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【政治】领导人的面具  Authentic leadership needs skill to succeed   2012-03-05
  When Texas senator and US Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul accused his rival Rick Santorum of being “fake” during last week’s televised debate, Mr Santorum pinched himself and said: “I’m real, Ron, I’m real, I’m real.”
  当美国得克萨斯州参议员、共和党总统候选人罗恩•保罗(Ron Paul)在最近的电视辩论中指责竞争对手里克•桑托勒姆(Rick Santorum)“很假”时,桑托勒姆掐了一把自己,然后说道:“我是真实的,罗恩,我是真实的,我是真实的。”

【科技】苹果App下载量超过250亿次  Apple app downloads pass 25bn in 4 years   2012-03-05
  More than 25bn apps have been downloaded from Apple’s App Store, the company has announced in a milestone that highlights the shift to a new model for computing, digital content, software and the web.
  苹果公司(Apple)宣布,苹果应用程序商店App Store的下载量超过250亿次,这一里程碑数字突显出电脑运算、数字内容、软件和网络正转向一种新的模式。

【军事】刚果共和国军火库爆炸 至少200人丧生  Brazzaville explosion kills at least 200   2012-03-05
  At least 200 people are reported to have been killed and more than 1,000 injured after an arms depot caught fire in Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of Congo.

【政治】Electrocomponents瞄准中国二线城市  Electrocomponents eyes China tier-two cities   2012-03-05
  Electrocomponents is targeting China’s burgeoning second tier cities in a bid to double the growth rate of its Asia Pacific business over the next five years.

【金融】希腊债务置换协议成败未定  Greek deal on knife edge as private bondholders weigh up debt swap   2012-03-05
  Greece faces a decisive week in its struggle to avert a sovereign default, with the success of its planned debt swap poised on a knife edge amid doubts over the level of participation by private bondholders.

【政治】中国宣布今年军费增长11.2%  China announces 11% rise in official defence budget   2012-03-05
  China plans to boost its official defence budget by 11.2 per cent this year as it balances the modernisation of its armed forces against the need to keep military spending in line with economic development.

【政治】欧盟迈向女性董事配额立法  EU to push quota plans for women on board   2012-03-05
  The European Union is to press ahead with plans for quotas to increase the proportion of women on corporate boards, triggering a protracted fight between Brussels and national governments.

【政治】Lex专栏:中国风电业还需“劲风”  Lex_A blow for China   2012-03-05
  Wind turbines work best in a consistent breeze. If only. Indeed, the Chinese wind energy industry finds itself utterly becalmed. Since listing just over a year ago, shares in the two biggest wind turbine makers – Sinovel and Goldwind (numbers two and three in the world by capacity, after Vestas) – have fallen about two-thirds. This week Goldwind warned of a 75 per cent fall in profits for 2011.

【经济】FT社评:伊朗的选择  Leader_Iran’s fateful choice   2012-03-05
  The outcome of Iran’s parliamentary elections, which took place last friday, has never been in doubt. The victors will doubtless be drawn from among the constellation of officially-approved fundamentalists. However this is not to say that the contest will be altogether without meaning. Elections in Iran have always been a higher-stakes game that the ritual and rigged plebiscites favoured by many Arab autocracies.

【科技】皮下芯片植入给药  Taking Medicine, With a Microchip Under the Skin   2012-03-05
  Call it medicine on a microchip.

【医疗】医生的临终选择为何与众不同?  Why Doctors Die Differently(By KEN MURRAY)   2012-03-05
  Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. It was diagnosed as pancreatic cancer by one of the best surgeons in the country, who had developed a procedure that could triple a patient's five-year-survival odds─from 5% to 15%─albeit with a poor quality of life.

