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【政治】美国税制不改不行  The US tax system needs rebuilding   2012-03-06
  Whoever wins this year’s US election, the combined effect of three events – the expiry of former president George W. Bush’s tax cuts, a renewal of the legally binding limit on federal borrowing and a Congressionally mandated sequester, a mechanism that will automatically cut domestic spending in 2013 – will force the president and Congress to engage deeply with fiscal issues. The decisions made will do much to determine the country’s future.
  无论谁在今年的美国大选中胜出,三件事的综合效应将迫使总统和国会深入解决财政问题。这三件事是:前总统乔治•W•布什(George W. Bush)的减税政策到期、再次提高具有法律约束力的联邦政府借款上限,以及国会强制封存机制,该机制将在2013年自动削减国内支出。相关决定将在很大程度上决定美国的未来。

【政治】中国低息贷款“红遍”全球  Effects of cheap Chinese finance reverberate all over the globe   2012-03-06
  In September, Baha Mar, a resort company with its headquarters in Nassau, announced that it was strengthening relations with its Chinese partners by opening an office in Hong Kong. The company has good reason to embrace the Chinese – it secured a $2.4bn, 15-year loan from the Export-Import Bank of China earlier in the year.
  去年9月,总部位于巴哈马首都拿骚的度假村运营商Baha Mar宣布,将在香港开设办事处,以增强与中国合作伙伴的关系。这家公司有充分的理由向中国敞开臂膀——去年早些时候,它从中国进出口银行(Export-Import Bank of China)获得了24亿美元的15年期贷款。

【艺术】Lex专栏:港股经纪人的午餐  Lex_Hong Kong Exchanges   2012-03-06
  Lunch is not for wimps, it is a genuine business opportunity. That at least is the view of Hong Kong’s local brokers, whose lunch break has been cut by 30 minutes to one hour (down from two hours a year ago). Brokers are worried about losing client sales opportunities but Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing has bigger issues to face. It needs to prepare for when it is no longer the sole international gateway to China.

【金融】短线观点:人民币汇率“正常化”?  Short view on China   2012-03-06
  China has embodied the hopes and fears of America since the recovery began in 2009. The hope is that China will take part in a global rebalancing, increasing consumption and importing more. The fear is Beijing continues artificially to depress its currency to boost exports, acting as a parasite on global growth.

【政治】俄罗斯示威者抗议大选舞弊  Clashes break out over voting fraud   2012-03-06
  Police and demonstrators clashed in central Moscow last night during protests against widespread fraud in Sunday’s election of Vladimir Putin to a third term as Russia’s president.
  昨晚在莫斯科市中心针对俄罗斯周日大选中普遍存在的舞弊行为的抗议活动中,警察与示威者爆发了冲突。弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在大选中赢得第三个总统任期。

【经济】印度再度颁布棉花出口禁令  India bans all cotton exports   2012-03-06
  Cotton prices rose yesterday after India banned exports of the fibre for the second time in two years, continuing a volatile run that has roiled the savviest commodity traders.

【政治】英国酝酿改革Libor定价方式  Regulator considers overhaul of Libor   2012-03-06
  UK regulators and global banks are discussing a wholesale overhaul of the calculation and regulation of interbank lending rates, amid allegations that the benchmark for $350tn contracts worldwide may have been subject to manipulation.

【政治】中国不再保八  Beijing lowers its target for growth   2012-03-06
  In Chinese numerology, the number eight, which is pronounced similarly to the word for “fortune”, is the most auspicious of digits.

【政治】罗姆尼支持率大幅上升  Romney support surges ahead of Super Tuesday as poll lifts Obama   2012-03-06
  A late surge in support for Mitt Romney has raised expectations that the Republican frontrunner can quash doubts about his candidacy on Super Tuesday, the biggest day of the 2012 nomination race.
  米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的支持率近来大幅上升,这使得人们纷纷预期:这位共和党总统候选人提名战中的领跑者,能够在“超级星期二”(Super Tuesday)这一天扫除外界对他候选人资格的质疑。“超级星期二”是2012年党内提名战中最重要的日子。

【经济】AIG拟出售友邦部分股权用于偿债  AIG to raise $6bn in AIA placing   2012-03-06
  AIG is selling more than one-third of its remaining stake in AIA to raise about $6bn that it will use to pay down more of the debt it owes to the US Treasury, according to people close to the deal.
  知情人士称,美国国际集团(AIG)将出售其在旗下友邦保险(AIA)剩余股份的逾三分之一,以融资约60亿美元,这笔资金将用来偿还其所欠美国财政部(US Treasury)的更多债务。

【政治】FT社评:俄罗斯政治生活已觉醒  Leader_The reawakening of Russian politics   2012-03-06
  Vladimir Putin has won the expected first-round victory in Russia’s presidential election. But this is not business as usual. The middle-class protests of recent weeks show that politics, after a 12-year slumber, have reawoken. Just months ago, it was assumed Mr Putin could be back for two more presidential terms. Instead, yesterday’s poll marks the beginning of what is in all probability his final six-year term; the beginning of the end of the Putin era.
  弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)已如预期的那样在第一轮投票中就胜出,当选俄罗斯总统。但一切已今非昔比。近几周来中产阶层的抗议显示,在沉寂了12年之后,政治生活已经觉醒。就在几个月前,人们还觉得普京重新当选总统后可能会再干两个任期。然而,昨天的民调显示,这很有可能将是普京的最后一个6年总统任期。普京时代开始走向终结。

