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【财经】分析:人人贷,人人爱?  Peer-to-peer lending revolution takes root in China   2012-02-10
  The rich farming soil in central China is an unlikely field for financial innovation but that is exactly what it has become.

【财经】宜信领先中国“人人贷”市场  CreditEase shines in China peer-lending market   2012-02-10
  CreditEase, China’s top peer-to-peer lending website, received votes of confidence from two important constituencies at the end of 2011: Wall Street and the Communist party.
  2011年年底的时候,中国领先的“人人贷”(peer-to-peer lending,指个人对个人的贷款,或称P2P)网站宜信(CreditEase)获得了两张重要的信任票:分别来自美国华尔街和中国共产党。

【财经】短线观点:通胀令人束手无策  Short View: Inflation   2012-02-10
  Central banks are doing everything they can to make investors fear inflation. The US Federal Reserve expects to keep rates at zero until late 2014. The Bank of England is buying gilts. The European Central Bank is lending for three years against ever-weaker collateral. Even the Swiss are manipulating their currency.

【财经】奥巴马毁了多哈回合  Shame on you, Mr Obama, for pandering on trade   2012-02-10
  President Barack Obama infamously killed the multilateral Doha Round last December by instructing his representative at the World Trade Organisation to be a “rejectionist” negotiator. He compounded the folly by instead floating the trans-Pacific Trade Initiative that is conceived in a spirit of confronting China rather than promoting trade, and is also a cynical surrender to self-seeking Washington lobbies that would have made John Kenneth Galbraith blush. Not content with these body blows to the world trading system, which his predecessors had built up over decades of US leadership, Mr Obama pulled off the remarkable feat of making things yet worse with his State of the Union address.
  美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)授意美驻世贸组织(WTO)代表作一名“说不的”谈判者,以这种不光彩的手段扼杀了去年12月的多哈回合多边谈判。后来他错上加错地提出了“跨太平洋贸易倡议”(trans-Pacific Trade Initiative)。外界认为,该倡议的主旨在于对抗中国,而不是促进贸易;此外,它还是对追逐私利的华盛顿游说势力的一次悲观屈服——如果约翰•肯尼思•加尔布雷斯(John Kenneth Galbraith)活着的话,会为此举感到脸红。奥巴马并不满足于自己给世界贸易体系(该体系是其多届前任在美国称霸世界的数十年间建立起来的)带来的这些重创,通过近日发表的国情咨文演说,他实现了一项了不起的成就:让局面变得更糟。

【政治】普京的破绽  The ice is cracking under Putin   2012-02-10
  A banner at the protests in Moscow on Saturday carried a stark message: “Mubarak, Gaddafi, Putin”. Mingling with the crowds, it was clear that what began in December as protests against rigged elections has become much more personal. The diverse group of liberals, nationalists and communists that tramped through the frozen streets is united by its loathing for Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister and would-be president.
  上周六莫斯科的抗议活动中,有一幅标语十分醒目,上面写着:“穆巴拉克,卡扎菲,普京”。混在抗议人群中,你可以明显感觉到,始于去年12月、最初只是针对俄罗斯国家杜马选举舞弊的抗议,如今已明显在针对普京个人。不同信仰的人——自由主义者、民族主义者和共产主义者,因为共同的厌恶而团结到一起,不顾寒冷,走上街头。他们共同的厌恶对象正是弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)——俄罗斯现任总理、准下一任总统。

【政治】西方资本主义的三宗罪  Time to visit Asian factories for capitalist lessons   2012-02-10
  Capitalism itself is not in crisis, but western capitalism is. This is a result of three mistakes.

【政治】中国与叙利亚反对派接触  China opens door to Syrian opposition   2012-02-10
  China has held talks with Syrian opposition representatives in a sign that it has begun hedging its bets on the latest Arab country shaken by unrest.

【金融】上海期货交易所拟推出原油合约  Shanghai plans crude oil futures   2012-02-10
  The Shanghai Futures Exchange is planning to launch a crude oil futures contract that will be denominated in multiple currencies and partially open to foreign investors, according to a leading brokerage and analysts.
  据一家领先的券商和多名分析师介绍,上海期货交易所(Shanghai Futures Exchange)正计划推出以多种货币计价、并且对境外投资者部分开放的原油期货合约。

【财经】希腊同意削减33亿欧元预算  Greece agrees €3.3bn in cuts as eurozone debates bail-out   2012-02-10
  Greece’s political leaders ended weeks of market-rattling brinkmanship yesterday by agreeing to €3.3bn in budget cuts that they hoped would clear the way for a second multibillion-euro bail-out to avert a default on the country’s sovereign debt.

