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【金融】苹果市值达到5000亿美元  Apple joins $500bn club as group readies for new iPad   2012-02-29
  Apple has joined an elite group of companies to reach a half-trillion-dollar equity valuation amid expectations the company will launch the new version of the iPad next week.

【军事】联合国人权事务主管敦促叙利亚停火  UN Rights Chief Urges Cease-Fire as Syria Death Toll   2012-02-29
  The United Nations human rights chief has called for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Syria, as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad killed dozens more people in attacks on rebellious areas.

【艺术】《金陵十三钗》冲奥失败,中国媒体叹息  China Laments Oscar Snub of Christian Bale Epic   2012-02-29
  China's state media are bemoaning the failure of the nation's most ambitious movie to make an impact at this year's Academy Awards.

【政治】北京出租车仍“在路上”  Keeping Beijing’s taxis on the streets   2012-02-29
  Chinese leaders have become increasingly sensitive to public unrest and labour disputes as the frequency of incidents grows. So sensitive in fact, that China’s latest strike – by Beijing’s taxi drivers – barely happened at all.

【金融】戴利奥:新晋最佳对冲基金经理  Dalio takes hedge fund crown from veteran investor   2012-02-29
  Ray Dalio has overtaken George Soros as the world’s most successful hedge fund manager after his Bridgewater Pure Alpha fund made $13.8bn for investors last year.
  雷蒙德•戴利奥(Ray Dalio)已经超过乔治•索罗斯(George Soros),成为全球最成功的对冲基金经理。去年,戴利奥领导的Bridgewater Pure Alpha基金为投资者赚得138亿美元。

【艺术】FT社评:英国人的幸福感  Leader_Happy in adversity   2012-02-29
  It would be logical to assume that with rising unemployment, a shrinking economy and an almost daily diet of euro crisis, Britain would be a deeply unhappy nation. Yet the government’s first attempt to measure the wellbeing of its citizens shows that despite all the bad news, the British are, in fact, a rather happy lot.

【医疗】英国将为外来人口免费治疗艾滋病  Foreigners to be offered free treatment for HIV on the NHS   2012-02-29
  Foreigners are to be offered free treatment for HIV on the NHS for the first time under controversial plans backed by ministers.

【政治】欧洲的零和团结  Europe says goodbye to solidarity   2012-02-28
  Some words are the property of continental Europeans. You do not hear many Brits or Americans talking about “solidarity”. The expression belongs to the soggy (to Anglo-Saxon minds) consensualism of social market capitalism and to prophets of European unity. What’s happened lately is that solidarity has dissolved. This explains why the euro, and the European Union, are in so much trouble.

【艺术】安妮的动画王国  The Tinky Winky magnate   2012-02-28
  There is only one topic that reveals a vulnerable side to Anne Wood: retirement. Until the conversation veers on to discussing the end of her career, she appears invincible. A 5ft powerhouse of pragmatism she is refreshingly lacking in sentimentality despite being preoccupied for the past five decades with children: as a teacher, a mother, and as a children’s publisher before moving into the sector that made her name – children’s television.
  能让安妮•伍德(Anne Wood)表现出脆弱一面的只有一个话题:退休。在谈话进行到对她职业生涯终点的讨论之前,她似乎是不可战胜的。身高5英尺、有着旺盛精力的她是一名实用主义者。她神采奕奕,多愁善感从来就不是她的气质,尽管过去的50年她一直在与孩子们打交道:她当过老师,做过母亲,做过儿童图书出版商,最后进入了令她名声大振的行业——儿童电视。

【经济】远程团队建设不容易  Tactics for remote teamwork   2012-02-28
  When Soma Somasundaram needs to catch up with colleagues in Manila or Hyderabad, he consults his watch, mentally calculates the time difference from his office in Philadelphia, flips open his laptop and greets them using a webcam.
  当在费城办公的索玛•索玛桑达拉姆(Soma Somasundaram)需要了解马尼拉或海得拉巴同事们的近况时,他会先看下表,心算一下费城与那两个地方的时差,然后再点开笔记本电脑,借助网络摄像头来向他们问好。

