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【财经】改善工人权利符合苹果利益  Apple has an incentive to worry about workers’ rights   2012-02-21
  Imagine a company generating an extra $1.5bn in sales every week compared with what it earned only a year ago – and nearly all of that coming from products that it had dreamt up from scratch within the last half decade. These were things the world didn’t know until recently that it needed.

【财经】企业应承担多少社会责任?  How ‘good’ does a shampoo need to be?   2012-02-21
  Until recently, I thought that Unilever was a company whose primary purpose was to make products such as shampoo.

【财经】碳交易市场已经破产?  Emissions trading: Cheap and dirty   2012-02-21
  When the European Union decided last month to press ahead with a plan to force foreign airlines to pay for the carbon pollution generated by each flight landing at its airports, Brussels policymakers justified their action as the only way to forge a global solution to one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

【财经】唐英年正式参选香港特首  Tang presses bid for HK leadership   2012-02-21
  Henry Tang, Beijing’s favoured candidate in the election next month to be Hong Kong’s chief executive, formally filed his nomination papers yesterday, despite damaging revelations last week about the illegal construction of a 2,250 sq ft basement in a mansion owned by his wife.
  北京方面属意的香港下届行政长官候选人唐英年(Henry Tang)昨日正式递交提名表格,尽管上周他的家庭曝出具有破坏性的消息:他妻子名下一处物业占地2250平方英尺的地库涉及违建。

【财经】希腊纾困乐观预期推涨全球市场  Bulls ride wave of optimism on Greek saga   2012-02-21
  Global stocks, commodities and the euro continued to ride a wave of optimism that a second bail-out package for Greece would be agreed at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers.

【财经】美国企业回避预测  US companies reticent over forecasts   2012-02-21
  US companies are more uncertain about the future than at any point since the financial crisis, with just one in five of the biggest corporations making any predictions as they published quarterly results.

【财经】普京承诺10年内军费翻番  Putin unveils plan to boost Russian military   2012-02-21
  Vladimir Putin has promised a near-doubling of Russia’s defence spending over the next decade as he seeks to bolster his credentials with the military two weeks before presidential elections on March 4.
  弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)已承诺在未来10年期间将俄罗斯的国防支出提高近一倍。距离3月4日的总统大选只有两周之际,俄罗斯总理正寻求增强自己在军方的威信。

【财经】沃尔玛控股中国1号店  Walmart raises stake in Yihaodian   2012-02-21
  Walmart is taking a 51 per cent stake in Yihaodian, a leading Chinese ecommerce website, in a significant move by the US retailer to boost its online presence in China.

【财经】苹果iPad在华商标纠纷继续发酵  Apple’s China iPad trademark dispute spreads   2012-02-21
  Apple’s festering dispute with a struggling electronics company over the iPad trademark in China continued to spread as a court in southern China ordered a large retailer to stop sales of the iPad.

【财经】德国提名民权活动家高克出任总统  Merkel faces humiliation over German presidential nomination   2012-02-21
  The nomination of Joachim Gauck, a firebrand former Protestant pastor and civil rights activist, as Germany’s federal president has left chancellor Angela Merkel facing a rare political humiliation.
  提名前新教牧师、积极的民权活动家约阿希姆•高克(Joachim Gauck)出任德国联邦总统,使德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)面临一场少有的政治羞辱。

【财经】全球铜市等待中国买家  China and the copper bulls square up for a rematch   2012-02-21
  It’s déjà vu for the copper market.

【财经】FT社评:香港特首选举  Leader_Hong Kong’s poll   2012-02-21
  The party apparatchiks in Beijing must be looking at the “election” for Hong Kong’s next chief executive with horror. The exercise to choose the de facto mayor of the territory is meant to be rigged. Voting in a city of 7m people is restricted to an election committee of 1,200 that is dominated by pro-Beijing types. They will elect whoever China wants.

【财经】欧元区同意向希腊发放1300亿欧元贷款  Eurozone agrees €130bn Greek bail-out   2012-02-21
  Eurozone finance ministers reached a long-delayed €130bn second bail-out for Greece early on Tuesday after strong-arming private holders of Greek bonds to take even deeper losses than they had accepted last month.

