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【财经】私人助理也想休养 Is the health of a PA less valuable than that of CEO? 2012-02-22 | |
I work as the PA to the chief executive of a large company that has been hard hit by the recession. Over recent weeks his levels of stress have risen to the extent that he has been told by the board to take time off to rest at a well-known clinic that specialises in helping
我是一家大公司首席执行官的私人助理。我们公司在本次衰退中受到严重冲击。近几周来,首席执行官的压力大增,以至于董事会让他休假,到一家专门帮助过度疲劳的高管和名人的著名诊所休养一段时间。 | |
【财经】Lex专栏:迎头赶上的安踏 Lex_Upping the Anta 2012-02-22 | |
A fight is breaking out in China’s locker room. In a country mad about branded goods (both real and fake), the market for branded sportswear has never been more competitive. Domestic brands have been dominated until recently by Li Ning, the eponymous chain founded by the gold medal-winning Olympic gymnast. Now rival Anta is starting to eat Li Ning’s lunch. But this may be a fight as much for survival in a fickle market as for dominance of it.
一场战争正在中国的更衣间上演。在这个为名牌商品(不论是真货还是假货)而疯狂的国度,名牌运动服饰市场的竞争达到了前所未有的程度。直到不久前,李宁(Li Ning)还是国内品牌中的霸主——它是一家由奥运会体操金牌得主李宁创建的同名连锁企业。现在,竞争对手安踏(Anta)已开始分享李宁的“午餐”。不过,这场战争既可以说是为了成为市场霸主,也可以说是为了在一个变化无常的市场中生存下去。 | |
【财经】中国年轻工人的择业取向 China’s workers succumb to lure of technology 2012-02-22 | |
Twenty recruiters sit at fold-up tables by a canal that separates two rows of shoe and handbag factories in Dongguan. Hoardings tout monthly wages of Rmb1,800 to Rmb2,800 ($445) at a shoe factory and more at a technology company – but the alfresco jobs fair lacks one thing: workers.
在东莞市,一条运河把两排鞋厂和手提包厂分隔开来,河边摆放着许多折叠桌,有20家招聘单位在这里设点招兵买马。一家鞋厂的招聘广告牌上写着:月薪从1800元到2800元人民币(合445美元)不等,一家科技公司的月薪则更高。然而,这场露天招聘会上却缺少一样东西:工人。 | |
【财经】欧洲走进历史死胡同 Europe’s ‘proud empire’ enters a cul-de-sac of history 2012-02-22 | |
Nothing is inevitable. It was the first truth I was taught as a Cambridge undergraduate in the 1980s, and it has been italicised and underlined for me by everything I have learnt since. (I even use spellcheck to excise the word “inevitable” from my books, lest it’s crept in at a lazy moment.) The whole of human history is testament to the fact that vast sections of mankind can seem to be progressing towards what looks like an established goal, only to get sidetracked into cul-de-sacs, sometimes for decades, occasionally for centuries. So why do we still assume that an eventual return to any significant economic growth in the European Union is inevitable?
没有什么是不可避免的。这是我20世纪80年代在剑桥大学(Cambridge University)读本科时学到的第一条真理,从那时起我学到的所有知识都在反复强调这一点。(我甚至使用拼写检查从我的书中剔除“不可避免”这个词,唯恐它在我疏忽时溜出来。)整部人类历史都证明了一点:许多人类社会好像正朝着一个看似确定的目标前进,结果却偏离正轨走进了死胡同,有时几十年,有时甚至长达几个世纪。既然如此,我们为何还是认定欧盟(EU)经济最终恢复显著增长是不可避免的呢? | |
【财经】德国“希腊战略”的潜台词 Greece will have to default if it wants democracy 2012-02-22 | |
When Wolfgang Schäuble proposed that Greece should postpone its elections as a condition for further help, I knew that the game would soon be up. We are at the point where success is no longer compatible with democracy. The German finance minister wants to prevent a “wrong” democratic choice. Similar to this is the suggestion to let the elections go ahead, but to have a grand coalition irrespective of the outcome. The eurozone wants to impose its choice of government on Greece – the eurozone’s first colony.
当沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)提出,作为获得进一步帮助的条件,希腊应该推迟大选时,我知道这场好戏很快就要升级了。我们处在一个成功与民主不再相容的节点。这位德国财长希望阻止一场“错误的”民主选择。类似的建议是:继续举行大选,但不论结果如何,都组建一个大联合政府。欧元区想把自己选择的政府强加给希腊——欧元区的第一殖民地。 | |
【财经】伊朗核危机引发战争? The drift towards war with Iran 2012-02-22 | |
The question of whether a war will break out over Iran’s nuclear programme has been around for so long that is easy to become almost blasé. In 2006 Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, was already asserting dramatically: “It’s 1938 and Iran is Germany.”
有关伊朗核计划是否会引起战争的问题已经争论了这么久,几近令人生厌也是自然的事。2006年,以色列总理本杰明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)就曾夸张地断言:“现在的形势好比1938年,而伊朗就好比是当时的德国。” | |
【财经】竞争压低亚洲市场投行咨询费 Fee income at Asian banks squeezed by competition 2012-02-22 | |
Investment banking in Asia is overcrowded, with too many institutions putting too much pressure on fees, according to senior bankers, giving the industry a longer-term problem than the fall in market activity at the end of 2011.
资深投行家表示,亚洲投行业过度拥挤,太多的机构造成了咨询费方面的过大压力,使该行业面临一个比2011年底市场活动减少更为长期的问题。 | |
【财经】南苏丹考验中国外交政策 South Sudan puts Beijing’s policies to the test 2012-02-22 | |
Lu Zhifang’s mother was horrified at the prospect of her leaving China for the first time to take up a job in South Sudan, and she tried to stop her getting a passport. So when 29 Chinese workers were kidnapped north of the border by South Sudan-aligned rebels within a month of Ms Lu’s arrival this year, her mother’s worst fears appeared to be justified.
得知女儿要平生第一次离开中国、去南苏丹打工,卢志芳(音译)的母亲惊恐万分,试图阻拦她办护照。因此,今年初(卢志芳抵达不到一个月时)29名中国工人在苏丹被亲南苏丹的反政府军劫持时,这位母亲最担心的事算是应验了。 | |
【财经】阿里巴巴拟将香港上市公司私有化 Alibaba considers delisting 2012-02-22 | |
Alibaba Group, China’s largest ecommerce company, has proposed to take its Hong Kong-listed unit Alibaba.com private amid a shift in strategy that is set to slow the growth of the website.
中国最大的电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)已提出将在香港上市的子公司阿里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com Ltd)私有化。目前该集团正实施战略转变,这将减缓其网站的增长速度。 | |
【财经】Lex专栏:阿里巴巴股东的脱手良机 Lex_Alibaba: opportunity knocks 2012-02-22 | |
The magic words for Alibaba.com investors are “going private”; the company’s parent group has just offered to buy out shareholders at the initial offering price four years ago. They should take it.
对阿里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com Ltd)的投资者来说,具有魔力的字眼便是“私有化”;持有该公司多数股权的阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)刚刚发出要约,拟以4年前首次公开发行(IPO)时的价格,向股东购回股票。股东们应当利用这个机会脱手。 | |
【财经】美国政府撤回对16名涉嫌行贿高管的公诉 US efforts to curb foreign bribery dealt blow as Gabon case collapses 2012-02-22 | |
The US government has dropped a case brought against 16 executives accused of bribing overseas officials, in a setback for its efforts to step up enforcement of the foreign bribery act.
美国政府撤回了对16名被指向外国官员行贿的高管提起的公诉,该国加大《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FCPA)执行力度的努力遭遇挫折。 | |
【财经】卡恩涉嫌参与性派对遭拘留 Police question DSK over sex parties 2012-02-22 | |
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund, was plunged back into the sex scandals that have ruined his career yesterday when he was held for questioning by police investigating an alleged prostitution ring based in the French city of Lille.
国际货币基金组织(IMF)前总裁多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)再度陷入毁掉他职业生涯的性丑闻。警方在调查法国里尔市一个涉嫌卖淫的团伙时,于昨日拘留了卡恩,对他展开讯问。 | |
【财经】希腊政府忙于满足国际债权人要求 Greek race to unlock bail-out 2012-02-22 | |
The Greek government is racing to complete a lengthy checklist of reforms demanded by international lenders before the end of February to unlock a €130bn bail-out agreed in the early hours of yesterday morning after months of high-stakes bargaining.
