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【科技】华为大举进军手机市场会抢谁的蛋糕?  Huawei's Handset Progress Could Squeeze Big Players   2012-03-09
  You may not be able to pronounce its name but you could not miss the Chinese giant Huawei at this year's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
  你可能不知道“Huawei”(华为)这个名字怎么念,但在巴塞罗那举行的本届移动世界大会(Mobile World Congress)上,你却不可能错过这家中国巨头。

【社会】走进印度最穷的邦  Bihar shines a light on India’s darkness   2012-03-08
  How long does it take by train to Delhi, the driver is asked as the car bumps along a rough-paved road in Patna, the scrappy capital of Bihar. “Good time: 15 hours,” he answers in hesitant English. “Late: unlimited.”

【政治】Lex专栏:煤炭并购潮背后的中国因素  Lex_Overly ambitious coal   2012-03-08
  Deal and no deal. The board of Gloucester Coal has recommended its merger with the Australian arm of China’s Yanzhou. Just last week, though, fellow Australian coal miner New Hope abandoned an auction after it could not find a buyer at a price it liked (A$6bn). Merger activity in the coal sector has been booming for two years, absent the monster Glencore/Xstrata deal. The question is whether the trend is running out of – well, steam.
  有些交易成功了,有些交易告吹了。Gloucester Coal董事会已建议与中国兖州煤业(Yanzhou Coal)在澳大利亚的子公司合并。就在上周,由于找不到愿出60亿澳元价格的买家,澳大利亚煤炭公司新希望(New Hope)取消了竞拍。这两年来,煤炭行业的合并活动一直颇为活跃,这还不包括斯特拉塔(Xstrata)与嘉能可(Glencore)规模庞大的合并交易。问题在于,这股趋势是否已是强弩之末。

【政治】伊朗问题突显美以分歧  Iran stance exposes Israel-US tensions   2012-03-08
  Israel has the right to “defend itself, by itself”, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister, has said in comments that highlight the friction between the US and Israel over Iran.
  以色列总理本杰明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表示,以色列拥有“自己保卫自己”的权利。内塔尼亚胡的言论凸显出美以在伊朗问题上的分歧。

【政治】必须纠正俄罗斯体制弊端  My fellow opponents of Putin need a clear vision for Russia   2012-03-08
  Vladimir Putin may be celebrating victory after Sunday’s presidential elections, but Russia remains riddled with uncertainties. We do not know the extent of vote-rigging and we have no idea about what will happen tomorrow, let alone next week. One thing is clear: sweeping change has begun and there is no stopping it. Whether you want to call it “revolution” is irrelevant. What matters now is that the opposition transforms its raw emotions into a manifesto for the future of Russia.
  弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在上周日的总统大选中获胜后,或许正在庆祝,但俄罗斯却仍在为面前的不确定性困扰。我们不知道本次选举的舞弊情况有多严重,也不知道明天会发生什么——更遑论下个星期了。但有一件事是确定的,那就是广泛的变革已经开始,不可能停止。无论你是否愿意把它称作“革命”,这其实都不重要。现在重要的是,反对派应当把他们自然流露的情感,转变为缔造俄罗斯未来的宣言。

【金融】为退休存钱  Companies have a moral duty to help workers save   2012-03-08
  Almost every corporate leader I talk with these days tells me the same thing: business is actually better than expected – but things feel really bad. At the same time, individual investors are confused, frustrated and angry about stagnant incomes, low yields and erratic growth. They don’t see how they’ll ever be able to save enough for the future.

