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【政治】欧债危机和民主缺陷 Don’t give up on democracy 2012-03-07 | |
This weekend offered a rogues’ gallery of phoney democracy in action. In Russia it was announced that Vladimir Putin had been swept back to the Kremlin, after a suspiciously smashing first-round victory in the presidential election. Iran staged its first parliamentary elections since the rigged presidential poll of 2009 and the violent suppression of the Green movement. And in China, the National People’s Congress – the country’s rubber-stamp parliament – assembled for its annual meeting. It is a coincidence – but perhaps no accident – that these are the three nations that have emerged as the closest protectors of Syria’s murderous one-party state.
上周末,各色虚假的民主活动粉墨登场。在俄罗斯总统大选首轮选举中蹊跷地以绝对优势获胜之后,弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)将重返克里姆林宫。伊朗举行了议会选举,这是自2009年那场有舞弊嫌疑的总统大选和暴力镇压“绿色运动”(Green movement)以来的首次。中国则召开了一年一度的全国人大——中国的“橡皮图章”议会——会议。巧合的是(但或许并非偶然),这三个国家都是残暴的叙利亚一党专政政府最密切的保护者。 | |
【政治】分析:中国写字楼市场的繁荣 China: A tale of two sectors – homes and offices 2012-03-07 | |
The frequent headlines about falling house prices in China could lead an observer to the conclusion that the country’s property market is in trouble. Yet, in the office sector, nothing could be further from the truth.
中国房价下跌的新闻频现报端,可能使观察人士得出这样的结论:中国房地产市场形势不好了。但就写字楼市场来说,情况绝非如此。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:旺旺能“旺”多久 Lex_Want Want: snack attack 2012-03-07 | |
Who can resist snacking? Everyone knows that snacks are not really good for the figure, but the desire is universal. Which is why Want Want, China’s answer to Kraft or Nestlé, got another boost on Tuesday on yet more strong earnings. A run of good results has almost doubled Want Want’s market capitalisation in two years to $13bn, which elevated it into the Hang Seng index in November. Its shares have been trading on a multiple of 24 times 2012 earnings – half as much again as Nestlé and Kraft, the world giants of the business. Is that justified?
谁能抵挡零食的诱惑?每个人都知道吃零食不利于保持体形,但吃零食的欲望是普遍存在的。这也是旺旺(中国的卡夫(Kraft)或雀巢(Nestlé))的股价为何在周二因强劲盈利而再度得到提振。持续的良好业绩令旺旺的市值在两年里几乎翻了一倍,达到130亿美元,也让它在去年11月成功跻身恒生指数的成分股。目前其股价已达2012年预期盈利的24倍——相当于该行业全球巨擘雀巢和卡夫的一半。这合理吗? | |
【政治】冰岛地方政府拟买地租给黄怒波 China tycoon may yet gain Iceland foothold 2012-03-07 | |
Chinese tycoon Huang Nubo may get a fresh chance to buy a vast tract of land in Iceland as local municipalities explore ways to circumvent national legislation that scuppered the deal last year.
中国富豪黄怒波可能获得购置冰岛大片土地的新机会。目前,冰岛一些地方政府正在探索各种途径,以求绕开去年导致黄怒波失手的国家层面的法规。 | |
【金融】周小川:人民币逐渐具备浮动条件 China hints at wider renminbi trading band 2012-03-07 | |
China’s central bank chief has hinted that Beijing may soon loosen its grip on the country’s currency, saying the renminbi should be allowed to float more freely.
中国央行行长周小川暗示,中国政府可能很快会放松对人民币的严格管制。他说,应当允许人民币更自由地浮动。 | |
【政治】美国富豪银行家窃取客户资金被定罪 Stanford faces 10 years in prison after conviction for theft of $7bn 2012-03-07 | |
Allen Stanford, the billionaire Texas banker, was convicted yesterday of stealing $7bn in customer money to fund a lavish lifestyle that included sponsorship of an international cricket tournament, yachts and island properties.
