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【金融】银行业的新就业机会  Working in Banking: A battered sector seeks reinforcements   2012-02-08
  Bankers have long been the villains of the financial crisis in the public’s eye. Now, in addition to popular disapproval, the industry is taking a further battering as its workforce finds itself under fire in the executive pay debate, while also reeling from one of the most severe rounds of job cuts in decades.

【财经】彭定康评《邓小平传》  Deng and the Transformation of China   2012-02-08
  When Chinese historians are able one day to ply their subversive trade without control or censorship, their judgment will surely be that their country should revere Deng Xiaoping way above his predecessor Mao Zedong. Mao led the Communist party to victory over the Kuomintang and the Japanese, and united China in the 1950s. He then plunged his country into the famine and bloody mayhem of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Deng carefully put the pieces of the smashed nation back together again and launched China on its recovery to become assuredly once again the world’s largest economy.
  如果中国的历史学者在从事他们具有颠覆性的职业时,能有朝一日不受控制和审查, 他们一定会有这样的评价:中国人对于邓小平的崇敬,应远远超过毛泽东。毛泽东曾领导中国共产党打败日军和国民党,并在20世纪50年代统一中国,但他随后又使国家陷入了大跃进造成的饥荒和文化大革命的混乱。而邓小平则小心翼翼地重整破碎的山河,使中国充满信心, 推向了再度成为世界最大经济体的复兴之路。

【财经】中国内陆将吸引更多外资  FDI in China: inland and at your service   2012-02-08
  With wages in China rising at about 12 per cent annually after adjusting for inflation over the past few years, it’s easy to think that lower-cost countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia will benefit.

【财经】中国私人股本基金“试水”好莱坞  Fund casts China in Hollywood role   2012-02-08
  Bruno Wu, the Chinese media entrepreneur, and Harvest Fund Management, an investment group backed by Deutsche Bank and China Credit Trust, have set up a private equity fund aimed at pouring up to $800m into Hollywood films, writes Kathrin Hille in Beijing.
  中国传媒行业企业家吴征(Bruno Wu)与嘉实基金管理公司(Harvest Fund Management)组建了一只私人股本基金,旨在向好莱坞电影投资8亿美元。嘉实基金管理公司是一家由德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和中诚信托有限责任公司(China Credit Trust)参股的投资机构。

【财经】分析:新兴市场基金能否延续开年佳局?  Money flies into emerging funds   2012-02-08
  Money has poured into emerging markets this year, with funds dedicated to the asset class enjoying their best start to a year since 2006 amid continued investor wariness over developed markets.

【政治】西藏流亡领袖担忧中国藏区维稳  Tibet’s exiled leader warns of a crackdown by China   2012-02-08
  The elected leader of the Tibetan government in exile has warned of an impending Chinese military crackdown across the restive Himalayan plateau and urged western governments to press Beijing to exercise restraint.

【政治】苏丹反政府武装释放29名中国工人  Rebels free Chinese workers in Sudan   2012-02-08
  Sudanese rebels have freed 29 Chinese workers captured 10 days ago in an incident that had strained relations with China, a key political and economic ally.

【财经】FT社评:欧盟应就排放交易与中美对话  Editorial_Europe flies into clean air turbulence   2012-02-08
  Having the US and China on the same side of a trade dispute is a rare sight. But the decision by the European Union to extend to the aviation industry its emissions trading scheme has brought about an alliance of rivals.

【金融】瑞银拟发放3.29亿美元长期业绩奖金  UBS unveils long-term bonuses   2012-02-08
  UBS is paying SFr300m ($329m) in long-term bonuses to its top bankers, as it fights to retain senior personnel after a $2.3bn trading scandal and a sweeping restructuring of its investment banking business.

【财经】中国从香港进口黄金量去年增加逾两倍  China’s gold imports from Hong Kong treble in a year   2012-02-08
  China’s imports of gold from Hong Kong more than trebled in 2011 from the year before, hitting a record 428 tonnes, as savers sought to hedge against inflation.

【财经】北京高档写字楼租金超过纽约  Beijing office rents rise beyond New York’s   2012-02-08
  Office rents in Beijing have soared over the past two years, making it more expensive to lease prime work space in China’s capital than in New York, according to an industry survey.