【财经】奥巴马接近“核时刻”  Obama nears his nuclear moment   2012-02-21
  At the start of Barack Obama’s term, few moments better crystallised America’s change of face than his “New Day” video address to the Iranian people. Ending with a salutation in Farsi, Mr Obama offered Iran a new era of “co-operation”. It followed from the promise in his inaugural address to “extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist”.
  美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上任之初,几乎没有哪个时刻,能够比他对伊朗人民发表的“新年”视频讲话更好地表现出美国态度的转变。在这次以一句波斯语的新年问候作为结束的讲话中,奥巴马向伊朗提出一个开启“合作”新时代的设想。这与他在就职演说中的承诺一脉相承——“如果你们愿意松开拳头,我们将伸出手来”。

【财经】古井酒的复兴  Rethinking an expansion strategy; Renew the focus on the core   2012-02-20
  The story. In the 1980s and 1990s, Gujing Distillery transformed itself from an unknown local distillery into Gujing Group, a multibillion yuan company.
  背景:上世纪八、九十年代,古井酒厂(Gujing Distillery)从一家默默无闻的地方酿酒厂,转型为年营业额数十亿元的古井集团(Gujing Group)。

【财经】佐利克救了世行  The quiet revolutionary who saved the World Bank   2012-02-20
  Jim Wolfensohn, the master networker who led the World Bank into this century, lined the window of his office with silver-framed photographs of the global elite. Paul Wolfowitz, the neoconservative defence expert who succeeded him, replaced them with vicious-looking ornamental daggers from Asia. Robert Zoellick, who on Wednesday announced he will retire after a five-year stint as president, is less flashy and less bellicose; his window ledge is covered with stacks of neat manila folders and phalanxes of books. But Mr Zoellick has presided over an unheralded triumph. Quietly, the World Bank has done a power of good.
  带领世界银行(World Bank)迈入本世纪的人际交往大师吉姆•沃尔芬森(Jim Wolfensohn),在他办公室的窗台上摆满了用银质相框装饰的全球精英的照片。他的继任者、新保守主义国防专家保罗•沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz),用几把来自亚洲的、看上去颇为凌厉的装饰短剑取代了它们。上周三宣布将在五年任期届满之后退休的罗伯特•佐利克(Robert Zoellick),则既没有那么浮华,也没有那么好斗;在他的窗台上,摆放着一摞摞整齐的马尼拉纸文件夹和书。但佐利克指挥了一场不为人知的胜利。世界银行默默间做成了许多十分有益的事。

【财经】布隆伯格的开放办公  The plan behind open-plan   2012-02-20
  A little while ago, I had a chance to visit New York’s City Hall, where Michael Bloomberg – the former trader-turned-financial-information-mogul – now works as mayor. As I entered his empire, I experienced a small shock.
  不久前,我有机会参观纽约市政厅,曾经由交易员转行成为财经资讯大亨、现在担任纽约市长的迈克尔•布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)就在那里办公。当我步入他的帝国时,感到了小小的震惊。

【财经】林书豪能否提振NBA中国业务?  Jeremy Lin: NBA’s China saviour?   2012-02-20
  Can a 23-year old Taiwanese-American help the NBA score more points in China?
  23岁的台湾裔美国球手林书豪(Jeremy Lin),能否帮助美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)提升在中国的业绩?

【财经】中国“黄金热”的背后  China’s gold rush reveals a loss of faith in its growth miracle   2012-02-20
  If the common wisdom is correct, that China sailed through the global crisis and is less dependent on stagnant western economies for growth, why the rocketing demand for gold? It is usually seen as a defensive asset, but China’s imports of gold from Hong Kong – a proxy for overall import demand – have trebled since 2010. The World Gold Council predicts it will this year overtake India as the world’s largest gold market.

【财经】横扫篮球界的“林来疯”  China censors face dilemma over rise of ‘Lin-sanity’   2012-02-20
  China is facing a conundrum over the “Lin-sanity” phenomenon that is sweeping the world of basketball with the sensational rise of Jeremy Lin, the New York Knicks player.
  随着纽约尼克斯(Knicks)篮球队球员林书豪(Jeremy Lin)神奇般地走红,横扫篮球界的“林来疯”(Lin-sanity)现象让中国遭遇了一个难题。

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