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【政治】短线观点:中国开始放松资本管制  Short view: Capital control   2012-03-14
  The great wall of capital controls surrounding China is falling apart. Yesterday a hole was knocked to allow Japanese capital into the country, after Japan became the first major developed country allowed to buy renminbi-denominated Chinese onshore bonds.

【政治】中国稀土有多重要?  Trying to loosen Beijing’s grip   2012-03-14
  China’s stranglehold on rare earths has been thrust into the spotlight with President Obama’s announcement that the US, Japan and Europe are initiating a case against China’s export controls of rare earths.
  在美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣布,美国、日本和欧盟针对中国稀土出口管控提起诉讼后,中国对稀土的严格控制立即成为人们关注的焦点。

【法律】美国将向世贸组织提起中国稀土问题诉讼  US to File WTO Case Against China Over Rare Earths   2012-03-14
  Officials with the Obama administration say the United States will file a new trade case against China over its limits on exports of so-called "rare earth" minerals. The officials say President Barack Obama will announce Tuesday that the U.S., along with the European Union and Japan, will file the case at the World Trade Organization.

【军事】中国航母计划今年服役  Chinese Aircraft Carrier to Begin Official Duty Soon   2012-03-14
  A high-ranking Chinese navy officer says the country's first aircraft carrier will officially be placed into service later this year.

【医疗】无处不在的生命  DNA sorts out the world’s bugs   2012-03-13
  In your body there are 10 times more microbes than your own human cells. A billion more microbes live on Earth than there are stars in the known universe.

【金融】德国央行的异心  The Bundesbank has no right at all to be baffled   2012-03-13
  One of the more intriguing recent developments of the eurozone crisis is the shock expressed by Germany’s economic establishment that the eurozone is, in fact, a monetary union. No one had apparently told them.

【经济】财政紧缩化解不了危机  The pain in Spain will test the euro   2012-03-13
  One definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Germany’s determination to impose a fiscal hair shirt on its eurozone partners did not work in the “stability and growth pact”. Is it going to work in the “treaty on stability, co-ordination and governance” agreed last week? I doubt it. The treaty reflects the view that the crisis was due to fiscal indiscipline and that the solution is more discipline. This is far from the whole truth. Rigorous application of such a misleading idea is dangerous.
  精神失常的一个定义是,不断重复同一件事,却期待取得不同的结果。德国决心强令其欧元区伙伴国实施财政紧缩,它的愿望未能通过《稳定与增长公约》(stability and growth pact)实现。那么通过月初达成一致的《稳定、协调和治理条约》(Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance),这个愿望就能实现吗?对此我表示怀疑。新条约反映出一种观点:目前的危机是财政纪律缺失的结果,因此解决方法是施以更严苛的财政纪律。这种观点决非事实的全部真相。积极贯彻如此有误导性的主张,是很危险的。

【综合】别再妄谈“亚洲世纪”  We should stop talking of our Asian century   2012-03-13
  As economic power shifts from west to east, talk of an Asian century is once again in the air. President Barack Obama’s unveiling of a new defence strategy with the Asia-Pacific region at its heart merely underlines the trend.
  随着经济实力从西方向东方转移,“亚洲世纪”的说法再次甚嚣尘上。美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在新国防战略报告中把亚太地区作为重点,不过是突显了这种趋势。

【政治】分析:日本地方官阻击核电  Japan nuclear sector stifled by local politics   2012-03-13
  The coastal road that winds along the Tsuruga peninsula, a rugged outcropping on the Sea of Japan that is home to a few hundred families and a cluster of nuclear power plants, is two lanes wide and seems well-maintained. Yet its condition does not satisfy Jitaro Yamaguchi.
  伸入日本海的敦贺半岛地势起伏不平,上面不仅居住着数百户人家,还坐落着一群核电站。蜿蜒的环岛滨海路有两车道宽,看上去保养得不错。但这条路的路况还是无法令山口治太郎(Jitaro Yamaguchi)满意。

【金融】300美元造个房  The house that students built   2012-03-13
  When Vijay Govindarajan and Christian Sarkar wrote a blog entry on Harvard Business Review in August 2010 mooting the idea of a “$300-house for the poor”, they were merely expressing a suggestion.
  2010年8月,当维贾伊•戈文达拉扬(Vijay Govindarajan)和克里斯蒂安•萨卡尔(Christian Sarkar)在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上发表博客文章,提出“为穷人建造300美元的住房”这个想法时,还仅仅是个提议。

【金融】长线观点:寻找投资的脉络  The tense storyline of an economic whodunit   2012-03-13
  When reading any long novel, there comes a moment when it is difficult to resist flipping to the end. How many more pages to go? Where is this heading?

