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【财经】切勿将财富创造者“妖魔化” Stop demonising the wealth creators 2012-02-06 | |
There seems to be widespread acceptance that we need more entrepreneurs to create jobs and help restore living standards. Yet our understanding of how we encourage citizens to start their own businesses is rudimentary.
我们需要更多创业者来创造就业岗位,帮助恢复生活水准,这一点似乎已经得到了人们的广泛认可。然而,我们对于如何鼓励人们自主创业的理解却少之又少。 | |
【政治】缅甸战火导致难民涌向中国 Myanmar refugees flee across Chinese border 2012-02-06 | |
Tens of thousands of refugees from Myanmar have fled north across the Chinese border in recent weeks, driven by escalating fighting between Myanmar’s military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), according to aid workers in China’s Yunnan province.
据中国云南省一些援助组织工作人员透露,近几周来,缅甸政府军与克钦独立军(Kachin Independence Army,简称KIA)之间的冲突升级,导致数万名缅甸难民离家北上,越过中缅边界,涌入中国境内。 | |
【金融】结束银行“大到不能倒”之困局 Banks must reclaim their proper role in the market 2012-02-06 | |
Amid all the debates about reforming the global financial system, the two most important challenges are clear.
在关于改革全球金融体系的所有辩论中,两个最重要的挑战显而易见。 | |
【财经】双头领导是把双刃剑 More than two reasons to oppose dual heads 2012-02-06 | |
I’ll say one thing for co-chief executives: two scapegoats are better than one. Since Research in Motion’s fortunes took a sharp turn for the worse last year, its dual-leadership structure has taken a beating. With the BlackBerry-maker’s decision last week to revert to one chief executive, the double-edged knives really came out for Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis.
我要先为联席首席执行官(CEO)说句好话:两个替罪羊总比一个好。自从RIM公司(Research in Motion)的命运去年急转直下以来,该公司的双头领导(dual-leadership)结构受到了重创。最近,这家黑莓(BlackBerry)制造商决定,恢复单一CEO模式,这把双刃剑终于向吉姆•贝尔斯利(Jim Balsillie)和迈克•拉扎里迪斯(Mike Lazaridis)亮了出来。 | |
【财经】希拉里:叙利亚总统阿萨德必须下台 US steps up pressure on Assad to quit after Sino-Russian veto at UN 2012-02-06 | |
The US has vowed to put “immense pressure” on Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to step down after Russia and China vetoed a resolution aimed at ending the fighting in the country.
在俄罗斯和中国否决了一项旨在结束叙利亚国内冲突的决议后,美国誓言要向叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)施加“巨大压力”,迫使其下台。 | |
【财经】嘉能可将高价确保与斯特拉塔合并成功 Glencore to pay higher premium to seal $88bn Xstrata merger 2012-02-06 | |
Glencore is set to pay a larger premium than expected to seal its long-coveted merger with Xstrata, a move designed to defuse concerns among Xstrata investors about a cosy deal between the chief executives of the two companies.
嘉能可(Glencore)打算支付高于预期的溢价,以敲定其觊觎已久的与斯特拉塔(Xstrata)的合并,此举意在平息斯特拉塔投资者对于两家公司首席执行官可能达成君子协议的担忧。 | |
【财经】伊朗软化对欧石油禁运立场 Iran softens line on oil cut to Europe 2012-02-06 | |
Iran has indicated that its threat to cut oil supplies to European states in order to pre-empt a European Union oil embargo that comes into effect in July may be only a symbolic one.
伊朗已暗示,它有关在欧盟(EU)石油禁运生效之前先发制人、切断对欧洲国家石油供应的威胁,可能只不过是说说而已。 | |
【金融】欧盟银管局将质疑欧洲银行业的增资计划 EBA cool on banks’ moves to lift capital 2012-02-06 | |
The European Banking Authority is to challenge a significant proportion of the capital restructuring plans put forward by some of the continent’s leading banks to meet tough new capital requirements, say three people familiar with the process.
三位知情人士透露,欧盟银行管理局(European Banking Authority,简称EBA)将对欧洲大陆一些顶尖银行为满足严格的新资本要求而提出的大部分资本重组计划提出质疑。 | |
【政治】分析:俄中否决把叙利亚推向内战? Russian veto risks pushing Syria into civil war 2012-02-06 | |
Going into the UN debate over Syria, one of Russia’s main objections was that a tough Security Council resolution would accelerate the country’s slide into civil war. Yet, by exercising its veto on Saturday – and dragging China along – Moscow may have ensured the very outcome it seeks to prevent: a widening of the military conflict.
在投身有关叙利亚问题的联合国辩论时,俄罗斯方面的主要反对理由之一是,安理会(Security Council)如果通过一项强硬的决议,将会推动叙利亚加快滑向内战。然而,俄罗斯在上周六联合中国动用否决权,或许确保了它寻求预防的结局(军事冲突扩大)必将成为现实。 | |
【财经】Facebook拟开拓手机广告业务 Facebook to tap into mobile ads 2012-02-06 | |
Facebook is set to begin showing advertisements to users on mobile devices within weeks in an effort to tap a new source of revenues before it goes public.