【政治】Lex专栏:“保八”与中国银行业  Lex_China goes it a loan   2012-03-06
  How do you say “Greenspan put” in Chinese? Gelinsepan dui’ce. But no matter: China continues to signal that it does not intend its monetary policy to be the hostage to growth that it has become in the west. China has said its economy will grow 7.5 per cent this year – its lowest target in eight years. The news dented China’s banks, which had been rallying on expectations that monetary policy would be loosened to maintain growth and confidence, as Greenspan did when chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  “Greenspan put”汉语怎么说?“格林斯潘对策”。但叫什么无所谓:因为中国继续发出信号,表明不愿意像西方那样,让增长来“劫持”它的货币政策。中国称今年经济增长目标为7.5%,这是8年来最低的水平。这一消息打击了中国银行业,此前,投资者对中国政府将放松货币政策以维持增长和信心的预期,推动了中国银行类股的一波反弹,在格林斯潘担任美联储(Fed)主席时,他就是这么干的。

【政治】奥巴马将与内塔尼亚胡讨论伊朗核项目  Obama, Netanyahu to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Program   2012-03-06
  U.S. President Barack Obama is set to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for talks on Iran's nuclear program, a day after saying he prefers to resolve the issue diplomatically instead of by force.

【政治】温家宝强调坚持党对军队的绝对领导  温家宝强调坚持党对军队的绝对领导 Chinese Premier Stresses Absolu   2012-03-06
  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says Beijing will continue to upgrade its military to perform a broader range of military tasks, with the Communist Party in firm control of efforts to make the armed forces more revolutionary and modern.

【农业】生态城市农场的魅力  The Appeal of Urban Farming   2012-03-06
  This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

【社会】我甘当寄生虫  Why I’m happy to be a parasite   2012-03-05
  I know how bankers feel. We journalists are also watching a public inquest into our profession, and it’s not pretty either. Months into the UK’s Leveson inquiry into press standards, and with journalists now being arrested, the central fact is still Leveson’s starting point: the News of the World hacked into the voicemails of murdered teenager Milly Dowler. I’m not a great phone hacker myself but I feel kinship with those who did it. They are parasites who use other people’s lives as material, and so am I. Journalism is parasitism. It has to be.
  我理解银行家们心里的感受。我们新闻工作者现在也在经受公众对新闻界的质疑,这给人的感觉也很不爽。英国针对媒体行为规范的莱韦森调查(Leveson Inquiry)已进行了数月,多名记者遭到逮捕,但核心事实仍在原地打转:《世界新闻报》(News of the World)侵入了遇害未成年人米莉•多乐(Milly Dowler)的语音信箱。我本人虽非窃听电话的高手,但对那些窃听者感到很亲近。他们是靠别人的生活为生的寄生虫,我本人也是一样。新闻业是一种寄生行业,也必须如此。

【经济】英国应开征土地税  It is time to tax England’s green and pleasant land   2012-03-05
  “Roads are made, streets are made ... electric light turns night into day ... To not one of those improvements does the land monopolist ... contribute, and yet by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced...”

【政治】房地产危及美国复苏  Housing is the rotting core of the US recovery   2012-03-05
  Economic cheerleaders on Wall Street and in the White House are taking heart. The US has had three straight months of faster job growth. The number of Americansfiling new claims for unemployment benefits is down by more than 50,000 since early January. Corporate profits are healthy. The S and P 500 on Friday closed at a post-financial crisis high.
  华尔街和白宫的经济乐观人士正鼓起勇气。美国连续3个月就业增长提速。自2月初以来,首次申请失业救济的美国人数量减少逾5万人。企业利润状况不错。标准普尔500指数(S and P 500)上周五以金融危机之后的最高点报收。

【政治】分析:美国大选出现“第三者”?  Don’t rule out a third candidate bombshell in 2012   2012-03-05
  People knew Jon Huntsman’s presidential dreams were just that when they read his tweet last summer: “To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.” The former Utah governor sealed his fate a few weeks later by speaking in Chinese during a presidential debate.
  洪博培(Jon Huntsman)去年夏天在twitter上说:“先说清楚。我相信进化论,在全球变暖的问题上也信任科学家。叫我疯子吧。”看到这条留言时,人们知道了他的总统梦。几周后,当这位犹他州前州长在一次大选辩论中用中文发言时,他的结局已被注定。

【政治】中国限制外国投资害了自己  China only hurts itself with meagre investment quotas   2012-03-05
  In the past few months, major investors including sovereign wealth funds, pension funds and asset managers have applied for quotas which will allow them to invest renminbi in China’s still young financial markets.

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