得克萨斯州亿万富翁银行家艾伦•斯坦福爵士(Sir Allen Stanford)昨日被判窃取70亿美元客户资金,以维持其奢华的生活方式,包括赞助一项板球赛事、游艇和岛屿资产。 | |
【政治】六大国将重启伊朗核谈判 Six world powers agree to meet Tehran 2012-03-07 | |
The US and five other world powers agreed yesterday to reopen negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme in a move seen by many diplomats as a last chance to forge a negotiated solution to the Iranian crisis and avoid an air strike by Israel.
美国和其他5个大国昨日同意与伊朗重启有关其核计划的谈判,在许多外交官看来,这是通过谈判达成伊朗危机解决方案、避免以色列对伊朗实施空中打击的最后机会。 | |
【经济】希腊:将对不参加债务重组方案的债券持有人违约 Greek threat to wavering bondholders 2012-03-07 | |
Greece has threatened to default on any of its bondholders who do not take part in a €206bn debt restructuring that officials believe is key to returning Athens to solvency, a move that turns up the heat on potential holdouts ahead of a deadline tomorrow.
希腊威胁称,将对任何不参加债务重组方案的债券持有人违约。官员们认为,这个价值2060亿欧元的债务重组方案是希腊政府恢复偿付能力的关键。在明日最后期限到来前夕,希腊此举对那些可能拒不参加方案的债券持有人加大了压力。 | |
【商贸】中国房地产开发商规避政府融资限制 Property developers find ways around Beijing’s rules 2012-03-07 | |
Chinese property developers are finding new ways to circumvent government restrictions and obtain financing to keep their building projects alive.
中国房地产开发商正在寻找新的办法来规避政府限制和获取融资,从而确保它们的建筑项目能继续存活。 | |
【政治】1月内地从香港进口黄金环比减少 China gold imports from HK slow 2012-03-07 | |
China’s gold imports via Hong Kong hit 32.9 tonnes in January, up four times from the previous year, but down 15 per cent from the previous month.
今年1月,中国内地从香港进口的黄金总量达到32.9吨,是去年同期的4倍,但较上月减少了15%。 | |
【政治】波音与中国商飞合作减排 Boeing in Chinese link-up to curb carbon emissions 2012-03-07 | |
Boeing is to collaborate with China’s Comac, a fledging rival to the US manufacturer in the commercial aerospace market, in an effort to curb the aviation industry’s contribution to climate change.
波音(Boeing)计划与中国商用飞机公司(Comac)合作,共同降低航空业对气候的不良影响。在商业航空市场上,年轻的中国商飞正在成为波音的竞争对手。 | |
【政治】中国特色的奥利奥 Oreo takes the biscuit for its China reinvention 2012-03-07 | |
Kraft celebrated the 100th birthday of its Oreo biscuit in Shanghai yesterday by turning the waterfront into a vast Oreo advertisement, painting the landmark Oriental Pearl Tower Oreo blue, plastering skyscrapers with multi-storey neon Oreo adverts and staging fireworks over the Huangpu river.
卡夫食品(Kraft)昨天在上海庆祝了旗下奥利奥(Oreo)饼干问世100周年纪念日,给地标建筑——东方明珠塔打上了奥利奥的蓝色,在摩天大楼上展示几层楼高的奥利奥霓虹灯广告,还在黄浦江上举行了一场焰火表演。整个外滩俨然成了奥利奥的巨型广告。 | |
【综合】中国支持对话解决伊朗核问题 China Supports Iran Dialogue, 'Peaceful' Nuclear Energy 2012-03-07 | |
China says it supports resolving the issue of Iran's nuclear program through dialogue, echoing comments made this week by U.S. President Barack Obama.
中国发表了与美国总统奥巴马本周讲话类似的观点,表示支持通过对话解决伊朗核项目问题。 | |
【医疗】吸毒者互相帮助戒毒 In 'Sober Houses,' Heroin Addicts Learn to Help Themselves 2012-03-07 | |
This is the VOA Special English Health Report.