Facebook打算在几周内开始在移动设备上向用户投放广告,力图在上市前开拓新的营收来源。 | |
【财经】Calpers促苹果改革董事选举制 Calpers piles pressure on Apple over the way it elects directors 2012-02-06 | |
Applefaces fresh shareholder pressure at its annual meeting this month from the largest US public pension fund, to change the way it elects directors.
在本月举行的年度股东大会上,苹果(Apple)将面临来自美国最大公共养老基金的全新压力:改革董事选举制度。 | |
【财经】Lex专栏:嘉能可/斯特拉塔联姻恐不顺 Lex_Glencore / Xstrata 2012-02-06 | |
Ivan Glasenberg and Mick Davis have not even reached the altar, yet investors are celebrating a marriage. They assume that trader-cum-miner Glencore’s proposed $88bn “merger of equals” with diversified miner Xstrata is a done deal. But even if Mr Glasenberg’s Glencore and Mr Davis’s Xstrata can agree terms, there are reasons to ask whether this is merely a marriage of convenience.
伊凡•格拉森伯格(Ivan Glasenberg)和米克•戴维斯(Mick Davis)还未走到圣坛前,投资者们就开始庆祝他们的联姻了。投资者认定,大宗商品交易商兼矿商嘉能可(Glencore)提议的与多元化矿商斯特拉塔(Xstrata)价值880亿美元的“对等合并”,已然是板上钉钉之事了。但即便格拉森伯格的嘉能可与戴维斯的斯特拉塔能够就合并条款达成一致,我们还是有理由问一问,这是否只是一场基于利益关系的联姻。 | |
【财经】中日韩企业将掀海外收购潮 North Asian groups set to lead spate of dealmaking 2012-02-06 | |
North Asian companies will lead a wave of acquisition activity out of the
据亚州北部地区的银行家们称,随着韩国企业的高管逐渐加入日本和中国企业高管的队伍、实践向海外扩张的野心,北亚企业今年将在该地区外掀起一波收购潮。 | |
【科技】专家:地球变暖已停止 或将进入小冰河期 Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about 2012-02-06 | |
The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
新的温度数据显示,地球在过去的15年间并无变暖。这一数据发布后,人为引起全球变暖的“共识”受到了不利挑战。 | |
【社会】美国情人节:多人求婚带动消费 Proposals, raised spending to mark Valentine's Day 2012-02-04 | |
Consumers will be digging deeper into their pockets to buy flowers, gift cards and chocolates on Valentine's Day with average spending expected to rise eight percent over last year to nearly $200.
情人节这天消费者将花更多钱用于购买鲜花、贺卡和巧克力,预计今年情人节的人均花费将接近200美元,比去年上涨8%。 | |
【财经】香港将加强监管网络企业 Upload sites face greater HK scrutiny 2012-02-03 | |
The Hong Kong government is stepping up its scrutiny of local internet businesses after US authorities led a high-profile crackdown on Megaupload, the file-sharing website accused of copyright theft, which was set up in the Chinese territory in 2005.
在美国当局带头对文件共享网站Megaupload发起打击、闹得沸沸扬扬之后,香港政府正在加强对本地互联网企业的监管。Megaupload于2005年在香港成立,被控存在侵犯知识产权行为。 | |
【医疗】我应该植发吗? Should I get a hair transplant to extend my career? 2012-02-03 | |
Your recent question about women and Botox prompts me to raise a more serious problem: baldness. I had thought that the only dignified response to my bald patch was to not look in the mirror. But I am now wavering, having seen Manchester United star Wayne Rooney’s hair transplant, which seems to have been a success.
你最近关于女人和打肉毒素问题的回答,促使我提出一个更为严峻的问题:秃顶。我本以为,面对我头顶那块“地中海”,唯一能保持尊严的办法就是不照镜子。但现在我动摇了,因为看到曼联(Manchester United)球星韦恩•鲁尼(Wayne Rooney)做了植发,而且似乎效果不错。 | |
【财经】雾霾下的北京 Beijing’s smog is appmakers’gain 2012-02-03 | |
Microsoft’s Beijing office handed out a curious Chinese New Year’s gift to its staff a few weeks ago: a heavy-duty gas mask. Other global companies have also been distributing face masks to their Beijing staff, including electronics maker LG.
几周以前,微软北京分公司向每名员工发了一件奇怪的春节礼物——重型防毒面具。而包括电子产品生产商LG在内的其它跨国公司,也向自己在北京的员工发放了口罩。 | |
【财经】靠英镑阻止苏格兰独立 The pound is a poison pill for an indepedent Scotland 2012-02-03 | |
As the slow unwinding of the eurozone continues,
随着欧元区继续缓慢瓦解,英国的注意力转向了另一种瓦解(也就是大不列颠联合王国可能因苏格兰独立而解体)所造成的货币影响。货币联盟意味着什么?它的形成和维持需要哪些条件? | |
【综合】慈善:美国实力和雄心的一座灯塔 A beacon of US power and ambition 2012-02-03 | |
Writing in The New Yorker in 1956, the critic Dwight Macdonald described the Ford Foundation as “a large body of money completely surrounded by people who want some”.
1956年,批评家德怀特•麦克唐纳(Dwight Macdonald)在为《纽约客》(The New Yorker)撰文时,把福特基金会(Ford Foundation)描述为“被一伙人团团围着的一大堆钱,这些人都想从中得到一些”。 | |
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