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【财经】中国的MBA热  China develops a learning habit   2012-02-20
  Many of China’s most successful entrepreneurs do not seem like the MBA type. They are swashbuckling, self-made men (and sometimes women) often with little formal education – let alone a graduate degree in business.

【财经】FT社评:世行亟待转换角色  Leader_World Bank’s role   2012-02-20
  Robert Zoellick has been a steadying force at the World Bank since he took over in 2007, after the abrupt departure of Paul Wolfowitz in an ethics scandal. He has restored a sense of pride and shared mission in an institution created 68 years ago to promote growth and alleviate poverty in the developing world. He secured the first capital package for the Bank in 20 years. The challenge for Mr Zoellick’s successor is to build on his legacy to ensure the bank remains relevant in a world that has changed radically since it was founded at Bretton Woods.
  自从2007年接替因道德丑闻突然离职的保罗•沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)出任世界银行(World Bank)行长以来,罗伯特•佐立克(Robert Zoellick)已成为世行一位稳定军心的人物。他让世行这家拥有68年历史的机构恢复了自豪感和共同使命感——世行的初衷就是帮助发展中国家实现增长和摆脱贫困。他使世行实现了20年来首次增资。然而,自世行在布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)会议上诞生以来,世界已发生了巨变,佐利克继任者的挑战在于,如何在他打下的基础上,确保世行在当今世界仍具有重要的地位。

【财经】中日在IMF增资问题上立场一致  China and Japan unite on IMF resources plan   2012-02-20
  In a rare display of unity, China and Japan have expressed conditional support for an expansion of the International Monetary Fund’s resources to help address Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.

【财经】欧元区寻求压缩希腊第二轮纾困成本  Eurozone looks to pare back €170bn cost of second Greek rescue package   2012-02-20
  Eurozone governments are looking to the European Central Bank and national central banks to help pare back the cost of a second rescue package for Greece which would otherwise amount to €170bn.

【财经】中国放宽对好莱坞影片数量限制  Hollywood beckons for Chinese film fans as Beijing raises quota   2012-02-20
  China has agreed to lift some of its restrictions on US-made films in a landmark deal that will boost Hollywood’s efforts to expand in the world’s fastest- growing media market.

【财经】伊朗竭力寻找石油买家  Iran battles to sell a quarter of oil exports   2012-02-20
  Iran is struggling to find a buyer for nearly a quarter of its annual oil exports as looming western sanctions targeting the country’s nuclear programme start to bite in the world’s third biggest crude exporter.

【财经】爱尔兰拟吸引中国投资  Ireland plays for Chinese trade boost   2012-02-20
  Dublin is courting Chinese investment by showcasing its low rate of corporate rate and pro-business environment at an investment summit today with Xi Jinping, the vice-president of China.

【财经】Lex专栏:百度的移动搜索雄心  Lex_Baidu you feel lucky?   2012-02-20
  Seek the business models of others and thou shalt find. Baidu, China’s biggest search engine, now has a near monopoly on the country’s internet search business thanks to Google’s retreat to Hong Kong in 2010. But, despite this dominance, investors have higher expectations. The company may have announced another strong set of annual results last week but investors cut 3 per cent from the share price, denting its 22 per cent growth this year.
  尝试其他人的商业模式,你便会有所发现。得益于谷歌(Google) 2010年“退守”香港,中国最大的搜索引擎公司百度(Baidu)如今几乎垄断了中国的互联网搜索业务。不过,尽管百度已享有霸主地位,投资者仍然有着更高的期望。虽然该公司上周公布的年度业绩依然强劲,但投资者还是让其股价下跌了3%,削低了今年已录得的22%涨幅。

【财经】中国将开放第三方责任险市场  China insurance breakthrough   2012-02-20
  Western insurers will gain access to the rapidly growing Rmb300bn ($47.6bn) Chinese motor market after Xi Jinping, the country’s designated next leader, agreed the move in the US last week.

【财经】中国拟放宽银行资本金新规  Beijing softens stance on capital rules for lenders   2012-02-20
  China has started to soft-pedal on tough new capital rules for its banks, watering down the requirements and giving them longer grace periods to adjust.

【财经】青海藏区保持相对平静  Tibetan corner remains calm amid rare show of tolerance   2012-02-20
  As demonstrations against Chinese rule swept across the Tibetan plateau in March 2008, the monks of Gartse lamasery led hundreds of lay people from the surrounding town in a protest march.
  2008年3月针对中国统治的示威抗议席卷青藏高原时,瓜什则寺(Gartse Lamasery)的僧侣们曾带领周边村镇的数百名平民游行抗议。

【政治】美国和欧盟表示伊朗可能准备好了重返核谈判  United States, European Union say Iran May be Ready to Return to Nuclear Talks   2012-02-18
  This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

【财经】希腊的困境何在?  A personal journey to the heart of Greece’s darkness   2012-02-17
  From November 2009 to December 2011, I commuted across the Atlantic between my “day job” at Harvard, where I teach economic policy, and Athens, where I served as an adviser to George Papandreou, prime minister. I had known him since the 1970s, and my value to him was as a friend and as a non-Greek economist without fixed interests or allies to defend.
  2009年11月至2011年12月,我往返于大西洋两岸之间,一边在哈佛(Harvard)做我的“正职”——教经济政策课,一边在雅典为时任希腊总理的乔治•帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)做顾问。我在上世纪70年代就认识帕潘德里欧了,我对他的价值在于:作为朋友、作为一名没有特定利益或盟友要维护的非希腊籍经济学家来提供建议。

