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【经济】Lex专栏:汇丰的亚洲成本  Lex_The world’s Asian bank   2012-02-28
  American analogies might scare HSBC investors after the Asia-focused bank’s disastrous foray into US consumer finance. Yet its much-vaunted restructuring plan most closely resembles a classic three-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust play – the grinding American football strategy where every yard of progress is hard fought. Seven months into chief executive Stuart Gulliver’s three-year plan, there is dust aplenty.
  立足亚洲的汇丰银行(HSBC)进军美国消费金融领域的努力惨败之后,汇丰的投资者们一想到美国可能就会害怕。然而,汇丰大肆吹嘘的重组计划,却很像美国橄榄球比赛中一种寸土必争的战略,这种战略被形象地叫做“三码之地内尘土飞扬(three-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust)”。汇丰首席执行官欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)的三年计划如今已过去7个月,尘土滚滚,战斗正酣。

【政治】中俄对美国批评其叙利亚立场表示愤慨  China, Russia Angry Over US Comments on Syria   2012-02-28
  China and Russia have responded angrily after the United States criticized their stance on Syria and the European Union imposed new sanctions on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

【政治】世行报告敦促中国市场改革  World Bank Study Urges Chinese Market Reforms   2012-02-28
  A new report says China's rapid economic growth is unsustainable unless the country makes major free-market reforms.

【农业】植物世界的互惠互利  Friends With Benefits, in the Plant World   2012-02-28
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【综合】起名的学问  No faux pas in any language   2012-02-27
  Naming a new product after bits of male genitalia is unlikely to get customers snapping it up. But, until Greg Alger intervened, one company came close to calling its new, innovative medical device a name that sounds like “penis head” in French – and the device wasn’t even anything to do with urology.
  一种以男性生殖器官命名的新产品,可能不会引起消费者的购买兴趣。但一家企业差点就把它的一种创新性新医疗器械命名成了与“龟头”的法语读音接近的一个词,幸亏格雷格•阿尔热(Greg Alger)及时出手干预。其实,这种器械甚至跟泌尿科都无半点关系。

【经济】企业家不是赌徒  Gambler? No, I am a compulsive capitalist   2012-02-27
  Are entrepreneurs really just gamblers at heart? I don’t believe so, but that view reflects my own prejudices. I have never enjoyed playing games of chance for money; when I gamble I prefer to be the house. So rather than bet as a punter, I have owned bookmakers, bingo halls, greyhound tracks and suchlike.

【科技】进入MBA课堂的新科技  A new digital reality enters the MBA classroom   2012-02-27
  On a chilly, sun-splotched Monday morning earlier this month, 16 MBA students at Boston University School of Management ambled into Room 326, known internally as “the studio”, to discuss the topic of the day: cars and cloud computing.
  月初,在一个寒冷的周一早晨,踏着斑驳的阳光,波士顿大学管理学院(Boston University School of Management)的16名MBA学生鱼贯走进被内部称为“工作室”的326教室,讨论当天的主题:汽车与云计算。

【政治】美国政府欲削减农业补贴  Focus turns to subsidies as farmers reap boom   2012-02-27
  Brad Lawrence has been farming for 40 years. Following his father and grandfather into the family business, he and his brother grow seed corn, soyabeans and peppermint on 6,000 acres in Knox, northwest Indiana.
  布拉德•劳伦斯(Brad Lawrence)经营农场已有40年。他接下了从祖父传到父亲手中的家族生意,现在和哥哥在印第安纳州西北部的诺克斯一片6000英亩的土地上,种植玉米种、大豆和胡椒薄荷。

【经济】西班牙紧缩政策的代价  Spain counts social costs of austerity drive   2012-02-27
  Until this week students gazing out of the windows of Lluís Vives secondary school in the centre of Valencia, eastern Spain, had little more than a concrete basket ball court to distract them.
  直到上周以前,在西班牙东部巴伦西亚市中心的Lluís Vives中学,从教室窗户望出去,除了一个水泥篮球场,再没有什么可以让学生们分神。

【金融】日本转投货币宽松阵营  Japan’s move to soft money will spur high debt economies   2012-02-27
  Has the last samurai of the hard money clan hung up his sword? That is the way it looks. The Bank of Japan’s decision to adopt an inflation target and double its bond purchase programme completes the global flight to soft money. The implications are likely to be profound.

