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【财经】汇丰拟扩大中国内地业务  HSBC to build China presence   2012-02-15
  HSBC is aiming to increase its presence in mainland China through a big expansion of its branch network or by raising its stake in Bank of Communications.

【金融】银行业防范离岸人民币市场崩溃风险  Banks prepare for the worst on offshore renminbi trade   2012-02-15
  The world’s biggest banks have taken steps to protect themselves from the risk of a collapse of the offshore renminbi market in Hong Kong, allowing them to postpone payments and settle their transactions in US dollars in certain circumstances.

【财经】欧元区希腊问题紧急财长会议被取消  Eurozone divisions threaten Greece aid   2012-02-15
  Eurozone officials have called off an emergency meeting of finance ministers to approve a vital €130bn bail-out for Athens amid a growing fight about the merits of allowing Greece to go bankrupt.

【政治】美国为其亚洲战略辩护  US defends shift in Asian military strategy amid criticism from China   2012-02-15
  US military officials yesterday defended their shift of resources to Asia as China’s presidential heir apparent used a trip to Washington to criticise the Obama administration’s plans to “pivot” towards the region.

【财经】Facebook上市将创造巨额税收  Facebook faces $5bn tax bill from its listing   2012-02-15
  Facebook faces a requirement to raise as much as $5bn through an extra share sale late this year to cover a tax bill for its employees, or as much again as the minimum amount it has already said it plans to raise in its initial public offering in May.

【财经】私人股本业面临增税压力  Global pressure mounts to raise tax rate for private equity chiefs   2012-02-15
  Pressure is rising across the globe to raise taxes for private equity bosses, with German and Swedish authorities pushing for legislative changes and a leading US pension fund investor calling the 15 per cent rate in America “indefensible”.

【社会】情人节在中国:爱情有价?  China: all you need is love – and cash   2012-02-15
  Young urban Chinese are profligate at the best of times, often spending beyond their means in a way that challenges traditional notions of Asian frugality. But when it comes to Valentine’s Day – perhaps the mainland’s most popular Western holiday – they take extravagance to heights worthy of the most debt-laden Westerner.

【财经】FT社评:“普京2.0”必须开启新时代  Leader_Time for Putin 2.0   2012-02-15
  Vladimir Putin has spent thousands of words in Russian newspapers setting out a manifesto ahead of the presidential poll next month that, despite the protests against him, he is still all but certain to win. Yet the task facing Russia can be summed up in one word – heard often, though with little real effect, from the country’s current president but more rarely from
  弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在俄罗斯报章上花费数千字的笔墨,在下月的总统大选前发表了这样的宣言:尽管发生了一些反对他的抗议,他仍然胜券在握。不过俄罗斯当前面临的任务可以用一个词概括:现代化。这个词虽然被俄罗斯现任总统经常挂在嘴上,却没什么实效,但从普京那里听到,就更加罕见了。

【财经】在华商标之争威胁苹果iPad供应  China iPad row threatens exports   2012-02-15
  Apple’s long-running dispute over the iPad trademark in China could threaten global shipments of the tablet as the company that registered the trademark in the country seeks an export ban from Chinese customs, writes Kathrin Hille.

【财经】梦工厂将在华合资建立电影制片厂  DreamWorks to unveil Chinese tie-up   2012-02-15
  Xi Jinping, China’s vice-president and heir-apparent, will endorse the growing ties between his country and Hollywood on Friday, when he is scheduled to unveil a joint venture between DreamWorks Animation and two state-owned Chinese media groups.
  中国国家副主席、主席一职接班人习近平预计将于周五宣布梦工厂动画电影公司(DreamWorks Animation)与两家中国国有媒体集团建立合资企业的消息,见证中国与好莱坞之间日益紧密的联系。

【政治】习近平在白宫会晤奥巴马前会见拜登  China's Xi Meeting Obama, Biden at White House   2012-02-15
  Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden pledged the two nations' commitment to cooperation Tuesday, ahead of talks with President Barack Obama. 