这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。 | |
【政治】访谈:外资基金须懂中国规则 Guiding foreigners through the Chinese maze 2012-03-06 | |
Few nations pose as big a challenge for global asset management companies as China. The country may have one of the fastest-growing pools of savings in the world, but tapping into those funds is easier said than done.
很少有国家像中国这样带给全球资产管理公司如此大的挑战。中国或许有着世界增长最快的储蓄,但要想从中分一杯羹则是说起来容易做起来难。 | |
【法律】Lex专栏:澳门赌场的新财源 Lex_Gaming in Asia 2012-03-06 | |
How could punters of both the gambling and investing varieties resist? Sands China’s soon-to-open Cotai Central resort promises a “Pathway to adventure, fun and fortune”. Investors have already found fortune through Macao-based gambling stocks. There is little reason to think the fun will stop.
赌徒和投资者怎么能抵制住这一诱惑呢?金沙中国(Sands China)即将开业的澳门金沙城中心(Cotai Central)度假村,开启了一条“通往冒险、享乐和财富之路”。投资者已经通过澳门博彩类股票获得了财富。我们基本没什么理由认为,这种享乐不会持续下去。 | |
【语言】你讲环球语吗? Executives speak in a language of their own 2012-03-06 | |
AFrench diplomat recently shrugged at news that Tunisians were rejecting his language and enrolling in English classes. “You can’t be in this globalised world without being able to speak English,” he said.
最近,一位法国外交官对于一则突尼斯人放弃法语改学英语的新闻表示出了不屑而无奈。“活在全球化时代,就不能不说英语,”他说道。 | |
【政治】欧洲排外新动向 Meet Europe’s new scapegoats 2012-03-06 | |
On the website where Dutch people can lodge complaints about central and eastern European immigrants, the disgruntled can tick various boxes. They can report “noise nuisance”, “parking nuisance”, “drunkenness” or “depravation”. They can also claim they lost their jobs to immigrants. The website’s creator, Geert Wilders, isn’t just any old populist politician. His PVV party keeps the Dutch minority government in power.
在一个供荷兰人表达对中东欧移民不满的网站上,对这些移民有意见的荷兰人可以勾选多个选项,比如“噪音扰民”、“胡乱停车”、“醉酒闹事”、“生活不检点”。他们还可以声称这些移民抢走了自己的饭碗。网站创立者基尔特•威尔德斯(Geert Wilders)并非等闲之辈。这名老民粹主义政客的自由党,支撑着荷兰的少数派政府维持执政。 | |
【经济】必须对内幕交易动真格 London must scare insider traders 2012-03-06 | |
They take enforcement seriously at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They get Gordon Gekko to warn off hedge fund managers from trading on inside information, and they tap the phones of suspects.
美国联邦调查局(FBI)执法毫不手软。他们请出了“戈登•盖科(Gordon Gekko)”(电影《华尔街》(Wall Street)中的人物,由迈克尔•道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)扮演——译者注),来警告对冲基金经理不要进行内幕交易,他们还窃听嫌疑人的电话。 | |
【经济】解决欧债危机关键在德国 Germany knows the way to solve this debt crisis 2012-03-06 | |
The latest injection of funding by the European Central Bank into the eurozone banking system via its longer-term refinancing operations will only postpone – not prevent – further crises on the continent. As European Union leaders prepare to sign off on the second Greek bail-out in Brussels on Friday, it is clear that we have not solved the debt problem at the heart of the eurozone.
欧洲央行(ECB)最近通过长期再融资操作(LTRO)向欧元区银行业体系注入了资金。此举只会延缓、而不会阻止欧洲大陆发生更多的危机。欧盟(EU)领导人上周五在布鲁塞尔签署了第二轮希腊纾困方案,但我们无疑还没有解决欧元区最核心的债务问题。 | |
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