【财经】中国将控制内地夫妇赴港生子  China to curb mainlanders giving birth in Hong Kong   2012-02-08
  Chinese officials are trying to reassure Hong Kong citizens that they will curb the number of pregnant women coming to give birth in the city as anger over non-residents’ access to health and education resources stirs up wider anti-mainland feeling.

【财经】嘉能可与斯特拉塔合并受到威胁  Glencore Xstrata merger threatened   2012-02-08
  Several large investors have threatened to block Glencore and Xstrata’s proposed all-share merger, which would create a $90bn commodities giant in the largest global mining deal on record.

【财经】日本承认秘密干预汇市  Tokyo releases data showing stealth intervention on yen   2012-02-08
  The Japanese government has confirmed that it intervened unannounced in foreign exchange markets to weaken the yen last year, the first time it had done so since 2004.

【政治】海湾多国召回驻叙利亚大使  Envoys pulled out of Syria as Assad bombards rebels   2012-02-08
  European and Gulf states pulled their ambassadors out of Syria yesterday, as government forces again pummelled the rebellious city of Homs and Russia claimed President Bashar al-Assad was ready to launch reforms.
  由于叙利亚政府军再度炮击反对派控制的霍姆斯市(Homs),欧洲和海湾国家昨日纷纷召回各自驻叙利亚的大使。同时,俄罗斯方面声称,叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)愿意实施改革。

【财经】Lex专栏:搜狐的价值  Lex_Sohu   2012-02-08
  The trouble with US-listed Chinese internet stocks is that they exist in the shadow of Baidu, the country’s leading search engine. Take Sohu, the online media group and the fourth biggest Chinese internet stock listed in the US. Its 20 per cent share price gain this year was almost reversed overnight on Monday when chief executive Charles Zhang said net income in the fourth quarter plunged by two-fifths year on year, and gave a modest forecast for first quarter advertising revenue.
  在美国上市的中国网络股的麻烦在于,其光芒总被中国最大的搜索引擎百度(Baidu)盖过。在线媒体集团、在美上市的中国第四大网络股搜狐(Sohu)就是一例。周一,搜狐首席执行官张朝阳(Charles Zhang)表示,公司去年第四季度净利润同比下降了五分之二,今年第一季度的广告营收预计将表现平平。这个消息令搜狐股票当日暴跌,今年初至当日之前的累计涨幅(20%)在一夜之间几乎被全部抹平。

【财经】EIG旗下投资公司拟赴香港上市  EIG to quit Goldman platform for Asia listing   2012-02-08
  US asset manager EIG Global Energy Partners is to delist its investment vehicle from Goldman Sachs’s US electronic platform and list in Hong Kong, according to people familiar with the matter, a decision that reflects an unattractive US regulatory environment.
  据知情人士透露,美国资产管理公司EIG Global Energy Partners计划将旗下投资工具从高盛(Goldman Sachs)的美国电子交易平台摘牌,转赴香港上市。这一决定表明,美国监管环境的吸引力有所降低。

【医疗】长江污染引起恐慌  Yangtze River Pollution Prompts Panic in China   2012-02-08
  Chinese authorities are dealing with the second water pollution scare in less than a month, after authorities in eastern China said an acid used in detergents had contaminated a regional water supply.

【财经】群体事件考验中国警力  Unrest catches China’s police by surprise   2012-02-07
  Following an outbreak of unrest in China’s south-west, the ruling Communist party has been at pains to show that it is taking no chances.

【财经】西方面临的是信任危机  The west is facing a crisis of confidence, not of capitalism   2012-02-07
  There have been many parallels drawn recently between the current economic situation and the 1930s. It is easy to see how the collapse of over-leveraged financial markets and the painful recovery from a balance-sheet recession lends itself to comparisons.
  最近,有许多人都指出当前的经济形势与上世纪30年代存在诸多相似之处。杠杆率过高的金融市场全线崩溃、经济从“资产负债表衰退”(balance sheet recession)中痛苦地复苏,这一切都很容易让人进行对比。

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