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【财经】希腊政府面临苛刻纾困条款 Athens faces tough bail-out terms 2012-02-17 | |
A €130bn bail-out of Greece will contain unprecented controls on Athens’ ability to spend aid, officials said, as European leaders scrambled yesterday to paper over their divisions on the rescue package.
官员们表示,1300亿欧元的希腊纾困方案,将对该国政府支配纾困资金的能力施加前所未有的限制。欧洲各国领导人昨日忙于掩盖他们在纾困方案上的分歧。 | |
【财经】中国挑战美国人任世行行长“传统” Beijing disputes US right to World Bank job 2012-02-17 | |
China has said the next president of the World Bank should be chosen on merit, seeking to challenge a tradition that the bank’s chief be a US citizen, though it did not suggest a candidate.
中国表示,下任世界银行(World Bank)行长应按照择优原则选出。虽然中国并未提出候选人,但它试图对世行行长历来由美国人出任的传统发起挑战。 | |
【财经】中国发布缺水警告 China issues alert on water shortage 2012-02-17 | |
Chinese officials have issued a stark warning over growing water shortages, saying the situation is worsening every day and that more than two-thirds of cities are affected.
中国官员就日益严重的水资源短缺问题发出严厉警告,称形势一天比一天严重,逾三分之二的城市受到影响。 | |
【财经】奥巴马抨击中国贸易行为 Obama attacks Chinese business practices 2012-02-17 | |
Barack Obama, the US president, took fresh aim at Chinese trade practices on Wednesday just as China’s leader-in-waiting used a visit to the US to try to mend fences with the American business community.
美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)周三再度把矛头对准中国贸易行为,而目前中国下一届领导人正利用访美之机,试图与美国商界修补关系之际。 | |
【财经】奥林巴斯假账案7人被捕 Seven held in $1.7bn Olympus fraud probe 2012-02-17 | |
Japanese authorities arrested seven people yesterday in connection with a $1.7bn accounting fraud at Olympus, including the camera company’s former chairman and outside financial advisers suspected of helping executives hide lossmaking investments.
日本有关部门昨日逮捕了涉及奥林巴斯(Olympus)17亿美元会计欺诈案的7人,包括这家照相机制造商的前董事长,以及涉嫌帮助该公司高管隐瞒投资损失的数名外部金融顾问。 | |
【政治】习近平访问美国爱奥华州 Chinese VP Visits Iowa 2012-02-17 | |
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping visited a farming community in ((the Midwestern state of)) Iowa Wednesday, 27 years after he first visited the area as a mid-level official.
中国国家副主席习近平星期三访问美国爱奥华州的一个农业社区。27年前,习近平曾经作为一名中层官员访问过该地区。 | |
【经济】淡水河谷看好今年铁矿石价格 Vale upbeat at prospects for iron ore trade 2012-02-17 | |
Vale has predicted that prices of iron ore will hold up this year thanks to a recovery in demand from Chinese construction in the second half and lower exports from Indian mines.
巴西淡水河谷(Vale)预计,得益于下半年中国建筑行业需求的复苏,以及印度铁矿出口量的减少,今年的铁矿石价格将保持坚挺。 | |
【金融】世界黄金协会:中国央行大购黄金 Beijing in signs of gold-buying push 2012-02-17 | |
The World Gold Council believes China’s central bank made significant gold purchases in the final months of 2011, contributing to a surge in the country’s imports.
世界黄金协会(WGC)认为,中国央行(PBoC)在2011年最后几个月大量买进黄金,是中国黄金进口量飙升的原因所在。 | |
【经济】中国有望成为全球最大黄金市场 China set to become biggest gold market 2012-02-17 | |
China is set to overtake India this year as the world’s largest consumer of gold, the World Gold Council predicted, underscoring the surge in Chinese demand that has revolutionised the bullion market.
世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)预计,今年中国将超过印度成为全球最大的黄金消费国。这一预测突显出,中国黄金需求激增已导致世界黄金市场重新洗牌。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:需要朋友的人人网 Lex_Renren: a friend in need 2012-02-17 | |
Renren is getting defriended. Since it listed in New York last May, the Chinese social networking site’s shares have fallen by almost two-thirds. This week, it braced investors for operating losses of $15m to $17m in the fourth quarter, almost triple its third-quarter loss. The company will also take a $3m writedown on an acquisition made before listing. All unfriendly news for investors in probably the biggest social network site in the world’s biggest internet market, where Facebook is blocked.
人人网(Renren)正在受到冷落。自去年5月在纽约上市以来,这家中国社交网站的股价已跌去近三分之二。上周,人人网让投资者绷紧了神经,因为其业绩报告显示去年第四季度的运营亏损达1500万至1700万美元,几乎是第三季度亏损的三倍。人人网还将对上市前完成的一起收购做300万美元的减记处理。对这家可能是全球最大互联网市场中最大的社交网站的投资者来说,这些都是不利的消息。Facebook在中国市场受到屏蔽。 | |
【军事】美国称伊朗宣布核技术进展言过其实 US Downplays Iranian Nuclear Advancement Claims 2012-02-17 | |
The United States has downplayed Iran's claims of advances in its nuclear program, saying Tehran is feeling the pressure of international sanctions and wants to distract from its growing diplomatic isolation.
