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【金融】英国银行业招“学徒工” Working in Banking: Openings for apprentices grow 2012-02-07 | |
Even before the recession, many financial institutions were looking at ways of attracting talented school-leavers who chose not to pursue formal higher education.
早在经济衰退之前,许多金融机构就在想方设法吸引有才华、但又不愿继续接受正规高等教育的辍学者。 | |
【财经】央行官员无法预测未来 Longer-term central bank forecasts are step backwards 2012-02-07 | |
“Whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see.” This refrain remains as true for central bankers as for other aspiring economic forecasters. Forecasting is done adequately when everything is stable and the future turns out to be like the past; indeed, standard models used by central banks virtually force forecasts to revert to past trends. But when a break comes, central banks are as clueless to foresee it as anyone else. Forecasts for 2008 made as late as the middle of the same year are a case in point.
“未来该怎样就会怎样,我们根本无从预测。”无论是对央行官员还是对其他有抱负的经济预测人士来说,这句歌词的道理都依然适用。在一切保持稳定、未来重复过去的情况下,预测是没有问题的;事实上,央行使用的标准模型几乎就是在通过硬套过去的趋势来做出预测。但当发生突变时,央行其实与其他人一样,都无从对未来做出预测。他们在2008年年中时对当年所做的预测,就很好地证明了这一点。 | |
【社会】英女王登基60周年 Sixty years on and the Queen has hardly put a foot wrong 2012-02-07 | |
On the morning of February 6 1952, 25-year-old Princess Elizabeth woke early, having spent the night with her dashing husband Philip on a treetop platform at a Kenyan game lodge.
1952年2月6日清晨,25岁的伊丽莎白公主很早就醒来了。前一晚,她与气质不凡的丈夫菲利普下榻在肯尼亚一个游猎场的树顶小屋。 | |
【财经】声讨陶氏化学有误区 Don’t jump aboard the anti-Dow bandwagon 2012-02-07 | |
The Olympic Games is the biggest show on earth, which makes it a target for those who want to drum up either trouble or money.
奥运会是地球上最盛大的表演秀,这让它成为了那些想惹乱子或圈钱的人的目标。 | |
【财经】花旗获准在华发行信用卡 China allows Citi credit cards 2012-02-07 | |
Citigroup will become the first western bank to issue
花旗集团(Citigroup)将成为首家在中国内地使用自己的品牌发行信用卡的西方银行。此前,中国银监会批准该行在华推出信用卡业务。 | |
【财经】欧盟:中国各航空公司须支付碳排放税 Chinese airlines will have to pay EU carbon tax, insists Brussels 2012-02-07 | |
European officials have insisted that Chinese airlines will have to pay for their carbon emissions, rebuffing an attempt by Beijing yesterday to shield them from a controversial emissions trading scheme.
欧洲官员坚持,中国各航空公司必须支付碳排放税。昨日,中国政府试图保护本国航空公司免受这项存在争议的碳排放交易计划影响的努力已告失败。 | |
【财经】IMF将中国今年增长预测下调至8.2% European downturn threatens Chinese growth 2012-02-07 | |
Economic growth in China could drop by half this year in the event of a sharp recession in Europe, the International Monetary Fund predicted yesterday in a report that underscored the importance of global trade to the world’s second-largest economy.
国际货币基金组织(IMF)昨日发布的报告预测,如果欧洲陷入严重衰退,中国经济增速可能减半。这突显出全球贸易对于世界第二大经济体的重要性。 | |
【军事】叙利亚军警加紧攻击反政府武装 Syrian forces renew attacks 2012-02-07 | |
Syrian security forces intensified their assault on opposition areas in the restive central city of Homs yesterday, as the US closed its embassy in Damascus citing security reasons and Britain recalled its top envoy.
叙利亚军警昨天对动荡的中部城市霍姆斯(Homs)的反对派占领区域加紧攻击。同时美国以安全为由关闭在大马士革的使馆,英国则召回驻叙利亚大使。 | |
【财经】欧元区拟代管希腊纾困资金 Greece to face curbs on new bail-out 2012-02-07 | |
European officials are insisting that any new Greek bail-out programme specifically earmarks funds to pay off remaining holders of Greek debt, giving lenders the freedom to withhold aid to Athens without risking a messy default that could reignite panic in financial markets.