【政治】中美需要军事热线  The danger in Xi’s rebuff to Obama   2012-03-08
  When Xi Jinping tipped up at the White House recently Barack Obama made a proposal. The president said they both had an interest in setting up a serious dialogue between the US and Chinese armed forces. Mr Xi, who expects to be China’s president by this time next year, did not take long to think about the idea. His response was blunt: No.
  不久前习近平到访白宫时,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)向他提出了一个建议。奥巴马表示,美中两国军队开展正式对话,是符合双方利益的事情。预计明年此时已成为中国国家主席的习近平,对这个问题没有思索太久。他的回答是斩钉截铁的:不必了。

【政治】唐英年:香港2017年实现普选  One man, one vote plea for HK poll   2012-03-08
  Henry Tang, the former Hong Kong finance secretary whose campaign for chief executive has been hit by scandal, has said Beijing would “have to” accept the city’s desire for universal suffrage in 2017.
  香港特首候选人唐英年(Henry Tang)表示,北京方面将“不得不”接受港人在2017年实现普选的愿望。这位香港前财政司司长在特首竞选之路上一直丑闻不断。

【政治】中国拟向金砖国家提供人民币贷款  China offers other Brics renminbi loans   2012-03-08
  China intends to extend renminbi loans to other leading Bric nations, in another step towards the internationalisation of its currency.

【军事】亚洲防务开支今年有望超欧洲  Asia defence spending to overtake Europe   2012-03-08
  Asiais set to outspend Europe on defence this year for the first time in modern history as European Union nations cut military budgets and Chinese expenditure rises, a think-tank says.

【经济】全球外汇交易量降至六年低点  Currency traders get shrinking feeling   2012-03-08
  Volumes in the multi-trillion-dollar foreign exchange market have dropped to six-year lows as investors shy away from trading the euro and central banks continue to keep a tight grip on the value of their currencies.

【政治】罗姆尼团队敦促党内对手退出初选  Romney urges rivals to pull out of US race   2012-03-08
  Mitt Romney’s campaign has called on his Republican rivals to heed “the basic principles of math” and quit the 2012 nomination race before they irreparably damage the party’s chances of beating Barack Obama.
  米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的竞选团队呼吁罗姆尼在共和党内的竞争对手遵从“基本的数学原则”、退出2012年党内提名战,以免不可挽回地毁掉共和党击败巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的机会。

【经济】市场对人民币失去兴趣?  Rmb: bearish forward signs   2012-03-08
  China bulls, watch out.

【科技】苹果发布新iPad 版权之争再起波澜  Fresh challenge to Apple in China trademark wrangle   2012-03-08
  Creditors of Proview Technology (Shenzhen), the insolvent group that registered the iPad trademark in China, have mounted an additional challenge to Apple in its efforts to gain control of the trademark.
  在中国抢注了iPad商标、资不抵债的深圳唯冠科技(Shenzhen Proview Technology)的债主们,对正在试图取得这个商标控制权的苹果(Apple),发起了最新挑战。

【政治】中国预算里的隐形赤字  China’s budget tricks: hidden deficit   2012-03-08
  Dream on, Athens. When Beijing presented its 2012 budget this week, the main concern from investors was that the government was not going to run a big enough deficit.

【综合】中国批美征收中国补贴产品高关税法案  Beijing Criticizes US Bill Targeting Subsidized Chinese Goods   2012-03-08
  The Chinese government on Wednesday criticized the U.S. Congress for passing a law that allows the United States to impose higher tariffs on imports from China and other state-run economies.

【教育】南非辍学率高成问题  High Dropout Rate a Problem for South Africa   2012-03-08
  This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

【政治】俄罗斯不会乱  A carnival spirit is not enough to change Russia   2012-03-07
  Last Sunday I received an exuberant text message from Yulia, a 20-something public affairs manager for a big investment company: “Kostya, it’s a real celebration going on here!” She was standing in a human chain that ringed Moscow’s centre as a symbol of . . . what?

【社会】我欺负下属?  Does making my colleagues cry mean I need to change?   2012-03-07
  I am the founder and chief executive of a successful consulting firm employing about 100 high-fliers. I pride myself on my skills as a coach, mentor and leader. But at a recent industry seminar, I let slip that over the years I had made every female colleague cry and many males well-up. The others recoiled in horror and suggested I needed urgently to rethink my management style.

【政治】在中国拥抱绿色  A tale of two mountains   2012-03-07
  Tourism in China comes in all sorts of colours, but green is not normally one of them. China may leave western visitors feeling blue, seeing red or sunk in a black rage – but few go home raving about how green the place is.

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