【金融】RBS亟待回归私有  How to free RBS from the shackles of state ownership   2012-02-28
  The 2011 figures Royal Bank of Scotland reported yesterday demonstrate that the strategy to stabilise the bank has, broadly speaking, worked: a £45bn capital injection combined with aggressive deleveraging of the non-core business has created a far sounder institution, as attested to by a core tier one ratio of 10.6 per cent at year end 2011, up from its lows of 4 per cent in 2008. Plenty of risks remain, but the progress made so far is of huge credit to chief executive Stephen Hester and his team.
  苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)周四发布的2011年财报表明,旨在稳定该银行的策略大体上已经奏效:450亿英镑的注资,加上对非核心业务激进的去杠杆化操作,已经使这家银行稳健了许多。截至2011年底,核心一级资本比率达到10.6%,远高于2008年的4%。尽管仍存在许多风险,但迄今为止所取得的进步,主要归功于首席执行官斯蒂芬•赫斯特(Stephen Hester)和他的团队。

【政治】奥巴马的好时光  Obama sings the blues but it is Republicans who are down   2012-02-28
  The sight of a beaming Barack Obama singing “Sweet Home Chicago” with Mick Jagger at a blues night at the White House on Tuesday evening said it all.
  上周二晚,在白宫举行的蓝调晚会上,笑容满面的巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)与米克•贾格尔(Mick Jagger)合唱了一曲《芝加哥,甜蜜的家》(Sweet Home Chicago),这一幕说明了一切。

【法律】调查:英国《太阳报》曾向公职人员行贿  Inquiry hears of ‘corrupt culture’ at UK paper   2012-02-28
  Britain’s most popular daily tabloid, The Sun, had a culture of corrupt payments to a network of public officials which was authorised at a senior level, the police officer leading a police inquiry into bribery by journalists told a public inquiry yesterday.
  领导警方对记者行贿案进行调查的警官昨天对公共调查小组表示,英国读者人数最多的小报《太阳报》(The Sun)存在一种经高层授权的向公职官员关系网行贿的腐败文化。

【经济】汇丰海外高层员工薪酬远超英国同僚  Pay surges for HSBC in growth markets   2012-02-28
  HSBC is facing surging staff costs in fast-growing economies, including China, India and Brazil, as it ploughs money into these markets to offset more difficult conditions in the west.

【经济】欧洲央行廉价资金推动国债价格上涨  Data show ECB loans spurred bond rally   2012-02-28
  Italian and Spanish banks ­accelerated their sovereign debt purchases by a record monthly amount in January, underlining how the use of cheap funding from the European Central Bank has contributed to a bond rally among peripheral eurozone countries.

【政治】世行:中国必须加快改革  World Bank warns China on growth fears   2012-02-28
  China must urgently implement economic and political reforms if it is to maintain growth of even half the level it managed over the past three decades, the World Bank said in a report released yesterday.
  世界银行(World Bank)昨日发布的一份报告称,中国即便只是想把经济增长率维持在过去30年增长率一半的水平,也必须赶紧实施经济和政治改革。

【政治】RQFII香港遭冷遇  Investors slow to take up RQFII offer   2012-02-28
  The mad dash among Hong Kong subsidiaries of China’s fund management companies and securities firms to be the first out of the starting gates with their renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor (RQFII) funds has produced only a few winners.

【经济】国家电网拟收购爱依斯部分股权  State Grid in talks to take stake in AES   2012-02-28
  State Grid, China’s biggest utility company, has been in talks over a possible investment in US power company AES, a deal that would mark the Chinese group’s first foray into the US energy sector, according to people familiar with the talks.
  知情人士表示,中国最大的公用事业企业——国家电网(State Grid)——已就投资美国发电企业爱依斯(AES)展开谈判。该交易可能标志着国家电网首次进军美国能源业。

【金融】奥林巴斯将对高层大换血  Olympus unveils new management   2012-02-28
  Olympus has unveiled an overhaul of its board and management as the camera maker seeks to restore public trust following a damaging accounting scandal.

【政治】FT社评:美国不应动用战略石油储备  Leader_An unhelpful waterfall of oil   2012-02-28
  As the average cost of petrol in the US edges ever closer to $4 a gallon, it is little wonder that Barack Obama has become increasingly nervous about oil prices. Expensive gasoline does not just infuriate American voters when they refill their cars at the pump. It may also risk undermining the economic recovery, which the Democrats hope will secure him a second term in the White House.
  美国的平均油价逐渐逼近每加仑4美元,难怪美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)对油价越来越焦虑。昂贵的油价不仅会激怒为汽车加油的美国选民。高油价还带来妨碍经济复苏的风险,而民主党人指望经济复苏帮助奥巴马赢得连任。

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