欧洲官员们坚称,任何新出台的希腊纾困方案,都必须指定一部分资金偿付余下的希腊债券持有人,这让贷款人拥有停止对希腊援助的权力,同时防止出现一场混乱违约,再度引起金融市场恐慌。 | |
【法律】苏丹绑架者暗示:将释放29名中国工人 Sudan rebels signal Chinese hostages’ release 2012-02-07 | |
Sudanese insurgents who have taken 29 Chinese workers hostage in the volatile border area between Sudan and South Sudan say they will be released “in the very near future” but declined to say when.
在苏丹与南苏丹之间动荡的边界地区绑架29名中国工人的苏丹叛乱分子表示,人质将在“最近的将来”获释,但拒绝说明确切时间。 | |
【财经】FT社评:联合国对叙利亚立场不能动摇 Leader_ UN resolve must not waver on Syria 2012-02-07 | |
Hundreds of Syrians have died in the days since Moscow and Beijing blocked the UN resolution backing the Arab League’s plan for President Bashar al-Assad to step aside. Among the dead are not just those fighting pro-regime forces, but scores of ordinary civilians. These people would probably have died regardless. But their deaths, the more than 5,000 that went before, and those yet to come, render even more incomprehensible Russia and China’s decision to block condemnation of the Assad regime’s vicious hold on power.
自莫斯科和北京方面否决联合国(UN)针对叙利亚的决议以来,已有数百名叙利亚人丧生(这项决议支持阿拉伯联盟(Arab League)提出的、要求叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)下台的计划)。在这些人中,不仅有与政府军战斗的人,还包括数十名平民。这些人或许无论如何都会死去。但他们的死亡,以及之前5000多起、未来还会发生的死亡,使人更加令人难以理解,为什么俄罗斯和中国要阻止人们谴责阿萨德政权对权力的罪恶掌控? | |
【财经】中国抵制欧盟航空业碳税引发风波 China creates turbulence over EU aviation levies 2012-02-07 | |
China’s decision to bar its airlines from the European Union’s carbon market represents the first turbulence since the aviation industry was forced to fly under the scheme a little more than a month ago.
中国决定禁止本国航空公司参与欧盟(EU)碳排放交易市场,这是欧盟一个多月前强迫航空业参与碳排放交易计划以来,出现的第一场风波。 | |
【政治】习近平将收到习仲勋访美相册 Like Father Like Son: Xi Jinping Not First in Family to Visit Iowa (Photos) 2012-02-07 | |
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, the man expected to become China's top leader in the fall, will be presented with an unusual gift on his visit to Washington next week -- an album of photographs taken during his father's only visit to the U.S., back in 1980.
有望于今年秋天成为中国最高领导人的现任中国国家副主席习近平,将在下周访问华盛顿。届时,他会得到一份不同寻常的礼物──一本相册,其中收录了习近平的父亲1980年出访美国时的照片,这是其一生中唯一一次访问美国。 | |
【财经】中国资本外逃暗潮 Capital flight of China’s wealthy gets ready for take-off 2012-02-06 | |
A casual visitor to Macao might be struck by the number of expensive watch shops along the streets of the former Portuguese enclave now under China’s control. The shops cater to Chinese tourists who aren’t really seeking the latest fashionable timepiece so much as a way to get money out of China. In many cases, the bejewelled baubles are paid for with a credit card, then promptly returned with the obliging shopkeeper refunding cash rather than negating the credit card transaction (albeit with a slight discount).
