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【政治】希腊达成结束财政危机的协议  Greeks Strike Deal to End Financial Crisis   2012-03-10
  Greece says the majority ((85.8 percent)) of the country's private lenders, including financial institutions, have agreed to a bond swap deal to help the country eliminate a $142-billion debt and avoid a default on its financial obligations.

【综合】日本大地震和海啸一周年  Japan, a Year After the Disaster   2012-03-10
  This Sunday is the first anniversary of the major earthquake and tsunami in Japan. It led to one of the worst nuclear accidents ever.

【经济】废除季报如何?  Investors should resist the tyranny of quarterly earnings   2012-03-09
  In the past few months, I have discovered that almost no one supports the obligation on listed companies to produce quarterly accounts or interim management statements. The European Union is now engaged in the slow process of removing this requirement.

【经济】宾利造SUV  Bentley set to take the SUV way forward   2012-03-09
  Rarely has a car provoked and polarised opinion as much as Bentley’s new ‘concept’ sport utility vehicle unveiled this week in Geneva.
  本周,宾利(Bentley)在日内瓦发布了一款名为EXP 9 F的“概念”运动型多功能车(SUV)。很少有哪款车能像EXP 9 F这样引起了如此热烈和两极分化的议论。

【政治】Lex专栏:中国人寿怎么了?  Lex_China Life: hard knocks   2012-03-09
  Life insurance in China should be a neat investment proxy for some of the country’s biggest structural changes – an ageing population, rising wealth, poor state welfare. But China Life, the world’s biggest insurer by market capitalisation ($77bn), has warned that 2011 profits may fall by as much as half, sending its share price tumbling 6 per cent.
  鉴于中国正在经历一些最为重大的结构性变化——人口老龄化,财富增加,落后的国家福利体系——中国的寿险业务应该值得投资。但中国人寿(China Life)近日发出预警,其2011年的利润可能下滑多达50%,此消息一出,该公司股价重挫6%。以市值计,中国人寿是全球最大的保险公司(市值为770亿美元)。

【经济】Lex专栏:高油价不足虑  Lex_Overheating oil   2012-03-09
  Investors love bubbles, but they also need something to worry about. The latest is the oil price. Brent crude is nearly a fifth higher per barrel now than at the end of 2011 – at $123, not far off its 2011 peak of $127. Gasoline at the US pump is approaching $4 a gallon. Oil producers may be happy, but everyone from President Barack Obama’s re-election team to mom-and-dad stockpickers are watching nervously. They should worry less.
  投资者喜欢泡沫,但他们也需要担心某些事情。最新的担忧是油价。目前布伦特(Brent)原油价格已较2011年年末上涨近20%,至每桶123美元,与去年每桶127美元的最高点已相距不远。美国汽油价格接近每加仑4美元。原油生产商或许感到开心,但从美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选连任团队到散户股民,所有人都在不安地关注着油价。他们不必如此担心。

【政治】分析:中印推高棉花价格  China must seek its cotton bales elsewhere   2012-03-09
  Even as many of the world’s cotton buyers have recoiled from record-high prices, a major source of demand has entered the market: China’s national cotton reserve.

【政治】向中国学习宏观调控  Beijing teaches a masterclass in macro policy strategy   2012-03-09
  Contrary to widespread concerns over an imminent hard landing, China will defy the naysayers. Even after premier Wen Jiabao’s latest warning over a moderate slowing of growth, it is doing a far better job managing its economy than most give it credit for. It even offers lessons in macro policy strategy that the rest of the world should heed.

【金融】信达将引进三家外资金融机构  China’s ‘bad bank’ Cinda in talks with investors   2012-03-09
  Standard Chartered, UBS and Citic Capital are in discussions to invest in China Cinda Asset Management, a company created to clean up debt in China’s banking system, according to people familiar with the situation.
  知情人士透露,渣打银行(Standard Chartered)、瑞银(UBS)和中信资本(Citic Capital)正在讨论投资中国信达资产管理股份有限公司(China Cinda Asset Management)。信达是为了清理中国银行系统的债务而建立的公司。

【经济】印度重新评估棉花出口禁令  China hits at Delhi cotton export ban   2012-03-09
  China, the biggest consumer of cotton, has lodged a formal protest against India’s ban on cotton exports amid signs that India is rethinking the ban that was implemented a few days ago.

