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【财经】欧洲银行之危=亚洲同行之机?  Opportunities for Asia in Europe bank crisis   2012-02-02
  Fears of a credit crisis in Asia are abating as funding pressures on European banks ease. That in turn eases the pressure on those banks to shrink their balance sheets by selling assets far from their home markets on the continent.

【财经】重新发现资本主义  Knowledge lies at the heart of western capitalism   2012-02-02
  The world economy is made up of many tiny parts that are useful only when we combine them into more complex wholes. The higher the value of these aggregations, the more economic growth. Humanity’s achievements – from the 120 ingredients of my clock to the countless financial deals and developments that produced the internet and flight navigation systems – all result from joining people and things to each other.

【财经】欧元区危机没有化解  Dangers lurk behind today’s relief   2012-02-02
  Economic decision-makers are more optimistic than two months ago. The main reason is the belief that the European Central Bank, under the shrewd leadership of Mario Draghi, has eliminated the risk of a financial implosion in the eurozone. As Mark Carney, the respected governor of the Bank of Canada and Mr Draghi’s successor at the Financial Stability Board, remarked at the World Economic Forum in Davos: “There is not going to be a Lehman-style event in Europe. That matters.”
  经济决策者眼下的情绪比两个月前乐观,这主要是因为他们相信:欧洲央行(ECB)在马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)的英明领导下,已经化解了欧元区出现金融崩盘的风险。正如倍受尊敬的加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)行长、德拉吉在金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)的继任者马克•卡尼(Mark Carney)在达沃斯世界经济论坛上所言:“欧洲将不会发生雷曼式的事件。这一点十分关键。”

【财经】星升星陨达沃斯  Beware the hubris of the Brics   2012-02-02
  The ancient Greeks thought that “those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.” For them, the surest way to destroy a person is to fill him or her with success, power, prosperity and fame. Excessive success induces inordinate self-confidence, which inevitably leads them to make disastrous mistakes and to failure. Hubris, they called it.

【财经】难以解读的节后中国经济  Chinese data suffer New Year hangover   2012-02-02
  China’s manufacturing sector had a strong January, at least according to an official survey that required extensive statistical adjustments due to last week’s New Year holiday. Independent economists who conducted their own data adjustments found signs of surprising weakness.

【财经】Lex专栏:合并遭否决后的纽交所  Lex_That’s not very NYSE   2012-02-02
  No, non, nein. European antitrust regulators have spelt out reasons for blocking the proposed $7.5bn merger of Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext – only the fourth deal blocked by Brussels in eight years and by far the most significant. The objection turns out to be simple: the 90 per cent-plus share that the exchanges would have in the market for European financial exchange-traded derivatives (plus inadequate remedies to address this).
  不,不行。欧盟反垄断监管机构阐明了否决德意志交易所(Deutsche Börse)与纽约证交所-泛欧交易所(NYSE Euronext)合并计划的理由,这是布鲁塞尔方面8年来叫停的第四笔交易,也是其中明显最重大的一笔交易,价值75亿美元。反对理由其实很简单:两家交易所合并后,将独揽欧洲交易所交易衍生品市场90%以上的份额(加上纠正这种局面的补救措施不够充足)。

【财经】制造业数据引发全球复苏希望  Manufacturing strength sparks optimism over global recovery   2012-02-02
  The world’s leading manufacturing nations started the year with tentative steps towards recovery, according to a survey of purchasing managers in 30 countries.

【政治】今年美国大选将是史上最昂贵的选战  Super-Pacs outspend US presidential candidates   2012-02-02
  Republicans are rapidly eroding the huge funding advantage that propelled Barack Obama into the White House, with wealthy donors flooding new conservative campaign groups with cash ahead of the presidential election in November.
  庞大的经费优势曾助力巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)入主白宫,现在共和党正在这方面快速赶超。在11月总统大选之前,富有的捐赠者正将大量资金捐给新的保守主义竞选团体。

【法律】四名嫌犯承认曾密谋袭击伦敦证交所  Four admit al-Qaeda inspired attack plot   2012-02-02
  Four Islamist extremists admitted yesterday that they had plotted a terrorist attack on the London Stock Exchange and other targets in 2010 in a conspiracy inspired by al-Qaeda propaganda.