在已回归中国的前葡萄牙殖民地澳门,如果你是一名偶尔到此一游的观光客,你可能会对街头鳞次栉比的名表店留下深刻印象。这些商店迎合了一些内地游客的需要,这些游客其意并不在新款时尚名表,而是要借助买表这种方式把资金转移出中国。他们在购买那些镶着珠宝的浮华手表时,往往用信用卡付账,紧接着就会把表退回去,好心的店主会退给他们现金(但会扣掉少许金额),而不是取消信用卡交易。 | |
【法律】FT社评:法律面前必须人人平等 Editorial_No fairness in rich man’s justice 2012-02-06 | |
There is one law for the rich and another for the poor. What else can one conclude from the decision by the City of London police not to investigate the former UK chief executive of JC Flowers for fraud? This week Britain’s Financial Services Authority hit Ravi Shankar Sinha with a £2.8m financial penalty, the biggest ever imposed on an individual for an infringement not related to market abuse. In its findings, the FSA said Mr Sinha had acted “without honesty or integrity” in fraudulently obtaining £1.3m in fees from one of the private equity group’s portfolio companies and abusing his position of trust with his employer. In the legal lexicon, this translates as grounds for fraud investigation.
这个世上适用于富人的法律是一套,适用于穷人的则是另一套。当伦敦金融城警方决定不对JC Flowers前英国首席执行官拉维•尚卡尔•辛哈(Ravi Shankar Sinha)进行相关欺诈调查时,你还能得出什么别的结论呢?上周,英国金融服务管理局(Financial Services Authority)对辛哈处以280万英镑的罚款,这是其有史以来就不涉及市场舞弊的违规行为对个人开出的最大罚单。该局在调查结果中表示,辛哈以欺诈手段从一家公司(该公司是私人股本集团JC Flowers投资组合中的公司之一)获得了130万英镑的费用,滥用了雇主对他的信任,其行为“缺乏诚信”。用法律语言来说,这就等于是为展开相关欺诈调查提供了理由。 | |
【财经】MBA也要与时俱进 Degrees of change 2012-02-06 | |
Twenty years ago, the MBA was unquestionably the degree of choice for ambitious young managers; these days, the picture is less clear cut, as shifts in the global economy highlight the need for competing types of management education and greater student choice.
20年前,MBA无疑是雄心勃勃的年轻经理人最青睐的学位;如今,情况已不再那么一目了然,因为全球经济的转移凸显出发展不同类型的管理教育、扩大学生选择范围的必要性。 | |
【财经】衡量经济的复杂性 The tricky business of measuring growth 2012-02-06 | |
The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity,” Bill Gates once opined, and he was right: many problems in development cannot be solved simply by wanting solutions badly enough. And yet when it comes to one of the key development outcomes, economic growth, the problem is not too much complexity, but not enough.
比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)曾经认为,“阻碍变革的因素并非人类太冷漠,而是世界太复杂”。他说得没错:许多发展中的问题不是你想解决就能解决的。但就经济增长这一关键的发展产物而言,问题倒并不在于太过复杂,而在于还不够复杂。 | |
【财经】别再紧盯存准率 China RRR: Wrong focus 2012-02-06 | |
Many of the top analysts who cover the Chinese economy predicted that the central bank would loosen policy by cutting banks’ required reserves in January. It did not.
许多研究中国经济的顶级分析师曾预测,今年1月中国央行会下调银行存款准备金率,从而放松货币政策。可中国央行并没有这么做。 | |
【财经】分析:中国需求推动铜价“破万”? Copper bulls look to $10,000 level on China demand 2012-02-06 | |
The bulls are back. Industrial metals such as copper bore the brunt of last year’s financial turmoil, shaking belief in a “supercycle” of rising prices. Now, though, they are enjoying a renewed wave of investor interest.
牛市回来了。在去年金融市场的动荡中,铜和其它工业金属收到了冲击,从而动摇了市场对价格上涨“超级周期”的信心。而现在,它们再一次受到了投资者的追捧。 | |
【财经】真正的市场经济 A real market economy ensures that greed is good 2012-02-06 | |
Sixty years of division of the Korean peninsula has created two states with very different standards of living in one country. The Korean example is pathological. The division of Germany resulted in two states, both functional in economic terms, but one far richer. The less noticed comparison between the modern economic histories of Finland and Estonia had the same outcome.
朝鲜半岛长达60年的分裂产生了两个政权,在一个国家之内,生活水平截然不同。朝鲜的例子有些反常。德国当年的分裂也产生了两个政权,但经济上都运转良好,只是其中一个要富裕得多。不那么引人注意的芬兰和爱沙尼亚在现代经济史上的对比,结果也是一样。 | |
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