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【社会】洪晃的时尚生活  At home: Hung Huang   2012-02-09
  In a sleepy village on the outskirts of Beijing, not far from Qincheng, a jail for high-ranking political prisoners, Hung Huang and her husband have built their dream home among the gnarled trunks of an old persimmon orchard.
  北京郊外距离秦城监狱(专门关押高级政治犯的监狱)不远处一个僻静的小村庄,在一座年代久远柿子园的粗糙枝丫中,洪晃(Hung Huang)与她丈夫在此构筑了自己的梦幻家园。

【法律】俄罗斯将起诉已故律师  Plans to prosecute dead lawyer raise fears over Russia’s rule of law   2012-02-09
  Russian investigators have said they may prosecute a dead lawyer who worked for a foreign investment fund, in a bizarre twist to a case that has come to exemplify investors’ fears about Russia’s rule of law.

【财经】德国加入“金砖国家”?  Germany is stuck between a Bric and a volte-face   2012-02-09
  Angela Merkel has just been to Beijing, in a year when China is about to displace France as Germany’s largest trading partner. When that happens, it will be a symbolic moment. It will also encourage those currently posing the following question: should Germany detach itself from the eurozone mess and become a Bric – a mid-sized global economic power, like Brazil, Russia, India and China, whose initials constitute the Bric acronym?
  安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)刚刚访问了北京。就在今年,中国将取代法国,成为德国最大的贸易伙伴。当此事成为现实时,将是具有象征意义的一刻。它还会为当前提出如下问题的人士提供支持,即德国是否应该脱离深陷困境的欧元区,转而加入“金砖国家”行列,与巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国等中等规模全球经济强国为伍?

【财经】日本的前车之鉴  Europe can learn from Japan’s austerity endgame   2012-02-09
  The road to fiscal hell is sometimes paved with the best intentions. As Europe’s politicians seek to win electorates round to brutal budget cuts, they would do well to look to the experience of Japan, which shows how counter-productive austerity can be in a post-bubble recession.

【财经】审时度势的英国财政政策  Britain’s best new export: lessons in intelligent fiscal policy   2012-02-09
  David Cameron and George Osborne are learning the wrong lesson from Gordon Brown’s time in office. Rather than demonstrating the power of their economic ideas with deeds at home, Britain’s prime minister and chancellor are now following Labour’s previous prime minister in preferring to lecture others abroad. The reaction at the World Economic Forum last week was unappreciative.
  英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)和财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)正从戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)主政时期汲取错误的教训。他们没有通过国内经济政策来证明自己的经济理念多么有威力,而是宁愿步前工党首相的后尘,在国外对其它国家高谈阔论。从最近世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上的反应看,人们对此并不认可。

【财经】资本主义为何失灵?  Forget Fred and focus on the real banking scandal   2012-02-09
  There should be no sympathy for the treatment meted out to Mr Fred Goodwin. Through a combination of vanity, greed and sheer incompetence, he presided over the biggest banking disaster in British history, to the great cost of the taxpayer and the British economy, and showed no practical contrition for having done so. The fact that his behaviour was simply the most egregious example of a culpability shared by many other bankers is neither here nor there. There are occasions when an example needs to be set, and this is one of them.
  弗雷德•古德温(Fred Goodwin)的遭遇不值得同情。由于他的自大、贪婪和无能透顶,导致了英国历史上最严重的一场银行业灾难,令纳税人和英国经济付出了惨重代价,而古德温对其所作所为没有表示出丝毫悔改之意。古德温的行为只是其他许多银行家同样难辞其咎的最极端例子,这一事实并不重要。有时候我们需要树立一个典型,而古德温就是这样一个典型。

【财经】美国衰落的真相  The reality of American decline   2012-02-09
  Something puzzling just happened in Washington: a liberal American president who opposed the invasion of Iraq endorsed one of its chief neoconservative advocates. By embracing Robert Kagan’s essay, “The Myth of America’s Decline”, Barack Obama has done the author a turn. The essay is excerpted from Mr Kagan’s book, The World that America Made, which comes out later this month.
  华盛顿最近发生了一件让人困惑的事:一位反对入侵伊拉克的自由派美国总统,对一位新保守主义学者、同时也是入侵伊拉克的主要支持者之一予以了认可。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)肯定了罗伯特•卡根(Robert Kagan)的文章——《美国衰落之谜》(The Myth of America’s Decline),他对这位作者的态度也因此有了180度的转变。这篇文章摘自卡根所著的《美国制造的世界》(The World that America Made),该书将于本月晚些时候出版。

