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【金融】银行业的新就业机会  Working in Banking: A battered sector seeks reinforcements   2012-02-08
【财经】彭定康评《邓小平传》  Deng and the Transformation of China   2012-02-08
【财经】中国内陆将吸引更多外资  FDI in China: inland and at your service   2012-02-08
【财经】中国私人股本基金“试水”好莱坞  Fund casts China in Hollywood role   2012-02-08
【财经】分析:新兴市场基金能否延续开年佳局?  Money flies into emerging funds   2012-02-08
【政治】西藏流亡领袖担忧中国藏区维稳  Tibet’s exiled leader warns of a crackdown by China   2012-02-08
【政治】苏丹反政府武装释放29名中国工人  Rebels free Chinese workers in Sudan   2012-02-08
【财经】FT社评:欧盟应就排放交易与中美对话  Editorial_Europe flies into clean air turbulence   2012-02-08
【金融】瑞银拟发放3.29亿美元长期业绩奖金  UBS unveils long-term bonuses   2012-02-08
【财经】中国从香港进口黄金量去年增加逾两倍  China’s gold imports from Hong Kong treble in a year   2012-02-08
【财经】北京高档写字楼租金超过纽约  Beijing office rents rise beyond New York’s   2012-02-08
【财经】中国将控制内地夫妇赴港生子  China to curb mainlanders giving birth in Hong Kong   2012-02-08
【财经】嘉能可与斯特拉塔合并受到威胁  Glencore Xstrata merger threatened   2012-02-08
【财经】日本承认秘密干预汇市  Tokyo releases data showing stealth intervention on yen   2012-02-08
【政治】海湾多国召回驻叙利亚大使  Envoys pulled out of Syria as Assad bombards rebels   2012-02-08
【财经】Lex专栏:搜狐的价值  Lex_Sohu   2012-02-08
【财经】EIG旗下投资公司拟赴香港上市  EIG to quit Goldman platform for Asia listing   2012-02-08
【医疗】长江污染引起恐慌  Yangtze River Pollution Prompts Panic in China   2012-02-08
【财经】群体事件考验中国警力  Unrest catches China’s police by surprise   2012-02-07
【财经】西方面临的是信任危机  The west is facing a crisis of confidence, not of capitalism   2012-02-07

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