【政治】中国广东乌坎村举行选举  Wukan   2012-02-02
  More than 5,000 voters in Wukan went to the polls yesterday in the southern Chinese village’s first free election in decades.

【财经】Facebook启动上市 将成造富机器  Facebook sets wheels of its IPO in motion   2012-02-02
  Facebook launched the process for its highly anticipated stock market debut, filing papers for a $5bn initial public offering that will turn key shareholders into billionaires, most notably Mark Zuckerberg, the 27-year-old chief executive and co-founder.
  Facebook启动了其备受期待的上市程序,提交了拟融资50亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)文件。这将让该公司的主要股东成为亿万富翁,尤其是年仅27岁的首席执行官和联合创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。

【政治】俄罗斯称联合国决议将把叙利亚推向内战  Russia Says UN Resolution Would Put Syria on Path to Civil War   2012-02-02
  Russia is warning that a Western and Arab effort to push the U.N. Security Council into adopting a resolution on Syria will put that nation on a path to civil war.

【教育】美国一些公立学校启用电子教科书  When a Textbook Is Online, Not on Paper   2012-02-02
  This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

【军事】中国军方高官落马  Senior officer held in graft inquiry   2012-02-02
  A senior Chinese military officer has been removed from his post and is being investigated for alleged corruption in what insiders see as the fallout of a struggle in the military ahead of China’s leadership transition, writes Kathrin Hille in Beijing.

【财经】嘉汉林业最终报告未消除全部质疑  Questions remain after Sino-Forest’s final report   2012-02-02
  Sino-Forest, the Chinese forestry company accused of fraud, released a final report into the allegations but provided little new information about its timber assets, cash pile or relationship with suppliers.

【政治】普京承认或需两轮投票才能获胜  Putin ready for test if poll goes to run-off   2012-02-02
  Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin has admitted it might take him two rounds to win Russia’s presidential elections in March, a sign he is attempting to manage expectations about his falling approval ratings.
  俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)已经承认,他可能需要两轮投票才能赢得3月的俄罗斯总统选举,这显示他正试图应对自身支持率下降的预期。

【社会】52岁菲律宾总统恋上29岁韩裔女主播  Philippine leader adds Korean fizz to love life   2012-02-02
  The Philippines' bachelor president, Benigno Aquino, confirmed Wednesday that he had put the fizz back into his love life by dating a South Korean media personality more than 20 years his junior.

【社会】中国年轻人的焦虑  Daily struggle increases anxiety   2012-02-01
  Ni Lu takes things one step at a time. “It’s most realistic to set yourself targets for the next three or five years – longer periods of time you can’t control,” the Shanghai girl says.

【财经】达沃斯共识面临挑战  The Davos consensus is under siege   2012-02-01
  If nothing else, Newt Gingrich’s campaign for the US presidency has contributed an excellent new phrase to the language. His coinage – “pious baloney” – kept popping into my head in Davos last week, every time I saw the World Economic Forum’s ubiquitous slogan: “Committed to improving the state of the world”.
  就算没有别的贡献,纽特•金里奇(Newt Gingrich)在竞选美国总统的活动中为英语贡献了一个极好的新词:“虔诚的胡扯”(pious baloney)。上周在达沃斯期间,我每次看见世界经济论坛(WEF)的无处不在的标语:“致力于改善世界状况”,脑海里就会闪现出这个短语。

【财经】我们每个人都是共犯  Insatiable consumers are undermining democracy   2012-02-01
  It is far too easy to blame the crisis of capitalism on global finance and sky-high executive salaries. At a deeper level the crisis marks the triumph of consumers and investors over workers and citizens. And since most of us occupy all four roles, the real crisis centres on the increasing efficiency by which we as consumers and investors can get great deals, and our declining capacity to be heard as workers and citizens.

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