【经济】私人部门债权人同意参与希腊债务重组  Bondholders back Greek bailout   2012-03-09
  Investors holding more than three-quarters of Greece’s private debt have agreed to participate in the country’s €206bn debt restructuring, allowing Athens to proceed with the world’s largest ever sovereign default.

【经济】阿联酋航空计划向空客索赔  Emirates berates Airbus over A380   2012-03-09
  Emirates Airline, the world’s largest operator of Airbus’s A380 superjumbo, has lambasted the aircraft maker and plans to seek compensation after complaining of widespread disruption to the carrier following the discovery of wing cracks on the jet.
  全球最大的空客(Airbus) A380超大客机运营商阿联酋航空(Emirates Airline)对空客予以严厉批评并计划索赔。此前阿联酋航空抱怨称,在发现A380机翼存在裂缝后,该航空公司遭受了巨大损失。

【经济】市场押注希腊达成债务重组协议  Greek debt deal optimism powers equities   2012-03-09
  Stock markets powered to their best performance for more than three months while the euro bounced the most in a fortnight as investors bet Greece would seal a deal with private bondholders.

【政治】世界大国敦促伊朗就核项目谈判  World Powers Urge Iran Towards Nuclear Talks   2012-03-09
  A group of six world powers has called on Iran to enter talks on its controversial nuclear program without preconditions. At a board meeting of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog in Vienna on Thursday, the group known as the P5+1 said that the process should be a "serious dialogue" that produces "concrete results."
  世界六个大国呼吁伊朗无条件就其有争议的核项目举行谈判。联合国核监督机构理事会星期四在维也纳召开会议。被称为“5常+1”的六个国家表示,谈判应该是 “严肃的对话”并且取得“实质性结果”。

【经济】美朝粮食援助谈判有进展无协议  US-Korean Food Aid Talks End With Progress, No Deal   2012-03-09
  A top U.S. envoy says ongoing talks with North Korea on deliveries of 240,000 metric tons of emergency American food aid are making progress, but says details remain to be settled.

【政治】欧洲央行行长回应德国批评者  Draghi takes on German critics   2012-03-09
  Mario Draghi took on his critics at the Bundesbank on Thursday, warning Germany’s central bank against public expressions of concern over his actions to combat the eurozone debt crisis, which the European Central Bank president insisted had been “an unquestionable success”.
  欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)周四向他在德国央行(Bundesbank)的批评者发起挑战,他警告德国央行不要对他应对欧元区债务危机所采取的措施公开表示担忧,德拉吉坚称,他所采取的措施取得了“无可置疑的成功”。

【经济】小默多克遭遇新麻烦  Ofcom’s BSkyB inquiry homes in on Murdochs   2012-03-09
  Rupert Murdoch is facing a fresh challenge to his UK media business as it emerged that Britain’s communications regulator has escalated its probe into whether British Sky Broadcasting is a “fit and proper” owner of a broadcasting licence.
  随着英国传媒监管机构针对英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)是否“适宜”继续持有广播执照的调查升级,鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)在英国的传媒生意正面临新的挑战。

【政治】中国2月CPI降至3.2%  Chinese inflation rate drops to 3.2%   2012-03-09
  Consumer inflation in China dropped to 3.2 per cent from a year ago in February, down from 4.5 per cent in January and the lowest since June 2010.

【政治】FT社评:人民币的自由之路  Leader_Renminbi’s long road to freedom   2012-03-09
  Beijing policymakers are coy about their intentions for liberalising China’s capital account. A blueprint for reform that emerged from the central bank last month was cast in the plausible deniability of a research report from its statistics department. But news that Beijing will extend renminbi loans to leading emerging nations suggests that China is in fact putting its money where its mouth may be.

【政治】能源问题成为美国总统竞选重要议题  Energy As an Issue in America's Presidential Campaign   2012-03-09
  This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

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