【政治】中国须增进社会平等  China’s growing inequality is undermining the regime   2012-03-13
  This year’s session of the National People’s Congress takes on added significance with the impending anointment of the next generation of senior leaders. China would seem to have many reasons to be self-satisfied given the strong prospects for a “soft landing”, a mountain of foreign assets that Europe is eager to tap, and an expanding regional presence that the US has had to take notice of.

【政治】Lex专栏:中国移动值得长线投资  Lex_China Mobile: a long distance call   2012-03-13
  It is not easy being an incumbent with a three-quarter market share. China Mobile is the world’s largest mobile operator by subscribers, yet investors have consistently dwelled instead on the fact that its rivals are eating into its subscriber base. After the strongest three-day rally in its shares in more than two years, maybe that view is changing.
  拥有四分之三的市场份额,不是件易事。以注册用户数衡量,中国移动(China Mobile)是全球最大的移动运营商,可投资者却总是纠结于一个事实:它的竞争对手正不断蚕食它的用户。但在中国移动股价迎来两年多以来涨势最猛的三天后,这种看法或许正在改变。

【金融】易纲:人民币汇率接近均衡水平  Renminbi now valued fairly, hints Beijing   2012-03-13
  Chinese central bank officials have suggested the renminbi is no longer significantly undervalued after six years of gradual appreciation, citing the country’s big February trade deficit.

【政治】中国贸易逆差冲击亚洲股市  China trade deficit hits Asian equities   2012-03-13
  Asian stocks were lower as data showing China posted a big trade deficit last month overshadowed strong US jobs numbers and a rebound in Japan’s machinery orders.

【综合】优酷与土豆达成合并协议  Youku and Tudou to unite   2012-03-13
  China’s two largest online video companies will combine, aiming to create a profitable market leader in the fast-growing but fiercely competitive industry.

【经济】汇丰锁定6大亚洲核心市场  HSBC offloads retail businesses in move to scale back Asia operations   2012-03-13
  HSBC is to scale back its Asian operations with the potential sale or closure of seven retail businesses in ­countries from Pakistan to New Zealand.

【经济】液化天然气需求未来十年或翻番  Demand for liquefied natural gas forecast to double in next decade   2012-03-13
  Underpinning the appeal of east Africa is demand for liquefied natural gas in the Asia-Pacific region, which, according to Bernstein Research, is growing at 20 per cent year on year , writes Guy Chazan.
  伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)表示,亚太液化天然气需求正以每年20%的速度增长,突显出东非的价值所在。

【经济】Lex专栏:优酷土豆联姻  Lex_What’s Youku got Tudou with it?   2012-03-13
  Wedding videos don’t always turn out the way their makers intended (all that shaky camerawork). Youku and Tudou, China’s two biggest online video websites, may have higher hopes for their own marriage. Their merger agreement yesterday will see the two companies combine in a $4.5bn, all-share transaction to compete better in the world’s biggest internet market. It is a defensive move: growth in China’s online video market may well have peaked.

【政治】英国希望明年年中前从阿富汗撤军  UK to speed up Afghan troop pull-out   2012-03-13
  David Cameron will tell Barack Obama this week that he expects British troops in Afghanistan to pull back from their combat operations by the middle of next year, highlighting the growing pressure on Nato forces to wind down the decade-long conflict.
  戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)本周会向巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)表示,他希望驻阿富汗英军能在明年年中前退出作战任务。此事凸显出北约(Nato)军队从这场长达十年的冲突中脱身的压力越来越大。

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