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【财经】印度应抵制市场经济无效论  Crisis must not change India’s course   2012-02-13
  What do the financial and economic crises of the high-income countries mean for emerging and developing countries? This was a question I addressed at a discussion in New Delhi last week, sponsored by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) and the Financial Times.

【政治】俄中在叙利亚的误区  A veto worthy of the Brezhnev era   2012-02-13
  The other day l heard Sergei Lavrov explain Moscow’s backing for Bashar al-Assad’s murderous repression in Syria. Russia’s foreign minister, I admit, did not express it quite like that. A former career diplomat, Mr Lavrov is a clever man. He deployed all manner of casuistry to explain that, contrary to vicious western propaganda, Russia was acting in an entirely even-handed way. This was a journey back to the cold war.
  前几天,我听到俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)解释俄罗斯对巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)在叙利亚的残暴镇压的支持。我承认,他的原话与此稍有不同。拉夫罗夫是职业外交官出身,他是一个聪明的人。他以各种形式的诡辩解释道,与恶毒的西方宣传相反,俄罗斯的做法完全是不偏不倚的。这是一条重回冷战的道路。

【财经】新浪微博何时创收?  Sina Weibo still has to turn users into revenue   2012-02-13
  The chief executive of Sina Corp presents 2011 earnings this month, and investors will be eager to hear when the Chinese internet company will finally start generating revenues from Sina Weibo, its wildly popular microblog.
  本月,新浪(Sina Corp)首席执行官曹国伟将披露2011年度盈利情况,投资者将急于听一听这家中国互联网公司究竟何时能从其广受欢迎的微博客——新浪微博(Sina Weibo)上获得收入。

【财经】无知会让资本主义面临更多危机  Our ignorance will yield more crises in capitalism   2012-02-13
  Over the past three weeks, contributors to these pages have engaged in a vigorous debate on the merits of contemporary capitalism. Entrepreneurs who have earned billions, world leaders who have spent trillions, journalists, academics, and even “Occupiers” have all weighed in. A few clear themes have emerged, highlighting points of agreement and controversy.

【政治】习近平访美受到密切关注  Chinese vice-president faces balancing act   2012-02-13
  Compared with the poverty and strict authoritarianism of post-cultural revolution China, Muscatine in Iowa must have seemed obscenely affluent.

【财经】国际能源署:中国从伊朗进口石油减半  Beijing halves Iranian oil imports in price dispute   2012-02-13
  China is buying roughly 50 per cent less Iranian oil than it did last year, as international sanctions strengthen its bargaining position with Iran’s national oil company, the International Energy Agency said on Friday.

【财经】中国1月份铜和原油进口劲升  Chinese copper and crude oil imports rise   2012-02-13
  China reported strong imports of crude oil and copper in January, the latest in a series of upbeat data that have propelled the price of several commodities to their highest in months.

【金融】中国指示银行滚转地方政府贷款  Loans to Chinese provinces rolled over   2012-02-13
  China has instructed its banks to embark on a mammoth rollover of loans to local governments, delaying the country’s reckoning with debts that have clouded its economic prospects.

【法律】《太阳报》五记者因涉嫌行贿被捕  Murdoch news empire rocked as inquiry into press scandal widens   2012-02-13
  This week, Rupert Murdoch will again fly to London to confront a crisis, after Saturday’s arrests of five journalists from The Sun newspaper over allegations of payments to the police and other officials widened the UK press corruption investigation.
  鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)本周将再度飞往伦敦应对一场危机,上周六,《太阳报》(The Sun)的五名记者因被指控贿赂警方及其他官员而被捕,这使得针对英国报业的腐败调查进一步扩大。

【金融】野村证券获准收购GE金融旗下中国公司  Nomura makes headway in Chinese expansion push   2012-02-13
  Nomura has won regulatory approval to take over a finance company from GE Capital’s China business, the first step in the Japanese bank’s attempt to launch banking products into the mainland Chinese market.
  野村证券(Nomura)收购通用电气金融(GE Capital)旗下一家中国公司的交易已获得监管机构批准,这是这家日本银行尝试在中国内地市场推出银行业产品方面迈出的第一步。

【政治】乌坎青年:从抗议者到守卫者  Wukan’s young activists turn guardians in village election   2012-02-13
  Just after 11pm on Friday, two Wukan activists made a quick spot check at the school playground where the voting booths for the village’s elections had been set up. Zhang Jiancheng and Zhuang Liehong were discussing whether the booths were adequately spaced to allow for a secret ballot – a first for a village election in China.

【财经】中国化解地方债危机  China acts to solve provincial debt crisis   2012-02-13
  A mountain of debt is coming due and the principal is unpayable, so governments have agreed to extend maturities. That could be the description of a bail-out package for Greece. Instead, it is what China is doing to prevent scores of provinces and cities from defaulting on bank loans. Does that mean China is another Greece? Far from it.

【财经】宏碁重塑“价廉物美”品牌形象  Acer to refresh brand as European sales fall   2012-02-13
  Acer is doubling its marketing budget in Europe to revitalise its cheap-and-cheerful image and increase sales in a region that has been a trouble spot for the world’s fourth-largest personal computer vendor.

【财经】希腊通过紧缩法案 暴力抗议升级  Athens passes demanded austerity bill   2012-02-13
  Greek lawmakers on Thursday approved a tough austerity package aimed at averting a default, but the vote was overshadowed by violent street protests in central Athens and dozens of arson attacks against shops and banks.

【科技】无人机在军事领域之外的多种应用  Drones: Not Just For the Military Anymore   2012-02-13
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【语言】词汇掌故:易如反掌  Words and Their Stories: Easy as Falling Off a Log   2012-02-12
  Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

【政治】叙利亚困局求解  Looking for a Solution to Syria   2012-02-11
  This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

【金融】台湾基金市场独具优势  Taiwan ripe for foreign retail growth   2012-02-10
  Taiwan offers the “greatest risk-reward” to international fund management companies seeking to expand in the Asian retail market, according to a global consultancy firm. Boston-based Cerulli Associates says Taiwan offers opportunities even if the market “appears unexciting at first.”
  总部位于波士顿的国际咨询公司Cerulli Associates表示,台湾为谋求在亚洲零售市场扩张的国际基金管理公司提供了“最大的风险回报比”。该公司表示,台湾市场虽然“乍看之下并不令人激动”,但蕴含着机遇。

【教育】印度基础教育拖累经济  India’s schools fail to keep pace with growth   2012-02-10
  In a dim, windowless classroom at GMS Moradbas school in rural Haryana state in north India, 40 young girls in their dark blue uniforms crouch on the floor in four straight lines.
  在印度北部农业大邦哈里亚纳邦的GMS Moradbas学校,一间昏暗、没有窗户的教室里,40个小女孩穿着深蓝色校服,笔直得排成四排蹲在地上。

【政治】中国不会推广乌坎经验  Where Wukan has led, Beijing will not follow   2012-02-10
  Elections in Wukan are like buses. Nothing, then three come along at once. Last week the rebellious fishing village in Guangdong province, southern China, voted in a party-like atmosphere for members of an election committee. This weekend they will pick ombudsmen. Finally, next month – if they are not sick of all this voting – they will elect new village leaders to replace the ones they chased out in December. With such a whirl of civic activity, it’s amazing they get any fishing done.

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