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【金融】金融业薪酬面临缩水 Forget the big bonuses; a pay squeeze is coming 2012-02-03 | |
Say the words “banker pay” to your average voter or politician and these days you will hear an angry hiss. After all, nothing stirs up so much resentment against modern capitalism as the sight of financiers still reaping fat rewards despite failing institutions. On Sunday, the public outrage at Stephen Hester’s bonus persuaded the Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive to turn down a pay award (£1m) that would be considered miserly by other bank bosses in the UK and the US.
如今若与普通选民或政客谈论“银行家的薪酬”,你总能听到愤怒的嘘声。毕竟,没有什么比看到金融家们在金融机构濒临倒闭时仍能拿到丰厚的薪酬更能激起人们对现代资本主义的憎恨了。上周日,苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)行政总裁斯蒂芬•赫斯特(Stephen Hester)在公愤的压力之下,决定放弃一笔100万英镑的奖金——尽管在其他英美银行的老板看来,这笔奖金简直少得可怜。 | |
【财经】我们需要警惕葡萄牙债务 Portugal’s debt threatens to create fresh storms for euro 2012-02-03 | |
Greece, in its desperate struggle to avoid default, is unique. Europe’s policymakers defend this argument until they are blue in the face. But Portugal’s economic slump and grim battle to repay its debts are threatening to prove them wrong – and to place another storm cloud over the euro.
正在竭力避免违约的希腊是特殊情况——欧洲的政策制定者一直坚定捍卫这种观点。 | |
【财经】中国利益的两难 The trials of a reluctant superpower 2012-02-03 | |
In 1793 the Emperor Qianlong airily dismissed the emissary of King George III on the grounds that China was the self-sufficient centre of the world and had no conceivable need of imports. Modern China should be so lucky. As well as foreign technology, Beijing now requires foreign oil, foreign copper, foreign iron ore and heaps of other foreign commodities to sustain its “Made in China” transformation.
1793年,乾隆皇帝轻率地回绝了英王乔治三世(King George III)派来的使节,理由是:中国是全世界的中心,能够自给自足,想不到有什么东西需要进口。现代中国竟然如此幸运。除了外国技术,中国政府现在还需要外国的石油、铜、铁矿石以及大量其它外国大宗商品,以支撑“中国制造”的变革。 | |
【财经】中石油入股壳牌加拿大页岩气项目 PetroChina in Canadian shale deal 2012-02-03 | |
PetroChina is extending its reach into Canadian shale gas assets through a fresh deal with Royal Dutch Shell, underlining China’s strategic interest in the country.
中石油(PetroChina)正通过与荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)的一项新交易,将触角伸向加拿大的页岩气资产,此举突显中国对加拿大的战略兴趣。 | |
【财经】嘉能可和斯特拉塔启动880亿美元合并谈判 $88bn Glencore and Xstrata talks 2012-02-03 | |
Glencore and Xstrata have launched merger talks to create an $88bn commodities trading and mining giant with the financial muscle to sweep up some of its biggest rivals.
嘉能可(Glencore)和斯特拉塔(Xstrata)已启动合并谈判,若交易成功,将缔造一家880亿美元的大宗商品交易和矿业巨擘,拥有将一些最大竞争对手收入囊中的雄厚财务实力。 | |
【财经】全球制造业回暖提振亚洲股市 Asian shares lifted by improving global data 2012-02-03 | |
Asian shares jumped after improving manufacturing data in China, US and Europe soothed concerns about the global economic outlook.
亚洲各国股市昨日普遍上涨,此前中国、美国和欧洲的制造业数据有所起色,缓解了各方对全球经济前景的担忧。 | |
【财经】中国和阿曼电企收购葡萄牙国家电网股份 Portugal to sell stakes in grid to China and Oman electricity 2012-02-03 | |
State Grid Corporation of China is to acquire 25 per cent of Portugal’s national power grid in the second large-scale Portuguese acquisition by a Chinese energy group in six weeks.
中国国家电网公司(State Grid Corporation of China)将收购葡萄牙国家电网(Redes Energéticas Nacionais,简称REN)25%的股份,这是6周来中国能源集团对葡萄牙资产展开的第二大规模的一笔收购。 | |
【财经】温家宝:中国考虑参与应对欧债危机 China reviews its EU crisis role 2012-02-03 | |
China is considering how to get “more deeply involved” in resolving Europe’s debt crisis by co-operating more closely with European rescue funds, says Wen Jiabao, Chinese premier.
中国总理温家宝表示,中国正考虑与欧洲的纾困基金开展更密切的合作,从而“更多参与”解决欧洲的债务危机。 | |
【教育】英国推出新签证吸引杰出留学生 Extended visa opens way to students with business flair 2012-02-03 | |
International students who have shown entrepreneurial flair while on courses at UK universities will be allowed to stay on in the country to develop their ideas, Damian Green, the immigration minister, has announced.
英国移民部长达米安•格林(Damian Green)宣布,在英国大学留学期间展露出企业家才华的国际学生,将获准留在英国发展自己的创意。 | |
【财经】分析:如果嘉能可与斯特拉塔成功合并 Dominant position in key markets 2012-02-03 | |
A merger of Glencore and Xstrata would create a mining giant with a dominant position in commodities including thermal coal, zinc and lead.
嘉能可(Glencore)与斯特拉塔(Xstrata)若合并成功,将缔造一家在动力煤、锌和铅等大宗商品领域占据主导地位的矿业巨擘。 | |
【体育】足球暴力事件后埃及人抗议缺少安全 Egyptians Protest Lack of Security Following Soccer Disaster 2012-02-03 | |
Egyptian activists are taking to the streets Thursday to protest the failure of police to prevent violence at a soccer match that left at least 74 people dead and hundreds injured in the northern city of Port Said.