【军事】报告称中国军费开支2015年将翻番  Report: China Defense Spending to Double by 2015   2012-02-15
  A new report predicts China will be spending more on defense by 2015 than all other Asia Pacific countries combined.

【艺术】美国歌迷怀念流行歌后休斯顿     2012-02-14
  Fans of Whitney Houston gathered outside the hotel in Beverly Hills, California, where the singer died Saturday at the age of 48.

【社会】资本主义在非洲呈现生机  Africa can remind the world of the capitalist way   2012-02-14
  T ake a walk in downtown Lagos and you’ll see bustling shopping malls and streets populated not just by domestic restaurant chains but increasingly by global brands such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, which will soon have 20 restaurants in Nigeria, and Walmart, which is soon expected to open two flagship stores. At Lagos airport you’ll see planes owned by more than 20 international airlines, from countries such as China, Qatar and Turkey. You will also see some of Nigeria’s nearly 90m mobile phone subscribers, who sustain four major telecommunications companies.

【政治】西方应警惕伊斯兰主义  It is time to banish wishful thinking about Islamism   2012-02-14
  A year ago many western commentators were celebrating an Arab spring. The internet generation personified by Wael Ghonim, the Google marketing executive, would take over power from military dictators and absolute monarchs in democratic elections. Those of us who warned that political Islam would be the principal beneficiary of elections in north Africa and the Middle East were dismissed as scaremongers.
  一年前,许多西方评论家都在欢庆阿拉伯之春,期许以谷歌(Google)营销主管瓦伊尔•高尼姆(Wael Ghonim)为代表的互联网一代,能够通过民主选举,从军事独裁者和专制君主手中取得政权。我们这些警告政治伊斯兰(political Islam)可能会成为北非和中东选举的主要受益者的人,则被当作是在危言耸听,无人理会。

【政治】埃及人的成就  A year of thuggery and setbacks but keep the faith   2012-02-14
  Extraordinary as it is to recall, when I returned to Egypt two years ago Hosni Mubarak’s plan to hand power to his son Gamal was deemed a fait accompli. I began calling for a new Egypt based on basic freedoms, democracy and social justice. In return I was branded as anti-Islam, an American, Israeli and even as an Iranian agent. The authorities hacked my daughter’s Facebook account and posted her private pictures across the web.
  回想起来真是匪夷所思,两年前当我回到埃及时,胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)把大权传给儿子贾迈勒(Gamal)的计划还被视为一个既成事实。我开始呼吁建立一个以基本自由、民主和社会公正为基础的新埃及,却反而被扣上了反伊斯兰分子的帽子,谴责我是一个美国、以色列甚至伊朗特务。埃及当局侵入了我女儿的Facebook账户,把她的私人照片在网上四处发布。

【政治】美国大选中的社会问题  Religion and same-sex marriage take centre stage   2012-02-14
  The Republican presidential race has been all about the economy. With sluggish economic growth and millions of Americans still out of work, the candidates for the nomination have been trying to portray themselves as the best person to fix it.

【财经】从俄罗斯转战中国  Russia expert transfers skills to China   2012-02-14
  Some asset managers bill themselves as “emerging market specialists”, but a manager who knows a lot about one country may not have much expertise in another.

【政治】太平洋不太平  Sino-American military tension   2012-02-14
  Xi Jinping, the man destined to become China’s leader later this year, is steeped in the country’s military. The son of a famous communist guerrilla leader from the 1930s, his first job was as personal assistant to the defence minister and he proudly wore military uniform to the office every day.

【财经】企业应加大投资  Watch out as sovereigns look to cash piles   2012-02-14
  Much has been written about how the developed world must tackle its structural budget deficits. But the link that remains to be properly recognised is that the counterparts to those “unsustainable” public-sector budget deficits are equally “unsustainable” corporate-sector surpluses.

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