【经济】数字电视时代来了  Bourne again… and again… and again   2012-03-02
  Digital switchover is almost upon my area. The old analogue TVs are within weeks of obsolescence. As those who have already made the leap will testify, there are many reasons to be cheerful about this. For one thing there are elderly people out there who have never seen The Bourne Identity. It was, as we all know, written into Freeview’s articles of incorporation that there should always be one of the Bourne movies showing – preferably the middle one. Don’t misunderstand me; I value that fact that with Freeview you can be certain there is always a good film on telly; I just wish it wasn’t always the same good film. I’m not knocking the Bourne films; it’s just that they lose something on the seventh showing.
  数字电视转换马上就要进行到我所在的区域了。老式的模拟电视在几周之内就会被淘汰。已经经历了这一跨越的人将能证明,有许多理由为此欢呼。首先,有许多老年人还没有看过电影《伯恩的身份》(The Bourne Identity,又译作《谍影重重》)。我们都知道,在Freeview的公司章程中写明了,总会有一部伯恩系列电影在播放——最好是第二部。不要误解我的意思。对于有了Freeview、你总能保证电视上在播放一部好电影这一点,我表示认同。我只是希望,不要永远是同一部好电影。我不是在批评伯恩系列电影,只不过,在播放到第七遍的时候,某些东西就失去味道了。

【经济】新兴经济体须未雨绸缪  Emerging economies should start to prepare for the worst   2012-03-02
  The world economy is under threat. In spite of better news from some quarters, Europe is in a clear recession that started in the second half of 2011, and the US economy will undergo a fiscal adjustment in excess of 3 per cent of output at the end of this year. China – along with much of the developing world – is in a deceleration phase.

【经济】希腊违约倒计时  Greece needs another year to prepare for a total debt default   2012-03-02
  It was a deal nobody believed in – including those who negotiated it. We are now going to go through the motions but Greece will default, one way or the other. The question is when and how.

【经济】分析:华为技高一筹  Huawei lets loose its ambition   2012-03-02
  Huawei may call it a “stand”, but the hanger that looms over part of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona leaves little doubt about the scale of the Chinese telecoms group’s ambitions.
  巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)的华为(Huawei)展厅,也许华为仅仅称之为“展台”,但上方高悬的吊架让人毫不怀疑这家中国电信设备集团的雄心。

【政治】买家重返中国楼市?  End of The World not nigh, say developers   2012-03-02
  On the sandy plains east of Beijing, The World is in trouble. The property development was supposed to bring five continents, in the form of artificial islands, to scrubby farmland near the booming city of Tianjin.
  在北京以东的沙质平原上,“星耀五洲”(The World)项目陷于困境。这个房地产开发项目原本要以人工岛的形式,把五大洲搬到繁荣发展的天津附近的贫瘠农地。

【经济】朝鲜停核换援助协议受到欢迎  N Korean deal shelving atomic work in return for aid welcomed   2012-03-02
  South Korea is cautiously welcoming Pyongyang’s decision to suspend atomic work but warns it is premature to expect an imminent resumption of six-party talks, the collapsed framework aimed at permanently dismantling North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

【经济】联合国敦促叙利亚让人道事务主管入境  Russia and China back UN’s Syria plea   2012-03-02
  Russia and China have joined western powers in calling on Damascus to allow the UN’s humanitarian chief immediate access to the country as Syrian rebels retreated from the besieged Bab Amr district of Homs after more than three weeks of bombardment.
  俄罗斯和中国加入西方大国的行列,呼吁叙利亚政府允许联合国人道主义事务主管立即入境。同时,在连续三周多的炮轰之后,叙利亚反政府武装撤离了遭到围困的霍姆斯(Homs)的Bab Amr区。

【政治】罗姆尼借抨击中国拉选票  Romney talks China to Ohio   2012-03-02
  The factory that Mitt Romney chose as his first stop in Ohio this week has all the qualities that the Republican candidate has espoused on the campaign trail, as an entrepreneurial business creating jobs.
  米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)把本周在俄亥俄州初选造势的第一站选在了American Posts工厂。作为一家创造就业的创业型企业,这家工厂具备这位共和党候选人在竞选道路上一直拥护的所有特质。

【金融】欧元区推迟批准发放纾困希腊的资金  Eurozone delays half of funds for Greece   2012-03-02
  Eurozone members delayed approval of more than half of the €130bn bail-out for Greece after asking Athens to show extra proof that it would implement hastily agreed spending cuts and reforms.

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