【财经】短线观点:H股行情说明什么?  Short View: China   2012-02-09
  Investors might want to reread Douglas Adams. “We have normality,” trilled Trillian in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy as the effects of an improbability-driven spaceship wore off. “Anything you still can’t cope with is therefore your own problem.”
  投资者也许愿意重读英国作家道格拉斯•亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的作品。在《银河系漫游指南》(Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)中,随着不太可能的情节逐渐失去冲击力,书中人物Trillian在飞船上颤声说道,“我们已恢复了常态。因此,如果你有仍然不能对付的任何情况,那是你自己的问题。”

【财经】银行间拆借利率操纵案调查提速  Brokers suspended in Libor inquiry   2012-02-09
  Almost a dozen traders and brokers in London and Asia have been fired, suspended or put on leave by their employers as a multinational probe into alleged manipulation of crucial global lending rates accelerates.

【政治】欧盟准备对叙利亚实施进一步制裁  EU prepares tougher sanctions against Assad   2012-02-09
  The European Union is preparing further sanctions against Syria, including a possible ban on commercial air flights and a freeze on central bank assets, although diplomats acknowledge that the bloc has limited means to bring a swift end to the worsening violence, writes Joshua Chaffin in Brussels.

【财经】日本拟缔造芯片冠军企业  Panasonic and Fujitsu in talks to create Japanese chip champion   2012-02-09
  Three Japanese semiconductor manufacturers including Panasonic and Fujitsu are in talks to merge their operations to create a national champion chipmaker that would be backed by the government, according to people familiar with the matter.

【财经】美国调整税法为海外金融机构“减负”  US eases onerous tax reporting rules for overseas financial institutions   2012-02-09
  The US has eased onerous reporting requirements on overseas financial institutions that it had sought to impose as part of a global crackdown on tax evasion.

【金融】中资银行涉足美国农业贷款业务  ICE chief finds China is acquiring taste for sugar futures   2012-02-09
  Chinese banks are filling in for European lenders in US agricultural finance, helping preserve trading activity in sugar and other commodities in the wake of MF Global’s collapse, according to a US exchange chief.
  美国洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange,简称ICE)首席执行官杰弗里•斯普雷彻(Jeffrey Sprecher)表示,MF Global倒闭后,中资银行正在填补欧洲银行在美国农业金融领域留下的贷款缺口,帮助维持糖和其他大宗商品的交易活动。

【财经】中国用电量下降“值得警惕”  China electricity data ring alarm bells   2012-02-09
  According to the China Securities Journal, Chinese electricity use dropped 7.5 per cent year on year in January.
  据《中国证券报》(China Securities Journal)报道,中国1月用电量同比下降7.5%。

【财经】Lex专栏:希腊纾困“第二季”  Lex_Greek bail-out   2012-02-09
  The nail-biting is so familiar. For days, markets have fixated on political posturing in Athens, weighing up whether Greece will agree to sufficient additional austerity to allow its lenders to advance a second rescue package. Now, the odds seem to be rising, helping the euro gain ground against the dollar. In particular, unconfirmed suggestions that €60bn-ish of Greek bonds held by the European Central Bank could be swapped with the European Financial Stability Fund (which would then lend Greece additional funds to repurchase them) have encouraged optimism. The mechanics may look complex, but a swap arrangement could improve the chances that an accompanying “voluntary” debt restructuring (or PSI deal) between Greece and its private sector creditors will proceed. The ECB, which bought the bonds at a discount, had been insisting on repayment in full.

【财经】中国1月CPI涨幅回升至4.5%  Chinese inflation jumps to 4.5%   2012-02-09
  Chinese inflation jumped in January, breaking a streak of five straight monthly declines, but seasonal factors were largely to blame and price pressures were expected to weaken in the coming months.

【财经】美国经济初显“病愈”迹象  US economy displays early signs of return to full health   2012-02-09
  Recessions are spectacular and obvious; recoveries tend to creep up on you. A strong payrolls report last week – the US added 243,000 jobs in January – has led to hopes that a rapid, booming upswing is about to start. That is unlikely, sadly, but there is growing evidence of the next best thing: the US economy is starting to heal.

【法律】中国低调回应王立军事件传言  China Downplays Rumors Surrounding Top Politician   2012-02-09
  China on Thursday brushed aside potential embarrassment over an incident involving a high-profile politician who is rumored to have sought asylum at a U.S. consulate following a possible political scandal.

【军事】国际特赦:苏丹使用中俄武器对付平民  Amnesty: Russian and Chinese Arms Used Against Civilians in Sudan   2012-02-09
  Amnesty International says that weapons from Russia and China are being used by the Sudanese government to commit serious human rights violations against civilians.

【教育】儿童脑部扫描是否可以预测诵读障碍?  Can Brain Scans of Young Children Predict Reading Problems?   2012-02-09
  This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

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