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【财经】汇丰拟扩大中国内地业务  HSBC to build China presence   2012-02-15
【金融】银行业防范离岸人民币市场崩溃风险  Banks prepare for the worst on offshore renminbi trade   2012-02-15
【财经】欧元区希腊问题紧急财长会议被取消  Eurozone divisions threaten Greece aid   2012-02-15
【政治】美国为其亚洲战略辩护  US defends shift in Asian military strategy amid criticism from China   2012-02-15
【财经】Facebook上市将创造巨额税收  Facebook faces $5bn tax bill from its listing   2012-02-15
【财经】私人股本业面临增税压力  Global pressure mounts to raise tax rate for private equity chiefs   2012-02-15
【社会】情人节在中国:爱情有价?  China: all you need is love – and cash   2012-02-15
【财经】FT社评:“普京2.0”必须开启新时代  Leader_Time for Putin 2.0   2012-02-15
【财经】在华商标之争威胁苹果iPad供应  China iPad row threatens exports   2012-02-15
【财经】梦工厂将在华合资建立电影制片厂  DreamWorks to unveil Chinese tie-up   2012-02-15
【政治】习近平在白宫会晤奥巴马前会见拜登  China's Xi Meeting Obama, Biden at White House   2012-02-15
【军事】报告称中国军费开支2015年将翻番  Report: China Defense Spending to Double by 2015   2012-02-15
【艺术】美国歌迷怀念流行歌后休斯顿     2012-02-14
【社会】资本主义在非洲呈现生机  Africa can remind the world of the capitalist way   2012-02-14
【政治】西方应警惕伊斯兰主义  It is time to banish wishful thinking about Islamism   2012-02-14
【政治】埃及人的成就  A year of thuggery and setbacks but keep the faith   2012-02-14
【政治】美国大选中的社会问题  Religion and same-sex marriage take centre stage   2012-02-14
【财经】从俄罗斯转战中国  Russia expert transfers skills to China   2012-02-14
【政治】太平洋不太平  Sino-American military tension   2012-02-14
【财经】企业应加大投资  Watch out as sovereigns look to cash piles   2012-02-14

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