埃及人权活动人士星期四走上街头,抗议警方未能预防一场足球赛上的暴力事件。发生在北部城市塞德港的这场骚乱造成至少74人死亡,数百人受伤。 | |
【政治】美法结束阿富汗使命后北约路线图将继续 NATO Chief: Afghan Roadmap Stands Despite US, French Announcements 2012-02-03 | |
NATO Secretary General Anders-Fogh Rasmussen says the coalition's timeline for the security transition in Afghanistan still stands, despite recent announcements from the United States and France.
北约秘书长拉斯穆森说,尽管美国和法国最近宣布了提前结束阿富汗作战使命,北约向阿富汗移交安全责任的时间表仍然有效。 | |
【资讯】Facebook递交IPO申请准备上市 Facebook and Its Stock Offering 2012-02-03 | |
This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 | |
【财经】H股前景不明或拖累香港股市 Earnings doubts likely to hamper Hong Kong rally 2012-02-03 | |
The Hang Seng has had its best start to the year since the mid-1990s, rising 12.5 per cent over the past month.
自上世纪90年代中期以来,恒生指数就从没有过这么好的开年表现:它在上个月累计上涨了12.5%。 | |
【财经】短线观点:卖掉你的Facebook股票 Short View_Facebook 2012-02-03 | |
Facebook wants friends. Its planned initial public offering could value the company at up to $100bn, and it wants to raise $5bn – more than the biggest listings of the dotcom bubble.
Facebook需要朋友。该公司计划中的首次公开发行(IPO)可能使其市值达到1000亿美元,而它打算筹资50亿美元——这比互联网泡沫时期规模最大的IPO还要高。 | |
【财经】Lex专栏:嘉能可/斯特拉塔联姻前景 Lex_Trading places 2012-02-03 | |
Glencore’s planned buy-out of the rest of Xstrata wins no prizes for originality. After all, Xstrata owes its creation to a $2.5bn coal deal struck a decade ago with Ivan Glasenberg’s commodities trader-miner. Glencore held on to a 34 per cent stake in Xstrata, which Mick Davis has transformed into a diversified miner worth $58bn. The two have discussed a reunion before, but Mr Davis resisted it while Glencore was privately held. However, Glencore’s $10bn initial public offering last year has given it an acquisition currency. The companies say they are discussing an $80bn merger of equals but it should be seen as a normal takeover, with Glencore doing the taking over. So what premium should Xstrata’s minorities demand?
嘉能可(Glencore)收购斯特拉塔(Xstrata)剩余股份的方案,让人看不出什么新意。毕竟,斯特拉塔的创立源于10年前与伊凡•格拉森伯格(Ivan Glasenberg)旗下大宗商品交易商/矿商达成的一次价值25亿美元的煤炭交易。嘉能可持有斯特拉塔34%的股份。米克•戴维斯(Mick Davis)已将斯特拉塔转型成为一家价值580亿美元的多元化矿商。这两家公司以前曾就重新联合进行过谈判,但由于嘉能可是一家私人公司,戴维斯对此进行了抵制。然而,嘉能可去年进行了首次公开发行(IPO),使自己获得了用于收购的资金。两家公司表示,它们目前正就一项价值800亿美元的“对等合并”进行谈判,但这应当被视为通常的收购,收购方为嘉能可。那么,斯特拉塔的小股东应当索要多大的溢价呢? | |
【财经】Facebook应该取消IPO Facebook ought to ditch its initial public offering 2012-02-03 | |
At long last Facebook has filed for its initial public offering, the most eagerly-awaited event in Silicon Valley since Google went public in 2004. Having read the prospectus, with its details of how profitable and cash-rich the social networking enterprise is, may I suggest it calls the whole thing off?
终于,Facebook递交了首次公开募股(IPO)申请,这是自谷歌(Google)2004年上市以来,硅谷最令人期盼的事件。可看过了招股书、了解了这家社交网络公司的盈利能力和现金充裕程度之后,我能否冒昧地建议,它取消IPO呢? | |
【财经】削减公司预算的两难选择 Do I axe canteen or gym subsidies to balance the budget? 2012-02-02 | |
I’m in the unenviable position of trying to make budget cuts to our organisation.
我做着一份不讨好的工作:设法削减公司预算。 | |
【社会】美国人开始淡定 Stressed? It’s the new normal 2012-02-02 | |
Are you feeling stressed right now? As 2012 gets under way, plenty of people would probably say “yes.” But when the American Psychological Association recently posed this question, the results were distinctly surprising.
现在你压力大吗?在2012年拉开帷幕之际,很多人的回答可能是“大”。但当美国心理学会(APA)最近以此问题进行调查时,得出的结果却非常令人意外。 | |
【财经】仅仅剥夺古德温爵士头衔还不够 The shredding of Sir Fred Goodwin 2012-02-02 | |
Until yesterday the honours forfeiture committee, a seldom-heard-of cog in the Whitehall machine, had since 1995 recommended that 34 recipients of British medals and titles be stripped of them – among them the Zimbabwean dictator, Robert Mugabe. Now that number has increased to 35 with the decision to take away Sir Fred Goodwin’s knighthood.
截至周二,鲜为人知的白厅机构“荣誉封号取消委员会”自1995年以来已经建议剥夺了34位英国勋章和头衔获得者的荣誉,其中包括津巴布韦独裁者罗伯特•穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)。现在,随着委员会作出剥夺弗雷德•古德温(Fred Goodwin)爵士头衔的决定,这一数字增加到了35个。 | |
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