【科技】首款英特尔芯片智能手机4月在中国发布  Intel pushes back launch of new processor   2012-02-27
  Intel expects its next-generation microprocessors to go on sale eight to 10 weeks later than initially planned, according to Sean Maloney, executive vice-president of Intel and chairman of Intel China.
  英特尔(Intel)执行副总裁、中国区董事长马宏升(Sean Maloney)表示,该公司预计,其下一代微处理器将较原计划推迟8至10周投放市场。

【经济】“汽车数量大幅增长可能带来全球拥堵”  Ford head warns rise to 4bn cars   2012-02-27
  A rise in car numbers from 1bn to a projected 4bn by 2050 threatens “global gridlock”, Bill Ford, Ford chairman and head of the US carmaker’s founding family, will warn today.
  福特汽车(Ford Motor)董事长、这家美国汽车制造商创始家族的掌门人比尔•福特(Bill Ford)今日将警告称,如果到2050年全球汽车数量从目前的10亿辆增加至预期的40亿辆,可能会造成“全球堵塞”。

【综合】德国拟派税收专家协助希腊收税  German experts volunteer for tax mission to Greece   2012-02-27
  Around 160 German tax collection experts have volunteered to go to Greece to help combat widespread tax evasion in a move that risks reigniting tensions between Berlin and Athens.

【经济】英国石油墨西哥湾石油泄漏案即将开庭  Focus on key phone call in BP trial   2012-02-27
  A phone call between a BP employee on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform and an engineer at the company’s Houston offices has emerged as a crucial issue in the trial over the 2010 rig explosion, which is scheduled to begin Monday in New Orleans.
  英国石油(BP)在“深水地平线”(Deepwater Horizon)钻井平台上的一名员工与该公司休斯敦办公室的一名工程师之间的一次电话通话,已成为涉及2010年上述钻井平台爆炸的案件庭审过程中一个关键问题。本案将于下周一在新奥尔良开庭审理。

【经济】G20提出向IMF增资条件  G20 takes firm stance on IMF   2012-02-27
  The G20 has a mixed record in co-ordination of global economic policy but there was robust agreement on one point at this weekend’s meeting of finance ministers in Mexico City: the rest of the world would not stump up more money for the International Monetary Fund until the eurozone did more to help itself.

【经济】Lex专栏:美银、宝洁裁员的不同  Lex_Employees only   2012-02-27
  Now Lin-sanity is officially over in American basketball there is no bigger topic once again than jobs. Making them, saving them from heading overseas, everyone from the “99 per cent” to Republican presidential candidates agrees that jobs are crucial.

【经济】FT社评:对缅援助应避免多而不当  Leader_Helping Myanmar   2012-02-27
  The US this month waived objections to limited World Bank assistance for Myanmar. The UN has agreed to work jointly with Naypyidaw to hold an international aid conference. The European Union says it will provide €150m over the next two years, nearly as much as its contribution in the past 15. My-anmar is coming in from the cold.
  美国本月搁置争议,支持世界银行(World Bank)对缅甸提供有限度的援助。联合国(UN)已同意与缅甸政府共同召开一次国际援助会议。欧盟(EU)表示,它将在未来两年间向缅甸提供1.5亿欧元的援助,金额接近过去15年的总和。这一切都表明:缅甸与国际社会的关系正在回暖。

【经济】谁会接替巴菲特?  Buffett’s successor chosen but not named   2012-02-27
  Warren Buffett has earned his investors’ trust in decades spent building the cowboy boot to cargo train conglomerate he controls, Berkshire Hathaway. In his annual letter to shareholders this weekend he asked for it once again.
  在过去几十年里,凭借建立经营范围从牛仔靴到铁路货运的大型集团伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway),沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)赢得了投资者的信任。在上周末发出的一年一度的致股东信中,巴菲特再一次要求股东信任他。

【科技】美国推出保护互联网用户隐私的《消费者隐私权法案》  A New Privacy Bill of Rights to Protect Internet Users in the US   2012-02-27
  This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

【艺术】三分之一男性愿意和不爱的女人结婚  Are you Mrs Just-good-enough? How almost a third of men admit they would marry a   2012-02-25
  Men are more likely than women to marry someone they feel is not quite right for them, debunking the myth that women will do anything for a ring - and that men, on the other hand, will do anything to shun commitment.

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