希腊政府正忙于在2月底之前完成国际债权人要求的众多改革措施,以获得各方经过数月事关重大的讨价还价后、于昨日凌晨敲定的1300亿欧元纾困。 | |
【财经】亚洲多国计划大幅减少从伊朗进口石油 Asian customers plan big cuts in Iran oil imports 2012-02-22 | |
Asia’s big oil importers are planning to implement significant cuts in their imports of Iranian crude oil, hoping to fend off the impact of tightening US sanctions that make it far harder for companies across the world to do business with Tehran.
亚洲各大石油进口国正计划大幅减少从伊朗进口石油,以免被美国制裁措施所波及。美国针对伊朗的制裁措施日趋严厉,令各国企业与伊朗进行经贸往来的难度大增。 | |
【财经】中国吉利开进非洲 Egypt: Chinese cars coming 2012-02-22 | |
Egypt may be lurching towards a much-needed IMF loan, but that hasn’t put off some foreign partners. GB Auto, the Cairo-listed auto assembler, will begin putting together and distributing cars from China’s Geely in the second quarter of 2012.
埃及或许正踉跄着走向一笔亟需的IMF贷款,但这不能阻挡一些外国合作伙伴的脚步。从今年第二季度起,在开罗上市的汽车组装公司GB Auto将开始组装和销售来自中国吉利公司(Geely)的汽车。 | |
【财经】对中国投资热的两种解读 China: investing too little? 2012-02-22 | |
It takes a brave economist to argue that China is not investing too much: the country’s fixed capital formation to GDP ratio is now 46 per cent of GDP, up from 28 per cent in 1980.
只有勇敢的经济学家才会宣称中国没有投资过度:目前中国固定资本形成占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例达到了46%,而在1980年,这一比例仅为28%。 | |
【财经】FT社评:中国停止“不干涉”的契机 Leader_A Chinese puzzle 2012-02-22 | |
Over the past decade, China has done well out of the principle of “non-interference” that governs its foreign policy. An increasing number of countries has engaged with Beijing, encouraged by its stated disinclination to meddle in others’ internal affairs. Today, about 850,000 Chinese work abroad, with many thousands in potentially dangerous corners of Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
过去十年,中国受益于其秉持的“不干涉”外交原则。中国明确表示不愿卷入别国内部事务,这种立场鼓励越来越多的国家与北京方面建立了联系。如今,遍布海外的中国工人约有85万,其中许多分布在亚洲、中东及非洲一些局势紧张的角落。 | |
【财经】新闻人物:习近平 The enigmatic princeling set to ascend the Chinese throne 2012-02-21 | |
When Xi Jinping was catapulted to the top of the Communist party hierarchy in 2007 the only thing most people in China knew about him was that he was married to a hugely popular military folk singer called Peng Liyuan.
当习近平2007年一跃登上中共权力体系巅峰时,中国大部分人对他的唯一了解就是:这个人是著名军中民歌演唱家彭丽媛的丈夫。 | |
【财经】默多克的“太阳”开始落山? Gotcha! The Sun sinks Murdoch 2012-02-21 | |
Now you know what it’s like. So a politician friend chuckled the other day after police roused several journalists from their beds for questioning about the alleged bribery of public officials. Not so long ago Britain’s parliamentarians were excoriated for fiddling their expenses. Now the nation’s press is in the dock. At Westminster you can cut the schadenfreude with a knife.
“现在你知道那是什么滋味了吧。”前几天,在得知几名记者被警察从床上带走,接受有关向公职官员行贿的盘问后,我的一位政界朋友吃吃地笑道。就在不久前,英国议员们还因为在报销时捣鬼而成为千夫所指,可现在站在被告席上的却换成了新闻界。在英国议会里,四处弥漫着幸灾乐祸的气氛。 | |
【财经】谷歌不应侵犯网民的“被遗忘权” Google must remember our right to be forgotten 2012-02-21 | |
Last month the European Commission proposed adding a new “right to be forgotten” to privacy law. This deceptively simple idea is a ticking time-bomb in the booming internet economy. It is also essential – both for Europeans and Americans – to protect personal privacy in the age of pervasive social media and cloud computing.
上个月,欧盟委员会提出给隐私法增加一项新的“被遗忘权”。这一听上去颇为简单的构想,是蓬勃发展的互联网经济中一枚滴答作响的定时炸弹。无论是对欧洲人还是对美国人而言,在一个社交媒体和云计算无处不在的时代,保护个人隐私至关重要。 | |
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