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【艺术】2012年第84届奥斯卡金像奖即将揭晓  The Movie Industry Holds its Breath for the Academy Awards   2012-02-25
【法律】美国白宫提出“网络隐私权议案”  White House privacy push seeks cooperation   2012-02-25
【政治】联合国:马里局势动荡,13万人逃离  UN: Mali Unrest Forces 130,000 to Flee   2012-02-25
【政治】阿富汗爆发新一轮反美示威  Fresh Anti-US Protests Erupt in Afghanistan   2012-02-25
【财经】令人却步的“巴西成本”  The high price of booming Brazil   2012-02-24
【财经】向顶级域名争夺战说不  Suffix wars are best left to politics and porn   2012-02-24
【财经】香港证监会因基金审批迟缓遭抨击  Regulator blasted for fund approval ‘delays’   2012-02-24
【财经】政府承诺“不值钱”  Why lashing governments to the mast will always prove futile   2012-02-24
【财经】欧元区的“地心说”  What Ptolemy tells us about Germany and Greece   2012-02-24
【财经】为第三轮纾困希腊做准备  Investors should start preparing for Greece’s ‘Bail-out III’   2012-02-24
【财经】“AAA联盟”就欧元区防火墙扩容产生分歧  Triple-A alliance frays over size of €500bn firewall   2012-02-24
【财经】沃克尔规则当慎行  The tough challenges to revive the global economy   2012-02-24
【财经】中国将逐步放松资本管制  China unlikely to impose ‘big bang’ reforms   2012-02-24
【政治】美朝举行金正日去世后的首次会谈  US and North Korea hold first talks since Kim death   2012-02-24
【财经】耐克拟借“林来疯”在华推广产品  Nike picks Lin to strengthen team in Chinese sales push   2012-02-24
【财经】中国向世界迈出谨慎一步  Leader_Beijing’s cautious step into the world   2012-02-24
【财经】香港证监会“打虎”成功  Victory for SFC in Tiger Asia pursuit   2012-02-24
【政治】吉拉德宣布工党举行领导人选举  Australia’s Gillard calls Labor leadership vote   2012-02-24
【财经】全球经济积极迹象推动股市上扬  Equities edge up towards post-crisis highs   2012-02-24
【军事】北约:阿富汗枪手打死2名联军  NATO: Gunman in Afghan Army Uniform Kills 2 Coalition Soldiers   2012-02-24

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