【财经】花旗因涉嫌利率操纵案损失5000万美元  Probe into manipulation of global lending rates costs Citigroup $50m   2012-02-10
  Citigroup was forced to write off $50m after two traders accused of attempting to influence global lending rates left the bank, according to people familiar with a worldwide investigation that is gathering pace.

【财经】福特汽车公司进行人事调整  Ford to replace architects of its transformation   2012-02-10
  Ford Motor is replacing two of the senior executives who have played critical roles in six-year-old transformation of the carmaker. Lewis Booth, chief financial officer, and Derrick Kuzak, head of global product development, will both retire, with successors due to replace them on April 1.
  福特汽车(Ford Motor)计划换下两名曾在6年来的改革中发挥关键作用的高管。这两人是首席财务官刘易斯•布斯(Lewis Booth)和全球产品开发负责人德里克•库扎克(Derrick Kuzak)。他们将于4月1日起退休,由新人接替。

【财经】中加拟共建10亿美元自然资源基金  Canaccord and China plan $1bn resources fund   2012-02-10
  Canaccord is to establish a $1bn fund with China’s state-owned Export-Import Bank to invest in Canadian natural resources, as a trade mission to China led by Canada’s prime minister prompts a flurry of deals between the two countries.

【财经】美国政府与五大银行达成400亿美元和解  US banks in $40bn mortgage settlement   2012-02-10
  The US government and 49 state prosecutors have struck an agreement with five of the nation’s leading banks worth up to $40bn to resolve allegations that the institutions systematically abused borrowers in their pursuit of improper home seizures.

【金融】研究称人民币国际化系于国内改革  Renminbi: changing China, not the world   2012-02-10
  A study of the renminbi this week outlines how the Chinese currency’s international status still pales in comparison with the dollar’s – and it also offers a blueprint for how Beijing can change that, writes Simon Rabinovitch .
  布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)本周公布的一项研究概括称,与美元相比,人民币的国际地位仍不值一提。该研究还设计了一幅中国如何改变这一现状的蓝图。

【财经】Lex专栏:联想的好日子  Lex_Lenovo   2012-02-10
  Lenovo looks to be well beyond the dark days that followed its eye-popping purchase of IBM several years ago. On Thursday, the world’s second biggest computer maker by units announced that revenues grew by 44 per cent in the third quarter compared with the prior year, while net income was up by over one-half. This sent its share price up 4 per cent, adding to a 38 per cent gain over the past year. Over the same period, the Hang Seng fell 9 per cent.

【财经】投资者掂量点心债券回升前景  Investors weigh prospects for rally in dim sum bonds   2012-02-10
  After an unruly sell-off at the end of last year, calm appears to have returned to the offshore renminbi market.

【财经】欧元区否定希腊预算削减方案  Eurozone dismisses Greek budget deal   2012-02-10
  Eurozone finance ministers dismissed as incomplete a reputed €3.3bn package of Greek budget cuts presented to them in the hope of securing a new €130bn bail-out and sent the country’s finance minister back to Athens with a fresh set of demands and an urgent deadline.

【财经】中国1月进口额同比大幅下降  Chinese imports fall sharply in January   2012-02-10
  Chinese imports fell sharply in January, a sign of sluggish domestic demand that will fuel concerns about whether the fragile global economy can count on China as a bastion of growth.

【综合】习近平访美期间可能观看湖人队比赛  On Xi's Mind Ahead Of Trip to US: The Lakers   2012-02-10
  Xi Jinping, the man expected to take over as China's Communist Party chief this fall, could spend next Friday night at an NBA game--the Los Angeles Lakers versus the Phoenix Suns--during a visit to the U.S., according to several people familiar with the planning.
  据数位知情人士透露,中国国家副主席习近平下周访美期间,可能将在周五晚观看一场美国职业篮球联盟(NBA)的比赛,这是一场洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)与菲尼克斯太阳队(Phoenix Suns)之间的比赛。外界预计,习近平将于今年秋季成为中共中央总书记。

【社会】大城市已成拼搏者的天下  Are you a striver, slacker or fantasist?   2012-02-09
  It may be the defining London sight: people walking up escalators at Tube stations. In this city only tourists stand goggling blankly into space. That’s because London – like Manhattan, Hong Kong and other great cities – has fallen into the hands of strivers. They are driving everyone else out of town.

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