【财经】英国是小政府吗?  How do you strip down the state?   2012-02-17
  Love this government or hate it, the consensus is that it is rolling back the state with a vengeance. Supporters agree with David Cameron’s pre-election diagnosis: “it is more government that got us into this mess.” Sceptics accuse the coalition of unnecessary cuts, fuelled by an ideologically driven love of small government.
  不管你是喜欢还是憎恶本届政府,人们一致认同,它正拼命为政府机构瘦身。支持者赞同英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)在大选前的判断:“正是政府过于庞大让我们陷入了当前这种困境。”怀疑者则批评联合政府施行不必要的削减措施,仅仅是源于意识形态上对小政府的热爱。

【财经】瑞银餐厅菜单上的蠢话  UBS’s silly menu leaves a bad taste in the mouth   2012-02-17
  Areader was recently invited to lunch in the private dining rooms at UBS in London. On the table in front of him was a menu listing what he was about to eat. Nothing odd about that, but then he flipped the card over and found a peculiar declaration printed on the back.

【财经】印度需要的是笔,不是钱  Send India the power of our pen, not our purse   2012-02-17
  Growing up in India in the 1960s, I knew that America gave us wheat, and Britain gave us literature. One of my most vivid childhood memories is of watching Geoffrey Kendall’s Shakespearana troupe performing in my home town of Dehradun. Visiting my uncle in New Delhi, I saw a stack of elegant hardcovers on a table in his study, borrowed from the library of the British Council. Later, as a student at Delhi University, my own education in literature and history was largely shaped by the books from the same library. My uncle read V.S. Pritchett and A.J.P. Taylor. My preferences were for Anthony Powell and E.P. Thompson.
  我成长于上世纪60年代的印度,我知道是美国人给了我们小麦,而英国人给了我们文学。我最深刻的童年记忆之一,便是在我的家乡德拉敦观看杰弗里•肯德尔(Geoffrey Kendall)莎士比亚剧团的演出。去新德里看我叔叔时,我在他书房的桌上看到了一摞包装考究的精装书,这是他从英国文化协会(British Council)的图书馆里借来的。后来,作为一名德里大学(Delhi University)学生,我自学文学和历史时主要就是依靠同一所图书馆的藏书。我的叔叔喜欢V.S 普里切特(V.S. Pritchett)和A.J.P. 泰勒(A.J.P. Taylor)。而我更钟爱安东尼•鲍威尔(Anthony Powell)和E.P.汤普森(E.P. Thompson)。

【财经】创业者的私人助理  All great leaders need great lieutenants   2012-02-17
  Does every great leader have a great assistant? The question to the Dear Lucy agony column (right) this week set me thinking about the overlooked function of personal assistants and their value.
  每一位伟大的领导者都有一位伟大的助理么?问答专栏《亲爱的露西》(Dear Lucy)的问题,让我想到了私人助理被人们忽视的职能及价值。

【财经】德国也要为欧债危机负责  Germany faces a machine from hell   2012-02-17
  The press review from around Europe does not make pleasant reading for the German foreign ministry these days. “Look at this stuff, it’s just unacceptable,” laments one diplomat – pointing to a front-page article from Il Giornale, an Italian newspaper owned by Silvio Berlusconi. The piece links the euro crisis to Auschwitz, warns of German arrogance and says that Germany has turned the single currency into a weapon. The Greek papers are not much better. Any taboos about references to the Nazi occupation of Greece have been dropped long ago.
  德国外交部读到这段时间欧洲各国媒体的评论,恐怕高兴不起来。一位外交官指着西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)旗下的《意大利日报》(Il Giornale)头版的一篇文章,哀叹道:“看看这篇东西,简直不可接受。”那篇文章将欧元区危机与奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)联系起来,对德国的傲慢提出警告,还说德国已把单一货币变成了一种武器。希腊报纸也好不到哪儿去。过去不谈纳粹德国占领希腊的禁忌,早就已经打破了。

【财经】中国商飞欲抢夺国内市场份额  China’s upstart aims to put rivals in a spin   2012-02-17
  An upstart Chinese rival is about to make life for Airbus and Boeing a lot more difficult, at least according to Michael O’Leary, chief executive of Ryanair.
  一家中国飞机制造新贵企业将使空客(Airbus)和波音(Boeing)的日子比现在难过得多——至少在瑞安航空(Ryanair)首席执行官迈克尔•奥利里(Michael O’Leary)眼中是如此。

【财经】美国重振经济的三大步骤  How to crank up America’s economic dynamo   2012-02-17
  President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union that the US needs an economy “built to last”. Unfortunately, in his populist rhetoric, Mr Obama missed an opportunity to tee up the conversation the US must have during this election season: How do we restart dynamism in our economy, delivering productivity growth and raising living standards?
  美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在他的国情咨文讲话中表示,美国需要一个“能持久发展”的经济。不幸的是,奥巴马在发表民粹主义言论的同时,错失了开启美国在今年竞选期间必须进行的一场对话的机会:如何让我们的经济重焕生机,从而带来生产率的提升并提高生活水平?

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