美国低调处理伊朗有关其核项目取得进展的说法,表示德黑兰感到了国际制裁的压力,企图转移人们对伊朗日益严重的外交孤立的关注。 | |
【经济】印度的茶馆和咖啡店 Next for India: Chai Points and Coffee Houses 2012-02-17 | |
This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 | |
【社会】董事会的女性名额 Fixation on gender quotas is a distraction 2012-02-16 | |
Gender fatigue is the secret lassitude that grips chief executives and directors when asked for the Nth time to discuss targets, quotas, audits and reports aimed at bringing more women into the boardroom.
当第N次被要求讨论旨在让更多女性进入董事会的相关目标、名额、审计和报告时,“性别疲劳”(gender fatigue)成了令首席执行官和董事们挥之不去的神秘而令人疲惫的话题。 | |
【金融】货币受什么支配? Money, like hat-wearing, depends on convention, not laws 2012-02-16 | |
The Scottish pound already exists. Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank issue their own notes. These notes circulate widely in Scotland, alongside those of the Bank of England (those signed by the former Sir Fred Goodwin are especially prized). These Scottish bank notes are not legal tender in Scotland or anywhere else. The BoE notes are not legal tender in Scotland either.
苏格兰镑已经存在。苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)、苏格兰银行(Bank of Scotland)和克莱德斯戴尔银行(Clydesdale Bank)各自发行纸币。这些纸币与英国央行(Bank of England)发行的纸币(那些有着前弗雷德•古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)签名的尤其珍贵)一道,在苏格兰广泛流通。这些苏格兰纸币不是苏格兰或任何其他地方的法定货币。英国央行发行的纸币也不是苏格兰的法定货币。 | |
【财经】投资调查在中国日趋普遍 Investors hire sleuths to vet China bets 2012-02-16 | |
When TPG withdrew its offer to take CNinsure private last year, the buy-out group said it backed away because of discrepancies between the business the Chinese insurance broker claimed to have booked and the money actually coming in.
去年,私人股本集团TPG撤回了收购保险中介服务商泛华保险(CNinsure)全部股份、将其转为私有公司的要约。TPG表示,放弃收购是因为泛华保险声称的已录得业务与实际收入不符。 | |
【财经】沃尔玛在华经营的挑战 Walmart brought down to size in the battlefield of China 2012-02-16 | |
China has been an unqualified success for Walmart in one sense: Chinese factories are the backbone of its low-cost global supply chain. Yet in another sense, the world’s biggest retailer by sales has met its match in the world’s biggest country by population. Unlike its mastery of the manufacturing process, Walmart has found that the other end of its China operations – selling to consumers – is much harder.
从某种意义上说,沃尔玛(Walmart)在中国已大获成功:中国的工厂支撑起了其低成本的全球供应链。但从另一种意义上来说,这家全球销售额最高的零售商在全球人口最多的国家里遇上了对手。与掌控生产流程时的得心应手不同,沃尔玛发现其在华经营的另一个方面——向消费者出售商品——要棘手得多。 | |
【金融】风险投资业应走自己的路 Don’t put venture capital at risk 2012-02-16 | |
Who wouldn’t want to be a venture capitalist right now? Investment bankers may be reviled and private equity executives hammered but Silicon Valley’s billionaire elite can do no wrong.
时下谁不想成为一个风险投资家?投资银行家可能遭人谩骂,私人股本高管则可能受到抨击,但硅谷的亿万富翁精英们却可以安然无恙。 | |
【财经】挫折造就真正的企业家 Setbacks that lead to success 2012-02-16 | |
Probably the most popular speech I’ve given recently is what I call a series of “hard lessons” – expensive mistakes I’ve made over the past few decades in business, and what I’ve attempted to learn from them. I suspect the talk works because everyone enjoys hearing about someone else’s disasters.
或许我最近发表的最受欢迎的演讲,是我所称的一系列“沉痛教训”——过去几十年来,我在商界犯下的代价高昂的错误、以及我试图从中吸取的教训。我觉得,这种演讲之所以奏效,是因为所有人都喜欢听发生在别人身上的灾难。 | |
【财经】巴西对外政策不应再“骑墙” Brazil knows it cannot sit on foreign policy fence for ever 2012-02-16 | |
When Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, was pressed on Cuba’s human rights record during a visit to Havana last week, she studiously avoided criticising the Castro regime, preferring to point the finger first at the US.
巴西总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)近日访问哈瓦那期间被问及对古巴人权记录的看法时,有意回避对卡斯特罗(Castro)政权作出批评。相反,她更愿意把矛头首先对准美国。 | |
【财经】希腊的麻烦远未终结 Much too much ado about Greece 2012-02-16 | |
Why does Greece – a country with little more than 2 per cent of the eurozone’s gross domestic product – cause such headaches? On a daily basis, people living as far apart as Beijing and Washington read stories of promises not kept and conditions not met. Would it not be better, they must wonder, to let Greece default and exit from the eurozone, rather than persist in paying such attention to its largely self-inflicted plight?
希腊的国内生产总值(GDP)仅占欧元区各国之和的2%多一点,这样一个国家为什么会造成这么大麻烦?每天,从北京到华盛顿,世界各地的人们都在共同关注希腊的各种消息——又有哪些承诺无法履行、哪些条件没有满足。这些人一定在想,与其为希腊的麻烦伤这么多神,说不定还不如干脆让它违约、脱离欧元区呢。希腊的麻烦,很大程度上也是自作自受。 | |
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