了巅峰状态,资本主义已经无可替代。

【政治】意大利“触礁”  Ahoy Italy! It’s time for some shipshape austerity   2012-01-31
  Italy seems to have a knack for plunging into spectacular messes. It’s not the only European country to face problems lately – quite the reverse, it seems to be a popular pastime at the moment. When things go wrong below the Alps, though, they produce perfect images for the world’s front pages. First Naples’ piles of smoking rubbish, then Silvio Berlusconi’s scores of pouting girls. And now the awesome pictures of a huge, white cruise-ship, beached like a whale off Tuscany’s charming Isola del Giglio.
  意大利似乎有着惹出大乱子的天分。它并非欧洲唯一一个最近面临问题的国家,但目前它似乎变成了一种流行的消遣话题。然而,当阿尔卑斯山下出了什么事情时,它们给全球报纸头版提供了完美的画面。先是那不勒斯一堆堆冒着烟的垃圾山,然后是西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)身旁无数嘟着嘴的性感女郎,如今则是一艘巨型白色邮轮像鲸鱼一样在托斯卡纳风景迷人的吉利奥岛(Isola del Giglio)附近搁浅的可怕场面。

【财经】欧盟要求中国放宽稀土出口限制  China urged to increase rare earth sales after WTO ruling   2012-01-31
  The European Union demanded that China loosen its sales of rare earth materials after the World Trade Organisation upheld a ruling that Beijing’s policies to limit raw material exports violated international trade rules.

【科技】欧洲欲建太空“防护盾” 防范小行星撞地球  Europe is developing an asteroid shield   2012-01-31
  Scientists are trying to find a way to protect Earth from the giant rocks which travel around the Milky Way.

【财经】Lex专栏:三一重工打响全球圈地战  Lex_ Sany Heavy: China digs in   2012-01-31
  China serves up some heebie-jeebies yet again, this time directed towards the global market for construction machinery. Sany Heavy, the country’s biggest maker of such cool-sounding machines as concrete pumps, excavators and cranes, is to buy 90 per cent of German concrete pump-maker Putzmeister for €360m.
  中国再次引起了一些紧张不安,这一次是在全球建筑机械市场。三一重工(Sany Heavy)是混凝土泵、挖掘机、起重机等听起来很酷的机械的中国最大制造商,它将以3.6亿欧元的价格收购德国混凝土泵制造商普茨迈斯特(Putzmeister)90%的股份。

【财经】FT社评:维持中国的经济繁荣  Leader_ Letting China’s economy bloom   2012-01-31
  At times, what statisticians say can be more revealing than the statistics they present. This was certainly the case with Ma Jiantang of China’s National Bureau of Statistics when he commented this month on the country’s latest national income figures. His observation that “2012 will be a year of complexity and challenges”, was a masterpiece of understatement.

【财经】中国扩大在非影响力  China puts space-age seal on African role   2012-01-31
  It would be hard to conjure up a grander gesture to mark the state of relations between China and Africa than the new $200m Chinese-built headquarters of the African Union.

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